Physicists have documented that the Earth's magnetic field may have degraded 50 percent over the past 500 to 1,000 years, with a full percent decline recorded in the last 100 years. Some believe a sufficient magnetic field to support life within 1,500 years may not exist if this degradation continues at its present rate.
Bio Field Tech Man is an Electromagnetic Creature Magnetism is a force all around us and within us. It is universal in nature, in the planets and stars, the sun and moon— all of which replicate giant magnets that extend their magnetic fields for thousands, even millions of miles. Each influences the other, depending on the extent of its power and location. The Earth is particularly influenced by the sun and moon and other heavenly bodies. It emanates its own magnetic field from several electric current within itself, from atmospheric electricity, and likely its own rotation. Human bodies and even the smallest atom within us are forms of magnets. Each cell has a north and south polarity in our DNA that affects our lives and health in many different ways (Semm; Bradford). Surely, we would want to know how it influences us.
Over our long history, it is unfortunate that some have manipulated magneto therapy and certain other natural therapies for their selfish motives or personal fortune. Electrotherapy was applied over- enthusiastically to claim cures for almost any disease without the studies to This approach has largely driven the subject from medical classrooms and clinics. Only in the last couple of decades has renewed interest come about. Yet, much of the medical profession tends to shy away from any treatment that cannot demonstrate successful double-blind, placebo controlled studies, or does not provide physicians a regimen in which they can feel comfortable in prescribing a very definite amount of something-usually a drug for a precise disease.
Most doctors can't seem to find the time to get close to patients any more, in order to get to know them, to understand their condition fully, or to comfort and work with them like the traditional family doctor used to do. It doesn't seem to pay so we continue to lose family doctors. Push is to great to rush patients through the office and to identify a magic bullet that will cure a specific condition after one gets sick rather than before. Prevention seems not to be in the realm of the physician's work any more. Good nutrition, exercise, positive thinking, and a variety of therapies seem all too conditional and require too much time and effort on the part of the doctor to encourage or guide his client. For too many physicians, it appears easier to prescribe a drug, a test or an operation.
Drugged Nation It would seem enough that doctors over-prescribe drugs for their patients, but we are also bombarded by the drug companies with endless advertising to buy more drugs and constantly flooded or betrayed by the over-the-counter pills we take. A good example of deception is enumerated in the Public Citizen Health Research Group's book, Over-the-Counter Pills that Don't Work, that asks the question".. what is the only safe and effective ingredient for treating pain contained in the following products: Alka Seltzer pain reliever, Antacid, Anacin, Maximum Strength Anacin, Bayer Aspirin, Bayer Time-Release Aspirin, Bufferin, Arthritis Strength Bufferin and Cope?" The answer is aspirin alone. The rest of the ingredients lack evidence of safety or effectiveness.
Most drugs are essentially the same. The drug companies spend more of their resources on developing competing drugs that are basically the same than on new drugs that may offer true cures, simply to increase profits. And the costs of drugs have gone up three to four times the rate of inflation. The drug industry as a whole spends more on advertising than they do on research. Now there's got to be something wrong with that. If drugs were so effective, advertising would hardly be necessary. The nation is buying over 300,000 different over-the-counter drugs' concocted out of a mere 1,000 ingredients- two-thirds of which have not been proved safe or effective. Furthermore, most diseases for which typical self-medication is appropriate are self-limiting, like a cold which usually gets better no matter what you do.
Our Fucked Up System year of anti-histamines are pushed on us for colds when, according to a congressional study, they have no effect. The FDA, according to Ralph Nader's Public Citizen, is violating the drug laws by allowing these untested ingredients to be marketed, but pressure from the drug companies and the medical profession keeps them on our shelves to the tune of $10 to a billion a year. We can double this figure for prescribed drugs, knowing that emphasis on pharmacology permeates the training of our physicians. Furthermore, one-third of prescription drugs are illegal drugs.
We are a drugged-out society that needs safe, non-drug approaches to problems that affect us every day of our lives, problems such as sleeping difficulties, excess weight, coughs and colds, constipation, depression, chronic pain syndrome and many other ailments. Looking back, you may recall how penicillin made medicine almost exclusively drug oriented. We are still looking for more like that. No matter how clinically effective a therapy is, most of the medical community seems to believe that to work it must work chemically or not work at all. We assume that the cure for cancer will be a chemical that kills malignant cells without harming healthy ones.
Promises of a technological fix and golden health and extended life have turned out to be empty, points out Dr. Robert O. Becker, nominated several times for the Nobel Prize. The degenerative diseases heart attack, cancer stroke, arthritis, hypertension, ulcers have replaced infectious diseases as the major enemies of life. Failure of technology medicine, Becker says, paradoxically is due to its success, sweeping away all aspects of medicine as an art. Doctors seem unable to learn from patients, only from their professors, he says. We know a great deal, yet we are no closer to the truth. We know virtually nothing about basic life functions of pain, sleep, control of cell differentiation, and growth and healing. We remain almost totally ignorant of nearly every aspect of consciousness, instinct, choice, memory, learning, individuality, and creativity. And we know little about how the human organism regulates its metabolic activity in cycles to the fluctuations of the Earth, moon and sun.
Becker flatly states that the chemical-mechanistic model has failed. Most Important Discovery Only recently are technicians reexamining and applying therapeutic technology previously discarded as "unscientific" by the academic and medical world. Orthodox treatments are not healing the masses For example, patients are becoming increasingly dissatisfied with their care. Over 25 percent of hospital deaths are the cause of the hospital visit itself.-- Many enter with a minor illness and come out with a major complication. We know that people heal faster at home. The old adage of "the doctor- knows best" many times means the doctor is wrong or can make you sicker. Most medical professionals are saying that the doctor should make sure his patient knows all there is to know about illness and the therapeutic possibilities, both orthodox and unorthodox. Most progressives say that a maximum level of control by the patient over his treatment will reduce stress and improve the outcome. The doctor must let the patient help make decisions. We must begin to understand that the ill person cannot safely delegate responsibility to any one else.
Magnetotherapy is just one alternative treatment that requires trial and error, demonstrates some uncertainty like most therapies, and works best under extensive personal and continual observation of the patient. It also includes choice by the patient. Doctors complain that this type of treatment takes time and time is money. Unfortunately, most physicians don't seem to want to learn alternative therapies.
These treatments appear too fundamental to be real. How many doctors are willing to stand up and 7 dare to say that your life is in any sense electrical or magnetic and your health is dependent on it?
Dr. Becker sums it up by stressing the importance of including the Earth's normal geomagnetic field as an environmental variable when we deal with basic bodily functions:"In my opinion, this knowledge is probably the most important discovery of the century."
History of Magnetism Some of you may recall how your mother walked across the dewy grass early in the morning encouraging you to come along as you danced and felt so good-fatigue and dullness leaving the body. The soles of our 2 feet are a network of nerves that stimulate the entire body. We never knew why it felt so good, only that it did. We know more clearly now that a magnetic energy force passes liberally through our bodies from many sources, including more centered areas like the feet.
Some therapists insist that sleeping with the head to the north and feet to the south facilitates the flow of the Earth's magnetism and assists in restful sleep. Dr. H. L. Bansal, in his book Magnetic Cure for Common Diseases, points out the age-long Hindu custom of placing a person near death with his head to the north and feet to the south to reduce agony. Dr William H. Philpott, psychiatrist and practitioner expert in the field of electromagnetic therapy, has designed a head board where negative (north polarity) magnetism is set up to flow through the crown of the head, with amazing therapeutic effects. He emphasizes the importance of the negative. (north) magnetic field as the healing polarity.
The geophysical magnetic lines of the Earth essentially run straight up into the sky and then toward the magnetic poles. Robert O. Becker conducted an experiment in which he aligned a magnetic field parallel to the Earth's magnetic field and another at right angles. When cancer cells in culture were exposed to the field at right angles, they showed several abnormalities and did not replicate; when exposed in the parallel position, no alteration occurred in the cells. This embodies the principle of the Hall Effect which states that magnetic fields influence a substance when its force is at right angles to it. Human beings have used the beneficial powers of magnetism for thousands of years even with little knowledge of its scientific reasoning, knowing only that it works. More than 100,000 years ago magnetite was ground up to be used in potions and foods and topical applications. Our knowledge of this can be traced to African bloodstone mines. In fact, most of the ancient civilizations used magnets for healing, including the -Hebrews, Arabs, Indians, Egyptians, and Chinese. Aristotle was the first in recorded history to speak of the therapeutic properties of natural magnets on the body. About 200 B.C., the Greek physician Galan found that pain could be relieved for many illnesses with natural magnets.
A Persian physician documented the use of magnets in 1,000 A.D. to relieve disorders, such as gout and muscle spasms. In 1991, one of my close associates, suffering from gout since childhood was instantly relieved of pain in a matter of minutes with the application of a permanent magnet on his big toe. He now sleeps and sits on a magnetic pad with excellent results. Dozens of cases of relief from pain or lack of muscular movement from gout, arthritis, backache, tennis elbow, sprains, inflammation, and a variety of other conditions have been personally witnessed. Hundreds of thousands of cases are reported world- wide. It is fascinating, from B.C. until now, the same simple magnets have been used to cure or bring relief. In the 17th century, English physicians wrote of the positive effects of magnetism. Also the first in-depth study of the history of magnetic treatment of diseases was undertaken by the Royal Society of Medicine in France.Numerous other studies have continued through the years, some confirming effectiveness, some not. There is never a 100 percent cure factor or even close to it with any medicine.
Queen Cleopatra of Egypt
Controlled, double-blind studies are considered effective if there is simply a marked improvement in a reasonable percentage of the patient population. The Egyptians, builders of the pyramids, were well acquainted with the properties of magnetic force, utilizing it for the preservation of mummies to delay the decay of lifeless bodies. The legendary beauty Queen Cleopatra of Egypt (69 - 30 B.C.) wore a magnet on her forehead to preserve her figure. Ancients believed that the magnet had magical healing powers. It was not until the 16th Century that a Swiss alchemist and physician, P. A. Paracelsus, researched and observed that the magnet could cure inflammations, influxes, ulcerations, and diseases of the bowels and uterus. And Dr. Mesmer (1734 - 1815) of Mesmerism fame succeeded in curing serious and complicated disorders, although he went overboard with claims and lost his credibility. Also, Dr. Samuel Hahnemann (1755 -1843), the father of homeopathy, was fully convinced of the powers of the magnet and recommended its use. Today, some therapists believe that magnetotherapy can largely supplant homeopathy and acupuncture because it essentially does the same thing. Unfortunately, the mystery and doubt about the effectiveness of magnetotherapy prevail in the medical world and in the training of doctors generally. Our Amazing Magnetic Earth and Planets The Sun The whole idea of geomagnetic fields and their respective effects is absolutely fascinating. The spinning molten iron, miles beneath the surface of the Earth, creates a dipole magnetic field. The sun's energy distorts and converts this field to a magnetofield from the solar wind crashing into the outer layers of the Earth's magnetic field, compressing it until energy matches that of the solar wind.
On the other side, away from the sun, the Earth's magnetic field is drawn into a long magnetotail which stretches far out into Space. From this, high energy particles are trapped in the Van Allen belts and bounce back and forth between the north and south ends of our planet. Besides solar wind, the sun emits deadly ionizing radiation (X-Rays) and other high energy particles, largely blocked out by our own magnetosphere, without which we could not survive. Space flights beyond these boundaries must be of short duration and timed for a tight solar cycle, otherwise astronauts would perish. Recent experiments by NASA confirm this. We must be grateful for the magnetosphere that protects our small island from a very hostile universe filled with enormous forces. Over hundreds of millions of years, the Earth's magnetic poles reportedly have changed places a number of times and its fields have declined substantially. A collapse or partial collapse of the magnetosphere could occur again, exposing the Earth to the full force of solar winds and ionizing radiation that would kill organisms, you and me, the dog and plants. Outer space bombardment creates enormous electric currents to the tune of billions of watts and ionizing radiation of electromagnetic waves in the range of extra-low frequencies (ELF) between 100 and 1,000 cycles. A rather "quiet field" can result from an inactive sun. The aurora borealis is caused by solar storms that enter the Earth's magnetic field at the polar regions into the atmosphere and interact with gas molecules to produce unusual and beautiful lights. Many magnetic dust particles enter the atmosphere and drop to the ocean floor like a layer cake of magnetite deposits, along with a vast number of radiolarians or skeletons of minute single celled sea creatures. Our system is composed of a rather complex array of magnetic forces.
The sun's magnetic field is more than 100 times greater than the Earth's. We depend on the sun for life, light and shade, day and night, seasons, vegetation, fire, heat, and magnetism. Without the sun there would be no life, just a dark, barren Earth. The sun's solar and magnetic storms affect all living creatures here on Earth. Since our cells are small magnets, they are sensitive to the daily cyclic patterns of the Earth's magnetic field. Sun spots can cause restlessness and other adverse effects. Studies show that mental patients become aggravated and highly disturbed during these periods. Animals stir wildly, horses kick their stalls and a general excitement whips the air.
You and I feel it too.
Man-made pollution created right here on Earth is damaging us. The ozone hole that opens up each winter over the Antarctica, and now spreading elsewhere, threatens much of North America, London, Brussels, Berlin, and Moscow, exposing us to even higher doses of dangerous, ultraviolet radiation, according to NASA scientists in a report released in February 1992. Vice President Albert Gore, in his book Earth in the Balance: Ecology and the Human Spirit, says it is clear that increased levels of ultraviolet radiation rates of melanoma and cataracts.He has proposed a Strategic Environment Initiative (SEl) that would phase out older technologies worldwide for a new and better gencration of environmentally benign substitutes.Proposals would move up the phase out of chloroliuorocarbons (Cres) trom the year zuw tol 1995 or 1997. If nothing is done, reports the United Nations, new cases of skin cancer will increase by 300,000 (26 percent) and cataracts by 1.6 million (8 percent) per year by the turn of the century. Increases will also occur in cancer of the lip and salivary gland and in infectious discases, including AlDs. We need more research on reducing auto emissions.
The varying effects come from the positive and negative polarities of the magnetic fields. The positive field and its ions excite us, while the negative calms us down. When a thunder storm first brews up, positive ions are dominant, which stir our senses and excite our bodies As the storm recedes, negative ions predominate and we begin to feel at ease, even wonderful. Surely, you have noticed this. Next time watch for it. It is the reason why we, as well as animals, begin to stir and become excited at the beginning of the storm during the positive polarity and suddenly relax as the storm recedes and the negative ions flourish.
The moon affects us too, it is not merely some silly superstition Many of us are skeptics by nature and it has to be proved to us. But we know that calendars are set in reference to the moon and menstrual of women are directly linked to the lunar calendar. It is believed that body fluids flow better on full moon days. Some studies show that certain ailments, especially mental conditions are adversely affected during the full. A greater degree of magnetism flows to the Earth from the sun during full moon exposure, as the sun's magnetic fields cover a wider surface of the moon in relationship to particular sectors of the Earth.
Sunspots, Electromagnetic Fields, and Life Span
Sunspots and life span may be interrelated and may give astrology its best A study in review journal Radiation Research (March 1993) conducted by Barnett Rosenberg, Michigan State University biophysicist, and David A. Juckett, Professor. lonization Machines lonization machines resemble the calm of storms. They were approved over a decade ago by the FDA as medical devices for allergies, hay fever, and common respiratory disorders. Professor A. P. Kreuger, University of California, says the negative ions kill off bacteria. In a trial of 3,000 patients at a Cologne clinic, 80 percent of those under age 20 experienced complete relief by using the ion machine, while 50 percent of the older group benefited. In heated buildings, the production of positive ions and the loss of negative ions from smoke, dust and fumes take place. Negative ionization helps to clear up of chemistry, indicates that people born to mothers who were born in sunspot minimum activity periods live several years longer than those born to mothers born in high sunspot activity cycles.
Rosenberg previously led development of two of the world's leading anticancer drugs cisplatin and carboplatin Source. A. P. Kreuger, University of California, 1992; FDA; author. Rosenberg and Juckett chose a sampling of groups that had a sizable population for which there are reliable records of birth and death rates over a long period of time. The first group, totaling 7,552, was of U.S. House of Representative members and two other groups were members of the British House of Commons and alumni. We have already pointed out that the human body is engulfed in itsof the University of Cambridge. The same 9 - 12 year cycles of sunspot activity.
Dr. Bansal reminds us that the occultists call it the emerged with similar life-span results. Astral Body In any case, the effects influence our inner nature and The importance of the mother's birth is that a woman's ova — or "eggs" that she physical and mental health. The mere touch or laying-on-of-hands by will release one at a time in each menstrual cycle is formed by the time she is born. prophets, ministers or ordained persons has resulted in cures, if not During this highly radiation sensitive period, much of the genetic fate of her children is sealed. A gene altering effect could come from this extra dose of permanent, at least relief of symptoms. This is not magic or necessarily radiation that puts out both electromagnetic waves (ultraviolet, X-rays, gamma rays) spiritual. John Zimmerman of BEMI, who has studied this and charged particles such as protons and electrons which vary with the number of phenomenon rather extensively, states that it involves the stronger sunspots, the more sunspots, the more radiation magnetic force of the "healer" or purveyor to the sick or magnetically. Another indicator, described elsewhere, is that sunspots throw out very high under balanced, under nourished person.
This may answer some of the levels of positive magnetic fields shown to cause mental anxiety and distortion in both humans and animals. Also positive magnetic fields, as experienced in animals. Spiritualists heal people through negative magnetic fields. Actually, most healers are just ordinary people with the magnetism able to extend longevity. In Poland, for instance, these healers are accepted as valid medical therapists subject to licensing by their government. Radiation Research, March, 1993; Washington Post, May 24, 1993, H3, may only take a minute or so to work. Boyce Rensberger, author. In a significant number of these cases, a hypnotic or psychosomatic effect may also take place where the person being cured. Overwhelmed by a strong belief in a higher power or a powerfully influential individual. Studies show that the psychological effect may bepresent only in a small percentage of the cases. For the rest, something physical is happening or it may be a combination of both. Zimmerman's experiments demonstrate that it can very well be the transfer of magnetic energy.
The Earth's Decreasing Magnetic Field
The Earth's magnetic field is in constant flux, influenced by solar winds, shifts in the Earth's core, and the presence of ferromagnetic substances in the Earth's crust. The field varies its intensity periodically and reverses itself about every one-half to one million years. Scientists report that the most recent reversal was about 700,000 years ago. What happens is that the strength of the field gradually grows weaker, reaches a minimum or disappears entirely and then builds up again in the opposite direction, resulting in reversal of the north and soufh magnetic poles. Robert Barefoot states that the Earth's poles have changed positions many times, as evidenced from geological measurements of iron in volcanic rock.
At one time, the north pole was a few hundred miles north of Hawaii, at another time near Tuscon, Arizona.
This polar shifting is really the Earth's shell or mantle wandering about the fixed magnetic poles. Not only do the continents drift apart, they also slide past the poles. Relative to the Earth's mantle, its molten metallic core is massive. But its relation is not affected to any degree by the sliding crust. The laws of physics state that when unlike substances are rubbed together, electrons are stripped from one and passed to the other. The electrical current generated creates the associated magnetic field, setting up both north and south poles. As this spin differential is reduced to zero, electric current is no longer generated and poles disappear. Spin differential is caused by celestial activity and positioning of the solar system, which can cause the reversal of the flow of electrons and of polarity (north pole becoming the south pole and vice versa), according to Barefoot. Others believe that the evidence of pole reversal is weak. However, there is strong indication that the Earth's magnetic field has collapsed nine different times, resulting in positive fields on the Earth for short periods.
Pole Flip Flop
Geophysicists have confirmed that the Earth's poles have switched places tittie thies says Robert Coe of the University of California at Santa Cruz. The flip-flop is assumed to occut occuuse the erns outer core thoertoes micene turbulenes from the molten metal flowing at several miles per hour, then settles down again in a reverse pattern of motion. Recent evidence has come from a study of the flowing and cooling lava that erupted from an Oregon volcano while the magnetic poles were swapping. Questions abound about evolution and extinction. Several theories suggest that the extinction of animal life on Earth can be laid to the disappearance of magnetic forces at various periods. It appears that there were many periods of extinction occurring at the end of the geological eras of Devonian, Permian, Triassic, and Cretaceous. During the last period, dinosaurs became extinct. Each period represented a change in the direction of evolution. Humans have never yet experienced it. However,many scientists believe that the creation of our own heavily implanted electric and magnetic energy that is polluting our atmosphere may hasten our demise. Dr. Becker indicates that over the past 50 years we have more than duplicated changes in frequencies and strength of micropulsations that may have been associated with past specie die-outs. Physicists have documented that the Earth's magnetic field may have degraded 50 percent over the past 500 to 1,000 years, with a full S percent decline recorded in the last 100 years. Some believe a sufficient magnetic field to support life within 1,500 years may not exist if this degradation continues at its present rate.
Dr. Bansal reminds us that certain locales on Earth have inexplicably retained the strength of their magnetic fields. As already noted, these include areas near Sedona, Arizona, and Lourdes, France, where countless persons travel annually to experience feelings of well-being and to seek healing. The daily rise and fall of the Earth's magnetic fields cause our biological rhythms. The Earth as a whole measures at a strength of one- half gauss (0.5) today, but some researchers believe it was about four (4) gauss centuries ago.
0.1 gauss
Compare this to the magnet on your refrigerator door of over 200 gauss. And remember, although the Earth's magnetic strength is small, it is constant and is everywhere, therefore highly effective. However, reinforced concrete buildings, elevators and automobiles decrease our exposure 20 percent or more from the Earth's magnetic fields our bodies need. Such distortions also make the use of a compass for directional purposes almost useless. The magnetic force in automobiles and trucks is 50 percent less than that found outside in river beds, for example. Our modern age promotes an unhealthy condition for at least half of our population.
You may wonder why we need to worry about the loss of the Earth's magnetism if it is so small. If there were no magnetism, we would not be alive. If this last statement is true, then there should not be a question that the manipulation of magnetic fields can either improve or distort our bodily functions. Magnetism Defined The natural magnet has many names. The Greek's call it-Magnetis or Magnesetos; the English-lodestone; the French-Aiment (loving stone), the Indians Chumbak KISSINS the Arabs-Maqnatees; and the Chinese Chu She. They have all used magnets to make health products. We manufacture magnets because not enough natural magnets of the proper shape or strength exist. Magnetic materials can be made by rubbing magnets on a substance in a unidirectional fashion or by exposing material to an electromagnet or with a device called a magnetizer which charges the material instantaneously to the desired gauss.
The molecular theory of magnetism can simply be explained by the transformation that takes place. Molecules are tiny magnets misaligned in non-magnetized material, which means similar poles do not point in the same direction-the north neutralizing the south and vice versa The process of magnetization changes the existing positions to align them properly, the strength determined by the percentage aligned. Also, a magnet can attract a non-magnet because some molecules of the non-magnet will be aligned to the magnet.
Information Brief Recent Scientific Studies about Geomagnetic Effects Dr. E. G. Stoupel, cardiologist and Ph.D on the faculty at the Toor Heart Institute, Bellinson Medical Center in Petah-Liqva, Israci, has conducted a series of studies that show changes in geomagnetic activity that affect cardiovascular health. For instance, there is higher hospital cardiovascular and cerebrovascular accident mortality on active and stormy days of the geomagnetic atmosphere (GMA), higher deaths from acute myocardial infarction (heart attack), higher diastolic blood pressure in healthy blood donors and hypertensive patients, greater human blood plasm viscosity, more severe migraine headaches, higher levels of human prolactin and 17-ketosteroid levels, and higher levels of human growth hormone, among a number of He is continuing to conduct studies in the cosmobiology fiel on Permanent magnets that are made from iron or more often from the alloy composed of aluminum, nickel, iron and cobalt. Some are made from a synthetic material prepared from oxides of ferrite and barium and are called ceramic, ferrite or graphite magnets.
Every magnet has two poles called north (negative) and south (positive). Even the tiniest molecules are magnets. If a magnet is broken in two or into many small pieces, each becomes a magnet with two poles. The poles are simply a concentration of magnetism at the two ends, the most powerful magnetic points. Single poles are primarily used in therapy because greater strength lies with one pole where the opposite pole cannot offset the other. It should be noted that cylindrical shaped magnets have the broadest magnetized surface.
It is common understanding that the north and south poles are directly attracted to each other by swinging their fields back to the ends of the magnet (as in a bar magnet). Rawls and Davis stated that these forces converged at the center of the magnet where strength (repelling fields) was the weakest. Evidence seems to be clear that a meridian occurs at the center of the magnet yet lines of force travel all around the magnet to its ends, varied in effect by length and gauss strength. The fields weaken with distance, It is common knowledge that opposite poles attract each other and that the same poles repel each other. As there is a different effect from opposite poles. In homeopathy, for example, medicines are prepared from each pole. Furthermore, the strength of the magnetic field is subject to the strength of the magnet; yet, regardless of strength, the magnetic field is always infinite, much like the circles of sound waves that get bigger and bigger in space but go on forever. The field weakens with distance but never ends as it circles the Earth.
However, it cannot reach out into the universe because it is canceled by the magnetosphere. Frequencies in Magnetic Fields Let us briefly look at the technical functioning of electric currents in a magnetic field. An electric current flowing through a wire produces a magnetic field around the wire.The strength of the magnetic field is related to the amount of current flow. If the current is D.C., the field is steady like a permanent magnet. If the electric current in the wire is fluctuating, the magnetic field will have the same fluctuation as the current and be characterized by the rate of frequencies or fluctuations per second.
We call this hertz (Hz), rather than cycles per second, after Heinrich Hertz. The field is called electromagnetic because it has both an electric field and a magnetic field. It also has a wave motion. Its speed is that of light (186,000 miles per second). The wave length depends on frequency. A one He frequency has a wave length thousands of miles long; a one million Hz frequency (MH:) has a wave length of several hundred feet; and a one hundred million frequency (100 MH:) has a wave length of about six feet. About one percent of the frequency spectrum is light. Sunlight and the light from electric lights have the same characteristics as radio waves and X-rays. Light is electromagnetic radiation.
An individual quantum of electromagnetic radiation equals one photon (Y). We can see light because we have developed our eyes as anatomical detectors, but we cannot see magnetic fields. Magnetic fields have both waves and photon particles but have no mass. In quantum theory, photons carry the entity the higher the frequency the greater the energy. Any frequency greater than 20,000 cycles per second, as in ultrasound, is beyond human hearing range. Ultrasound therapy, for instance, converts high frequency electric current into vibrating sonic waves.
It appears that the body can easily modulate frequencies (like a radio receiver), enabling it to absorb most frequencies. Magnetism and Living Organisms As far back as the early 1960s, Dr. Robert O. Becker stated that the D.C. current in the brain produces a magnetic field that can be observed at a distance outside the head if we had a magnetometer of sufficient sensitivity to measure it. At the time, this declaration brought considerable laughter from scientists who said such a device could never be made and even if such a magnetic field could be measured, its strength would be so small that it would be of no physiological consequence whatsoever. course, we now are familiar with the SQUID (Superconducting Quantum Interference Device) that measures the MEG (magnetoencephalogram) fields from the brain to inform us what is happening inside.
Science is now
Mapping every section of the brain and we may expect remarkable discoveries in the near future. We know now that the electromagnetic fields all about us, considerably weaker than the Earth's 0.5 gauss force, influence our health and the cyclic behavior of living organisms. We know these scientific facts, yet have done little with them. Scientists, as well as the average person, always knew we had intrinsic cycles of sleep and wakefulness and other regularized activities, but the science mechanics simply explained this as a chemical oscillator or clock timer in the brain. Yet, says Becker, all the cycles had rates of change almost identical to the cycles of the geophysical environment. Long-range effects in human activity have been shown to have a L relationship to the 22-year cycle of the solar magnetic field. Some in science still believe that the physical field, other than light, has no influence on life? But scientists such as Professor Frank Brown of the Woods Hole Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, Massachusetts, in experiments in the 1960s and the 1970s, established beyond doubt that the cycles of simple organisms could be changed dramatically by exposing them to magnetic fields from a small permanent magnet of the same strength as that of the Earth, but pointing in a different direction. And Professor Richard Blackman, of the same laboratory in 1975, with the eye of an electron microscope, found that bacterium contain a chain of tiny magnets of the mineral magnetite, the original lodestone of preliterate peoples. Bacteria do not know north is the way to swim, they just naturally follow it.
Have you ever marveled at how homing pigeons find their way back home? Experiments have demonstrated that pigeons have several senses to determine direction: polarized light from the sun, remembered visual representations of the ground, and also a magnetic sense. Dr William Keeton of Cornell University, in 1971, fitted pigeons with translucent contact lenses that permitted light to enter, with the exception of polarized light and any source from visual images. He released these pigeons about 100 miles from their homing grounds. Those with the lenses found their way just as those without lenses, except that those fitted with lenses made a detour far west until they crossed the geographical line of the Earth's magnetic field that told them to fly in another direction. He verified his findings by gluing a small permanent magnet of 0.5 gauss, oriented in the opposite direction of the Earth's magnetic field, on the back of the head of each pigeon with the contact lenses. These fitted birds flew in disarray in all directions, not returning until the contacts fell off Their magnetic sense had been cancelled by an abnormal magnetic field applied to the head. Now there was no question that their directional control was aided by the Earth's magnetic field. We can try to explain the mystery of pets, dogs and cats, for example, able to return to their original homes after being lost thousands of miles away. The Duke University Parapsychology Laboratory has authenticated over 50 cases of this kind, attributing the phenomenon to a function of the body's biomagnetic D.C. system as a locator. Tests showed that the accuracy of 40 professional dowsers (who search for underground water supplies) was diminished by three-quarters when a current (magnetism) carrying wire was attached to their wrists, presumably throwing off their ability to detect magnetic lines of force. Metal bending is also attributed to a willed biomagnetic action from the human system interacting with the electromagnetic structure of inanimate matter, which may also explain why certain statues, pictures and other objects cry (sweat) or exude moisture. The mere presence or the touch of a person who possesses a greater amount of either positive or negative magnetic energies can affect other objects.
The palm of a mother's hand on her baby's forehead soothes the child. Berkeley physicist Sharon Carison makes icons weep from ordinary sea salt and calcium chloride that absorb water out of the air until it liquefies.Positive and negative magnetic fields push and pull ions, whether in the human body, animals, or industrial pipes and a myriad of objects. Thousands of industrial firms and oflice buildings use magnets to dissolve sediment buildup in pipes so that they don't have to spend costly funds on chemical products to do the same job. In Washington D.C. for instance, the Charles E. Smith Company saves thousands of dollars annually by using magnets on its pipes. Magnetism will loosen and make fluid such elements as plaster, ceramics, clay, porcelain, paint, dirt, and many other materials.
Sharks, skates and rays navigate, using the weak geomagnetic field (about 50 micro Tesla), as related by Mote Marine Laboratory. Almost all of their energy comes from the Earth's magnetic field. These species have long, narrow canals in their heads ( called Lorenzini Ampullae) filled with a jelly of electrical conductivity as high as that of sea water. The polarity is dependent on the relative orientation of the line of force of GMF with respect to the body axis of the fish, forming an ultra-sensitive navigating compass. They experience almost total confusion during magnetic storms, even of a few minutes duration. Can we learn something of how to prevent disease from these creatures that rarely get sick even though they do not have immune systems as we do? Plants and animals are affected by magnetic fields. Faster growth of animals and plants has been demonstrated in a variety of experiments.
Fish in magnetized tanks show faster growth, stouter physiques, and lower mortality rates as opposed to those in unmagnetized tanks with otherwise similar conditions. Plants grow faster under a magnetized environment. The Agricultural faculty of the University of Shizuka, Japan, reports increased harvests for tangerines and other fruit under magnetism. Canada's Ministry of Agriculture states that magnetic fields improve germination and bring in at least a 10 percent better harvest. People witness substantial increases in growth and vitality of plants in both office and home environments from using magnetic fields. Simple observation can verify how plants in such environments flourish compared to similar plants in the same vicinity without magnetic treatment.
Anyone can try this in his or her own garden to verify results at very little cost and with likely fascinating results. In humans, minute copulates of magnetite are found in the central nervous system and the pineal gland, located in the central area of the brain. Similar organs originated very early in evolution in bacteria, insects, fish, amphibians and mammals. Science pretty much agrees now that all living creatures sense the Earth's magnetic field and derive information from it, a heretical statement just a short time ago, Dr. Becker says. appears that for over two billion years of evolution, living things have taken advantage of two electromagnetic elements in our environment that could always be depended upon-the geomagnetic field and visible light. — We know that life develops specific organs to sense light.
But would the other key element be left out ? Of course, it was not. We simply haven't been very good at detecting it nor did our human system have to see it or provide us with any directional sight to obtain its benefits. Nevertheless, in certain animals and fish, magnetism is a form of sight. What we must now learn from magnetism is how to let it improve our health. More and more research is being directed toward the electrical nature of life, in that we now know all living cells are electric in essence.
Cells of the nervous system in every living being are based on A.C. current as well as pulsed D.C. energy. Without this energy, life does not exist. Each individual cell possesses an electric charge at its nucleus and on its outer membrane, varying in polarity based on the type of tissue. Positive-negative polarization allows each cell to function in an orderly and healthy manner. There appears to be little argument that this electromagnetic charge wears down as cells perform their normal bodily functions and that the body attempts to revitalize "tired" cells by sending pulses of electromagnetic energy from the brain through the nervous system in order to recharge the cells and strengthen the polarized field. The Earth's own D.C. and magnetic pulses support our natural biorhythm. Our bodies are run by electrical impulses. Dr. Bansal reports that the average size adult brain generates about 30 watts of electrical energy through its nerve cells, each a tiny dynamo.
The heart, stomach, glands, muscles, and other organs generate electricity in order to function.Our bodies can feel electromagnetic waves at the rate of 80 million cycles per second. We can act as antenna's- Carbon, oxygen, phosphorous, potassium, sodium, chlorine, calcium and other elements in our bodies are the basis for generating electricity. Whenever this activity drops below sufficiency we become sick.
What Role Magnetic Energy?
The answer to cancer lie with sharks, skates and rays ? Exposing sharks to potent cancer-causing chemicals does not produce cancer, not even in skates exposed as embryos, says Carl Luer, senior scientist at the Mote Marine Laboratory, who has studied this question for the past 12 years. It is hard to find a sick shark-perhaps why they have managed to survive 450 million years as one of the oldest species on Earth. When a tumor forms in humans, blood vessels grow toward the site and provide nourishment for rapid cell growth; while, on the other hand, sharks possess a skeleton made entirely from cartilage that naturally resists penetration by blood vessels, researchers report.
These biochemists speculate that there may be an extractable substance in the cartilage that can be used to fight cancer or they say that perhaps sharks have an efficient mechanism to repair DNA. They believe that sharks have only one, non-specific antibody that constantly circulates in the blood stream, produced without bone marrow or a lymph system. In other animals, we study how cancer forms, says Leur, in sharks we study how cancer does not form. What is the one non-specific antibody? In sharks, Robert Barefoot says, it may be squalene, which is highly anti-carcinogenic In embryos, cartilage could not be the answer.Yet we have health food stores selling doses of cartilage as though this were the answer.
Could it be that sharks process negative ions faster, just like cats?
In July of 1993, Dr. David A. Kessler, head of the FDA, warned makers of dietary supplements, who make claims they cannot backup, not to promote the idea that cartilage, colonic rinses, floral herbal teas and a variety of other unproved substances can cure disease. Common vitamins and minerals pose no regulatory problem, as is the case with magneto therapy which is considered a sale procedure.
The FDA approved the use of electromagnets in 1978 for various ailments.
Permanent magntets are considered safe. Nevertheless claims must be -It is estimated that 90 percent of the shark's energy comes from the Earth's magnetic field which is negatively oriented. Evidence exists that negative magnetic fields arrest the growth of infectious cells and cancer. Can this be the Answer? Certainly it is worth the time to investigate seriously the possibilities Arcas of research are recommended. Mote Marine Laboratory, Carl Luer, 1992; Washington Post, July 30, wws, pary, author mental exertions forced on us by stress or improper diet, or whatever reason, we feel exhausted and ready to collapse. Our weakest magnetic field is the brain. As we have stated, science can now measure the degree of magnetic fields of individual organs with a super sensitive magnetometer This allows us to read the heart with a magnetocardiogram and the brain with a magneto-encephalogram. Dr Bansal explains that the peak value of the magnetic field produced by the heart is 10- and the brain is 3 x 10-8 gauss. But these appear much too high for most experts.Bonlie believes it is lower. Remember that the gauss strength of the Earth is only 0.5 gauss, minute in comparison. Some muscles when flexed produce a value of 10-/ gauss. Diagnosis of many organs based on magnetism is now routine. We must now go the next step toward maintaining the proper level of magnetic energy in our body as an essential key to good health.
It is as fundamental as good nutrition, exercise, and proper mental conditioning. Magneto therapy is closely related to the principles of many therapies, including homeopathy, naturopathy, acupuncture, laying-on-of- hands, light exposure, reflexology, essential nutrition, and other treatment methods. This interrelationship is so significant that for some it may even be revolutionary. Recently, the Congressional Appropriations Committee stated that it "is not satisfied that the conventional medical community as symbolized by NIH has fully explored the potential that exists in unconventional medical practices. Many routine and effective medical procedures now considered commonplace were considered unconventional and counter indicated. Cancer radiation therapy is such a procedure that is now commonplace but once was considered.
Magnetite Found in Human Brain Microscopic- magnets have recently been found in the human brain by a Magnetite had already been identified in non-human organisms, including bacteria, mollusks, homing pigeons, whales, salmon, honey bees, jelly fish, and other species. Why our research has been so poorly oriented in humans not to have found these biological bar magnets -made of crystals of the iron mineral magnetite- -is difficult to understand. "This is really an exciting discovery", says geobiologist Joseph L. Krishvink of the California Institute of Technology, who has identified these strong magnetic crystals that measure one millionth of an inch wide and 10 millionth of an inch long. Primitive bacteria two billion years ago, Krishvink believes, gained a competitive advantage from internal magnets that allowed them to navigate toward nutrient-filled mud that helped to evolve life into more complex cells.
As a consequence of a Congressional mandate, $2,000,000 was appropriated in 1992 for the Office of Alternative Medicine under NIH. Most of the funds in the first year have been allocated for staff and administration, while some $600,000 is to be used for twenty, $30,000 grants to explore a variety of alternative procedures. Homeopathy First, let us look at homeopathy. Many believe that homeopathic remedies are essentially pure electromagnetic energies, derived from various crude substances used to jump-start the healing process They function as any counter-irritant would, such as a mustard plaster, for example. After a number of steps, the form, smell, and color of the original substances are lost in the final product. In the end, products cannot be differentiated from one another. The final substance, which replicates ingredients of the original ailment is so diluted that it heals rather than creates symptoms, by either manufacturing a negative magnetic field or attracting negative energy to that locale. All drugs are removed, only the memory of the energy remains. Even the founder of homeopathy, Samuel Hahnemann, recognized magnetic energy as a principle of homeopathic effectiveness.
From the review of dozens of national magazines and health books on homeopathy, not one publication ventured into how it works.
Dana Ullman, in her book Discovering Homeopathy (North Atlantic Books, 1991), says "we don't understand how it works...but that doesn't mean we should ignore it." The AMA takes no formal position on it. The FDA says it is not harmful so leaves it alone. Queen Elizabeth Il has homeopaths on her medical staft and the British National Health Service covers it in their health services. The British Medical Journal (February 1991) assessed 107 homeopathic studies and found 81 that showed positive results, but also some failures. Importantly failure can many times be attributed to incorrect application. In magnetotherapy, failure may be related to such things as polarity, insufficient reactive strength, or too little exposure time, all of which can be corrected if one understands the science.
What extremely fascinating about homeopathy and magnetotherapy is that they both rely to a large extent on magnetic energy. Millions of people use the healing power of homeopathy, never realizing that it very likely employs the principle of attracting negative magnetic energy to the injury.
Medical doctors and many other specialists have never understood how a homeopath could take a substance and dilute it to such an extent that there is no measurement of ingredients left, yet healing or relief takes place. Dr. William Philpott, who has healed thousands of individuals using homeopathic methods for a period of years, believes that what is taking place is a reversal of the magnetic field in the substance.
A positive polarity to a negative polarity or the attraction of the negative field to the area by the homeopathic substance. In fact, Philpott says that he has stopped using the rather complex sottenof homeopathic substances designed for specific diseases and ailments.He simply applies magneto therapy with equally effective results, since these therapies are designed to achieve the same effect but by different procedures.
Information BriefUnconventional Medicine Users in America A survey of 1,539 American adults in 1990, conducted by David M. Eisenberg. M.D., and his staff, Beth Israel Hospital, Boston, showed that one-third used "unconventional" theraputics, including self-help counseling sessions. nutrition and lifestyle changes sought the help and visited "unconventional" medical practitioners, expending over $10 billion, primarily out of their own pockets rather than insurance. There were more visits to "unconventional" therapists than Unconventional treatments were used most often for back problems, the age group of 25 to 49, people with some college education and incomes over 535.000. In seven of ten cases. users did not tell their phvsicians. while 90. percent undertook treatment without the recommendation of a physician.
medical community, including anesthesiologists who acknowledge the value of acupuncture, for example. Source: David M. Eisenberg, M.D., Beth Israel Hospital, Boston; New England Journal of Medicine, Jan. 1993. If the similarity between homeopathy and magneto therapy holds true, this would be a most fascinating discovery, making magnetotherapy all the more relevant for its comparative simplicity and higher degree of predictability. It does not mean that the homeopath should discard his procedure for the more simple magneto therapy, since each type of therapy has its own intrinsic values. Homeopathy has physical and mental attributes and feelings or beliefs that can be beneficial to particular patients. It does mean, however, that magneto therapy could very well fit into the regimen of homeopathy and possibly make treatment successful in a higher percentage of cases by a clearer understanding of how it can be applied to achieve specific results, by varying strength and exposure time. Homeopathy may work more quickly in certain circumstances depending on the substance and the extent of dilution. The two methodologies can work hand-in-hand. Most importantly, this observation and understanding can help reduce the skepticism of physicians in order to allow them to consider the use of these therapies.
In short, homeopathy is a function dilution, where the jarring of solutions can create static negative electricity or perform as a positive energy irritant. Symptom producing substances are positive magnetic energy poled that perform very much like any other irritant to stimulate the functioning of the counter-irritant immune system.
Each homeopathic remedy carries a very weak magnetic field that relieves a particular symptom by attracting negative ions to the site and allowing the immune system to build resistance to the substance so that the body can better tolerate it. Various levels of dilution give the body time to react with the least stress possible. On the other hand, many alternative practitioners believe that magnetotherapy involves a strong magnetic field that has a universal value capable of overriding all variables. Magnetotherapy provides immediate relief or extended relief and healing by simply increasing exposure time. Also, magnetotherapy is more predictable and can be used as an antibiotic, providing an anti-cancer etect It can also produce the hormone melatonin, when applied to the brain in the area of the pineal gland, and is much easier to use as a self-help medicine all of these clinically observed by Philpott and other practitioners.
Acupuncture and Yoga Acupuncture is a Chinese system
Yoga with many similarities has an Indian orientation. They both are influenced by magnetic fields. It is well known that our body has many energy centers or points that control or direct functions of our system. Over 1,000 such centers have been identified. In acupuncture, usually fine needles are pierced through the flesh at several points associated with the ailment.
Nerves or releasing energy in order to remove stagnation, lethargy or malfunctioning. The saying goes that some doctors can't seem to understand how a needle inserted in the head can cure a pain in the stomach, yet readily accept that a pill in the stomach can cure a pain in the head. The National Institutes of Health, in the last few years, has funded over 20 studies that have examined acupuncture, finding that at least 25 percent of claimed acupuncture points exist such that they are specific, reproducible, have significant electrical parameters and are found in all subjects.
One theory postulates that meridians connect these special points that have electric characteristics (similar to transmission lines), while other areas with non-meridian skin do not have this distinction. Some describe the points as amplifiers, similar to telephone cable boosters. When needles are inserted near the points, they create a current of injury. Since they are metallic, the needles create a tiny galvanic current that boosts the D.C. current flowing in the meridian from acupuncture point to point. points are capacitors, while the needles "fill" the capacitors.
The Stoppage of the flow is what presumably causes disease, as explained by Dr. William Pawluk, M.D., a family doctor highly skilled in both acupuncture and magnetotherapy. The Gate Theory stipulates that stimulation of sensory nerves will so much interfere with the transmission of pain (overloading the sensory traffic in the spinal column) that these signals will be stopped at the gate and not reach the central nervous system or the brain so that pain will not be felt. Dr. Becker states that this theory has been largely discarded because a wide variety of magnetic devices, wave forms, pulses and frequencies can achieve the same results by bypassing the sensory transmission area altogether. However, we have two processes at work.
Meridians really are channels. Furthermore, we are dealing with at least two procedures The first involves short circuiting the nerve tracks that travel at 30 feet per second to immediately cut pain, similar to the idea of the Gate Theory that inhibits circuit flow. But others believe that what is really happening is that the short circuit maintains the flow of electrons to the brain, having been interrupted by the injury. The second process involves the sending or placement of negative magnetic energy to the injured site, which creates cell energy change usually in about 15 or 20 minutes but sometimes much longer, depending on the extent of injury and Information.
The Alternative of Apitherapy
Apitherapy involves injection of bee venom in points of pain The American Apitherapy Society, North Hartland. Charles Mraz, states that they have been prompted to use the bee stinging The most intriguing aspect of bee venom is used in inflammatory degeneration. of the nerve sheaths that carry electrical signals to and from the brain. When a sheath degenerates, it doesn't conduct electricity very well, so the nerve impulses get blocked. Bee venom, cobra venom, and certain other natural substances have been touted as promising cures, but no long-term improvement has been shown.
On the other hand, magnetotherapy has demonstrated not only an anti-inflammatory capability and improved electrical signal conductivity, but long-term effect from a daily maintenance program or sleeping on a magnetic bed. Negative magnetic energy may even offer some cures as suggested later in Source: Washington Post, June 22, 1993, Ken Ringle; author.
Magneto therapy also has direct influence on cells, and negative magnetic fields can change cell composition directly. If a homeopathic substance, for example, is so structured as to place negative magnetic energy directly on the site of pain, the consequences would be similar to the application of magneto therapy. Here we have at least three of the most important alternative medicines that function essentially by the same human biological processes. Many of the hundreds of thousands of drugs on the market (a combination of chemicals and homeopathic type herbs) emulate this process. This understanding could have amazing consequences on our health system. Each point is actually positive oriented compared to its environment. This means that the opposite pole (negative) may be the most appropriate application.
Injecting a needle in an acupuncture site creates a local injury which becomes positive oriented, eliciting more negative magnetic fields to the area. Remember that permanent magnets or electromagnets are able to block pain with almost no skill required in locating acupuncture points, as one can simply lay a magnet near these points. Magnets can locate a greater number of centers with the possibility of accomplishing a more thorough job. In China, practitioners use permanent magnets and also slow pulsing currents of two per second in place of acupuncture. The pulsing current is the delta brain wave frequency of deep sleep.
Yoga and acupuncture also appear to have the same theoretical basis. Yoga concentrates a great deal on spiritual energy in centers called chakras. Postures are designed to create spontaneous pressure on the same centers as acupuncture. This is accomplished by contraction and expansion of nerves and muscles at these points. Specific exercise, reflexology and pressure on various centers, as in acupressure, also elicit a stream of energy by way of the nerve cells. All of these send signals to the central nervous system to concentrate negative magnetic fields at specific organs or tissues for symptom relief and healing. Many acupuncturists worldwide now use either electric currents or permanent magnets at acupuncture points to stimulate energy. When one sleeps or sits on a magnetic pad, he or she does not have to be concerned about precise location of acupuncture points, since the magnet will cover most locations. In other words, as pointed out already, one does not have to be a specialist in acupuncture or point location to apply magnetotherapy to obtain similar results. The same level of knowledge of points is not necessary, although it may help. Also the injection of needles through the skin is unnecessary as a magnet may simply be laid on the skin or muscle. Nevertheless, these therapies function well in conjunction with each other. More and more therapists use both, as they assess the patient's feelings and needs.
Many medical doctors now use acupuncture as an acceptable and reliable therapy. In addition, the State of Washington has cleared magnetotherapy as part and parcel of the license for acupuncture. Many Information Brief Acupuncture, Acupressure, Drugs, and Center Points Motion sickness typically causes dizziness, fatigue, profuse sweating, and salivating, followed by headaches, nausea and vomiting.
Many people can avoid medications by using an elastic wristband that applies pressure to a specific acupressure point (Neiguan Point) on the inside of One recent study of these wristbands (called Sea Band, available in pharmacies, health food stores, and boating supply outlets) showed significantly sartare motion sickness group of 60 pregnant women.
applied in appropriate sites, is reported to generate similar results and without any side effects. Electric and permanent magnets applied to the concha of the ear can reduce or eliminate withdrawal symptoms for drug and alcohol abusers. Source: Rosenbaum, Maj-Britt, M.D., Doctor, Doctor, Mademoiselle, Feb. 1993.
Acupuncture therapy is now approved in all states. 60,000 lisencsed Acupuncturist in the US.
The Menninger Clinic in Kansas, plus many other clinics and hospitals use acupuncture. If it were as easy to learn and apply as magneto therapy, many more physicians would use this method of treatment to the advantage of their patients While acupuncture requires time-consuming involvement by the doctor, magneto therapy with similar effects allows the doctor simply to apply several permanent magnets on the most vulnerable spots and go about other business as healing takes place without concern for losing time. The physician can also send his patient home with a magnetic device so that it can be used whenever needed. Such practices can certainly help to reduce health costs and improve service. Dr. Harry Park, M.D., Vancouver, Washington, who has practiced acupuncture for over 20 years, uses acupuncture in conjunction with magnetotherapy, finding much faster results with magnetism.prefers not to have to use needles, as most patients don't like them.
He says he gets much better results with magnetotherapy and has experienced actual cures for many serious ailments. Contrast this with the simple relief of symptoms as in acupuncture. Importantly, the longer-term application of magnetotherapy that drowns cells in negative magnetic energy can actually heal, not simply bring relief. This may very well be the significant difference between proper magnetic field treatment and other therapies. Dr. Park, for example, has found excellent results using magnetotherapy motion is not impaired during usage. Successful treatments for tendonitis, bowed tendons, bucked skins, muscular sprains and strains and other injuries to the musculoskeletal system, plus preventive and post-workout therapy have been documented Hall of Fame trainers and Eclipse Award winners recite their success. Jack Van Berg has used Bioflex pads on his two-year olds and three year olds with chronic shins.
These pads have also stopped shin bucking Charlie Whittingham states the strips were very good for his horses' shins and on check ligaments. Trainer Woodford "Woody" for patients with multiple scerlosis, breast cancer, arthritis and many other serious diseases. He employs herbal remedies to alleviate the stress of toxin release and he is a strong believer in proper nutrition.
Animals and Accupuncture
Veterinary acupuncture was approved as an "alternate therapy" in 1988 by the American Veterinary Medical Association which represents 52,000 veterinarians. "It's like a good body massage in a lot of ways," says Wendy Moon, president of the Muirfield East thoroughbred horse farm in Maryland, home of Housebuster, winner of the Eclipse Sprinting Championships in 1990 and 1991. The horse was treated with acupuncture before each race which seemed to relieve muscle and joint softness. "We don't look at it so much for curative type treatment, but as something that treats some of the symptoms of rigorous training," Moon says. Mereaith Snader, executive director of the International Veterinary Acupuncture Society, treats 100 horses in five states weekly at $75 to $100 each. Small animals cost $50 to $75 per treatment. Harold Alterman, Dale City Animal Hospital, Virginia, uses electrodes to blockage into a dog's spinal cord to undo nerve blockage from a ruptured disc. He treats cats and dogs for kidney failure, acute pancreatitis, arthritis, bad hips, and chronic ear infection. A great deal of success is obtained.
Some animals can't stand needle injection so certain veterinarians use magnets to stimulate to obtain similar effects. And, of course, instead of returning twice monthly for these treatments, the home user can simply take a set of magnets with him and apply it to his animal at anytime. Place a magnetic pad in your pet's bed and watch how other house pets fight for the bed. Owners have found it difficult to get their animals off these pleasurable magnetic pads In equine care, magnetotherapy offers a convenient and human approach to injury therapy, especially when compared to blistering or pin-firing.
Various types of pads are contoured so that the horse's range of Stephens says bipolar magnetic pads have helped with bucking, splints, tendons, and have improved sound horses as well. For too long, chiropractors and M.D.s have not gotten along. The Chiropractic Association says that the AMA is not the watchdog of our health. Chiropractors say that for many of the drugs prescribed by M.D.s, nobody has the remotest idea of how they work and, assuredly, no one knows the effect of the combination of multi-drug intake. Physicians avoid their own drugs and very seldom find a doctor being admitted to a hospital accepting care as an outpatient unless he is extremely sick. Chiropractors, on the other hand, say that their approach is normally risk-free, informative, caring and that they take more time with patients. Arguments persist as to whether physicians should send more patients to chiropractors. Some physicians say, if it is indicated yes; others say, if patients want to go-fine, but they'll find nothing special.
If there is underlying structural abnormalities but just generalized complaints of aching back or neck, a physical therapist might make the most sense; and if that doesn't help, physicians say the next step would be to consider a chiropractor. The important thing is what works and what will create a better quality of life for the patient, not a prejudice of one type of therapist over another. Today, more than ever, the patient must become knowledgeable about which physician or chiropractor to use. He must question whether his doctor is familiar with a variety of alternatives and that he will look beyond drugs and unsafe applications, as well as take the time to get close to the patient Chiropractors are one of the first groups to realize the potential of magnetotherapy, since it easily fits into their regimen and may improve their whole field of effectiveness and credibility. Hundreds, perhaps thousands, of chiropractors are using magnetic fields in their practices.
Magnetism, in conjunction with body manipulations, acupressure, reflexology, yoga, and just plain, good old exercise of the right sort have created a new interest in chiropractic. Also, physical therapists, nurses and home providers carry magnetic devices with them and prescribe home use as well. There should be absolutely no reason why all medical practitioners should not be able to work together as a well oiled machine for the benefit of the nation's health. A shortage of well qualified providers is very evident. Rather than ridicule each other, all ought to be working toward the same sensible goals.
Many chiropractors make extensive use of magnetotherapy along with their regular practice. Dr. Kenneth Bernd was one of these but ended up dropping magnetic field therapy because he felt he was not getting the results he initially expected. He believes it works best on people whose pH is up near the 7.6 healthful range, otherwise it's like beating a dead horse, He strongly favors nutrition in getting the pH up. On the other hand, Dr. Philpott states he gets excellent results whether the pH is up or Nutrition is important but need not come first. Robert Barefoot says simply sleep on a magnetic bed and observe the body's pH rise in the morning compared to the night before. "The pH will go up every time," says Barefoot. The key problem here as with many providers and users is most have never understand how magnetotherapy really works. It should not consist of simply placing some manufacturer's magnets of any gauss strength and polarity on a patient and wishing for results. Bad names will follow magnetotherapy if people don't know how to use it and don't have the proper mix of magnetic tools consisting of various gauss strengths, sizes, and other combinations to tackle a particular problem. And it may not come in one office visit but weeks or months of maintenance therapy Hopefully, some of the answers come out of this.
Other chiropractors, such as Dr. Domenci "Nick" Capone, say they experience pain relief and healing in as much as 85 percent of their patients with magnetotherapy and do not even test for pH. Magnetic fields drive the pH towards proper balance, while good nutrition and supplements help to keep it there and get it there more quickly. Barefoot has tested subjects with pH of 6 in the evening before sleeping on a magnetic pad and by morning their pH is up to 7 or better. A regular magnetotherapy maintenance program will keep it up as will a proper intake of supplements. Remember that it may take a number of days or even weeks to drive out all the toxins, so initially a couple of hours on the magnetic pad may be right at first to hold down the stressful effects of withdrawal symptoms. sleeping time on a magnetic pad is gradually increased, symptoms from toxin release will be less bothersome. The new chiropractors and alternative thinkers are taking the lead in preventive medicine includes proper nutrition, exercise, supplements, and alternatives such as magnetotherapy. More physicians are including this in their armamentarium as well.
Although the term chiropractic means "to do by hand," there are other therapists who specialize in the use of hands. Laying-on-of-hands is associated with faith or spiritual healing and the ability to heal frequently thought of as an act of God. Therapeutic touch, on the other hand, is administered in a medical or nursing context and has no correlation with spiritual healing and can be taught, learned, actualized and made to happen, says Dr. John Zimmerman, founder of the Bio-Electro-Magnetics Institute, Reno, Nevada. It also is not usually associated with chiropractors but rather with nurses who find it extremely useful. In therapeutic touch, one manipulates the bioenergy field of the body, passing excess body energies from the healer to the person being treated. It does not necessarily imply physical contact. Bioenergy field contact is enough, extending some distance away. Some laying-on-of-hands techniques are known as Johrei, Reiki, and aurd Datancins Most of Western medicine has not acknowledged this treatment.
Traveling around the world, Dr. Bob Beck found that all healers emitted exactly the same brain wave pattern (7.8 - 8.0 Hz) during the few moments they were in an "altered state," regardless of the society or customs or healing methods, Zimmerman emphasizes that healers engage in "centering," which is nothing more than relaxation, concentration, and quieting one's mind to the point of becoming aware of the underlying, tiny perturbations of the Earth's electric and/or magnetic fields which have been detected at the 7 to 8 Hz Schumann frequency. Physicist Dr. W.G Schumann, in the early 1950's, mathematically predicted that oscillations occur at the Earth-ionosphere cavity, superimposed on the steady state electrical field of 100 - 150 volts per meter and on the magnetic field of about 50 micro telsa.
These extremely low frequencies (ELF) were first detected ten years later by the National Bureau of Standards. Hands seem to have a special sensitivity. If sensors are used, sensitive to either infrared or microwave radiation to examine the outstretched hand, very low frequency microwaves can be detected. The image of the hand becomes a defused blur, finally appearing like a glowing hot spot of microwave radiation near the center of the palm of the hand (BEMI Journal, 1991). The Chinese call this energy Qi that flows freely through the meridians of the body in healthy people, emitting electromagnetic radiation from the palm of the hand. This biomagnetic field energy does not necessarily imply physical contact but can be accomplished by the field itself, which may explain some of the strange occurrences around the world where certain pictures or statues appear to cry in the presence of a priest or certain other highly energized people. These are very possibly individuals with a high magnetic energy level and the ability to pass on magnetized fields to humans or inanimate objects to create a change in cell structure. Nurses are particularly sensitive to laying-on-of-hands and describe the technique in their professional journals. Doctors could use more of it to demonstrate sensitivity and care for the patient which may be as important as other medication. John J. Ring, a past president of AMA, talks of the need for greater ethical concern in the medical profession and more caring for the patient. He recently cited a piece from Dr. Lewis Thomas's "The Youngest Profession," a powerful but chilling note on a changed profession that pontificates, "Medicine is no longer the laying-on-of-hands. It is more like the reading of signals from machines." Perhaps we all ought to open up a little bit, drop unsubstantiated criticism and be fair in our analysis regardless of what we have been previously taught.
Light Exposure and Healing. Another source of healing is light. Exposure to bright, full spectrum lighting for at least an hour upon awakening will activate the pineal gland. Activation of the pineal gland from light entering the eyes, says specialist Norman Mikesell, induces a parasympathetic healing state. Serotonin hormones increase in the brain, which in turn increase thyroid, calcitonin and growth hormone levels in the blood. The meditative healing state is reinforced and oxygen intake increases A number of companies sell full spectrum lighting to wake us up in the morning and to provide energy during the day by gazing into the fixture. This lighting also relieves well known depressions that some people experience during long-winter months. In this respect, we need to be cautious about tinted glasses that can eliminate a large percentage
The advantages of full spectrum light and regular sunlight is that they can relieve hypertension, depression, insomnia, migraines, PMS, and carbohydrate craving associated with metabolic imbalances. But one must take into account that too much of the wrong frequencies can create stress in adults and hyperactivity in children, especially noted under fluorescent lights in all day school settings.
Halogen lights have been tested as dangerous to both humans and animals. We need adequate exposure (neither excess nor a deficiency) of correct full spectrum lighting, otherwise, we can end up with the equivalent of malnutrition or, more appropriately, malillumination. Full spectrum lighting is only a limited part of the total and natural electromagnetic spectrum that includes all of the frequency energies. Energy Centers are Key Magnetotherapy can be applied to the entire body or to specific locations. The use of energy centers can make magnetotherapy even more effective. Magnets are often applied to palms and soles where a network of nerves are centered that spread over the entire body.
Magnetotherapists should become familiar with the major energy centers. Dr. Philpott is one who believes that the most important area for negative magnetic application is at the crown of the head and has designed a head board for this purpose. Many people use a treatment technique called "zone therapy" that involves pressure massaging of various body points in order to stimulate electromagnetic fields around nerve endings to drive out toxic substances that we eat and breathe, allowing magnetic currents to flow fully again. Joseph Carvo, (U.K.) Princess Diana's massage therapist used this method successfully for years to fight off wrinkles and aging.
Ameriflex, Avon, Connecticut, has a magnetic face mask (Bioflex) that they say does the same thing in effect and is used as a self-help device to reduce wrinkles, dark circles and puffy eyes without need of a therapist. It is made of hypoallergenic vinyl and non-toxic gel that molds to the curves of the face.
Reflexology and acupuncture demonstrate a high degree of effectiveness when manipulation is performed at the arch of the foot. This is where a multitude of acupuncture points are concentrated and which affect many parts of the body and body organs. In Eastern medicine, the arch is called the second heart, while the time-honored oriental practice of applying treatments on green bamboo sections, performs similarly to reflexology and acupressure. Significantly, magnetic insoles function likewise, soothing and energizing the entire body while reaching all the way up to the shoulders and other remote extremities to ease stiffness and pain and other symptoms. Magnetic fields have been proven to have a similar effect as pressing fingers or needles to relieve a particular disorder.
The center points of acupressure, like reflexology, are especially sensitive to bio-electrical impulses of the body, conducting them readily. The Chinese call this Qi and the Japanese Ki. The process relieves pain and can speed healing of broken bones.
Acupressure has many effective points as described in Acupressure Potent Points, a guide to self-care, Michael Reed Gach, 1990. For example, the shoulder's corner refers to the point location, the Three Mile Point earned its name from the extra three miles of energy given to runners and hikers. Proper exercise can assimilate reflexology, acupressure and other techniques that stimulate center points. The Seattle Veterans Affairs Medical Center conducted a study that showed stretching exercises reduced back pain as well as or better than the electrical nerve therapy TENS. Lewis G. Maharam, M.D., in Maharam's Curve (1992), shows how exercise can maintain a pleasurable high in most people and demonstrates its value on total health and enjoyment of life.
Most alternatives are interrelated and also complementary to magnetotherapy Most of the alternative therapies involve a magnetic influence for their effect, including naturopathy and just plain old exercise. Naturopathy, for example, is as old as civilization itself, a method of healing among the masses and locations of the world without doctors. Water, mud, heat, sunlight, massage and diet are its main tools. Mud plasters and mud bathing essentially make use of the curative powers of the Earth's magnetic fields.
Naturopathy is drugless, employing the direct energy of nature. Our medical schools need to relate more to these principles in their teaching as well as to energy centers and the integrated role of proper nutrition and exercise. We had better learn quickly about the proper use of magnetotherapy since millions of people around the world are using it Rather than an alternative, many believe it ought to be a conventional treatment and definitely part of medical education. If we fail to teach the ramifications of these alternatives, we have failed a large part of our responsibilities.
But Is It All Simply Mental ? In respect to this wide variety of treatments, the question arises as to how much is psychosomatic. We know mental attitude has a lot to do with health and healing. A number of double-blind controlled studies are available to instruct us. What one believes about a particular method of treatment-whether it be some kind of device or a drug seems to make little difference in the percentage of people experiencing the placebo effect It also is quite difficult to isolate particular personalities as being more susceptible to a placebo (sham or fake) treatment than other subjects. As reported earlier, an interesting study was conducted in 1989 by the John Hopkins Pain Treatment Center and Neurometric Laboratory, Baltimore, Maryland, to test a magnetic device for which pain-relieving qualities were claimed. In this case, the placebo response to a non- operating machine showed that 13 percent of the patients experienced relief. The majority of patients who actually received treatment improved their condition.
A review of numerous clinical studies dealing with placebo response to drug medication for severe acute pain reveals that about 35 percent of the subjects experienced a 50 percent decrease in perceived pain intensity, and they also experienced it for a shorter duration than the response of those who actually took analgesic drugs. Most significantly, it has been demonstrated that the number of patients who repeatedly respond to placebo treatment is no greater than 11 to 15 percent for most treatments, a figure consistent with the results of the above study on magnetic devices and reinforced by recent studies of the Japanese Ministry of Health and Welfare.
The FDA concurs with these findings.
It seems likely, the investigators say, that most pain therapies will experience a placebo response around this range. Beyond this percentage,it can be said that the methodology is effective for those who claim it to be. From this, one can better judge the effectiveness of magnetic devices whose success rates claim to be effective on the greater majority of people who use them. Remember that the success rate of magnetotherapy on animals is equally high and that the placebo effect rarely comes into play, although it certainly may when the master touches and talks to his pet. Surely, the methods and most of the cases discussed in this chapter have a great deal of merit. Little question remains that considerable benefits result from these therapies and that millions of people are satisfactorily using them. It's not some silly fad that will likely fade out and go away, even though the popularity of use has experienced cycles over the centuries. It is time to look at these techniques for a broad array of ailments. Treatments come and go. The number of users very much depends upon the publicity generated or the marketing ability of the suppliers. seems that it is time federal and private research agencies take these treatments more seriously and fully examine them under controlled testing so that the most effective methods can be used conventionally by all physicians.
Medicine is neither an art or a science. It is an empirical discipline of diagnostic and therapeutic skills aided.
The good doctor must know his or her patients well, feel their sensitivities, respect and educate the patients, and first try all safe procedures and alternatives in a protocol of long-term care and observation. Prescribing a questionable drug or any medication or procedure that has only been tested short-term is inexcusable, just to show that you have done something. Safer, natural procedures would be better. The idea that the body is a finely tuned mechanism is simply a myth. The therapist must work on the health of the patient intensely, trying whatever might work for that individual until it is found. This effort not only includes medical alternatives but also education about lifestyle. Dr. Bernadine Healy, former director of NIH says, "An estimated 35 percent of these deaths (cancer) may be related to diet. In fact, two- thirds of all deaths-including those caused by coronary heart diseases, strokes, or artherosclerosis, diabetes, and some types of cancer-are related to lifestyle choices, including what we eat." Interestingly, Dr. Mark Jamiesa, M.D., Haggerstown, Md., will not treat anyone who smokes. He says at least 50 percent of all illness is due to lifestyle and that it's up to the individual to become accountable for his own health care. back We have simply lost sight of proper lifestyle. It is time to come Alternatives will help get us there but as individuals we must take greater responsibility. And as for tests, "outcome" trials of large groups of subjects over a long-term may be more efficacious than double-blind, but limited controlled tests that fail to take into account long-term results. 1 believe we are approaching a new era for determining what is good or bad.