Magnetic Obelisk Art Installation: Would require assistance from all teams currently assigned to Xprize.
Funding would go to collective research. Distributing all funding equally to all participants.
Earth Acupuncture (Geopuncture) Applying the principles of Chinese medicine to answer the call of the Earth and heal its polluted landscapes.
• Listening to the Earth’s responses- scientifically monitored Obelisks
• Earth acupuncture treatment through Magnetic Obelisk
Magnetic Medicine: Treat the landscape just as though treatment of patients, by taking its pulses and treating the points of stagnant energy and pollution with acupuncture.
Egyptologists tell us that obelisks are granite towers that symbolize a ray of the sun―a megalithic symbol of the Sun God Ra, later to be called Aton. Some obelisks weigh over 500 tons and are massive blocks of polished granite that would be extremely difficult to quarry and erect even with modern equipment.
Geomechanical devices: Why did ancient civilizations in Egypt, Ethiopia and elsewhere undertake the massive enterprise it would have been to erect a single obelisk, much less dozens of them? Were obelisks more than simple monuments? Were they energy towers that could receive or transmit energy?
Tesla: With discussions on Tesla's wireless power, and the use of obelisks as gigantic acupuncture needles for earth, what the ancients were trying to achieve with their mysterious obelisks.
Oxygen negative ion reactions with carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide
Abstract A drift tube and mass filter have been used to measure the rates of some O– negative ion molecule reactions, thought to be important in the radiolysis of carbon dioxide. Measurements of the clustering reaction O–+ CO2+ M → CO–3+ M in carbon dioxide give a third-order rate constant which falls with increasing pressure. This suggests an intermediate CO–3 ion with a lifetime of approximately 10–8 s. The limiting, low-pressure, rate constant is (1.1 ± 0.1)× 10–27 cm6 molecule–2 s–1 and, in the high-pressure limit, it is (2.7 ± 0.3)× 10–10 cm3 molecule–1 s–1. The rate also falls slowly with increasing reduced field. In O2 the rate constant is a factor of 3.5 lower, but it is difficult to measure the pressure dependence as accurately because CO–3 is also produced by the reaction: O–3+ CO2→ CO–3+ O2k=(5.5 ± 0.5)× 10–10 cm3 molecule–1 s–1. The rate constant measured in O2 for the associative detachment reaction O–+ CO → CO2+ e is (7.3 ± 0.7)× 10–10 cm3 molecule–1 s–1. Similar experiments in carbon dioxide are complicated by changes in the electron energy distribution as CO is added, but an upper limit of significantly less than 10–13 cm3 molecule–1 s–1 is suggested for the competing reaction: CO–3+ CO → 2CO2+ e. The reaction of O–3 with CO is very slow. Possibly increased with Magnetic Hydrogen, Magnetic Plasma, 0-8 oxygen chains.
Going carbon negative: What are the technology options?
Is the earth moving in an elliptical orbit around the sun? If so were moving closer and farther and so the little monkey mind can’t figure out if we’re going to burn up and die or not? I wish Einstein or Tesla were here I would ask them the question. But they’re not and I don’t trust anyone else, so just to be on the safe side I’ll come up with my own solution. In case the answer is yes, we are all going to burn up and die. Microsoft recently announced that it aims to become carbon negative by 2030. What’s more, the company said that by 2050, it plans to have removed from the atmosphere all the carbon that it has emitted since it was founded in 1975. Ok I’m a Mac girl, but if Microsoft says it it must be important. This is a significant commitment from an individual company, and it underscores the potential for approaches using negative emissions, or carbon dioxide removal, to play an important role in meeting international climate goals. The green house affect is interesting when you study acupuncture. Because there is either to much yin or too much yang. The same for the earth. The earth has too many positive ions and thus we have global warming. Green house affect is due to the fact that the electromagnetic energy is to acidic. To many positive ions. Too much positive Ionic energy = Death. But wait…let’s listen to Microsoft.
Carbon Neutralization Carbon neutrality, or “net zero,” means that any CO2 released into the atmosphere from human activity is balanced by an equivalent amount being removed or neutralized. Let’s start calling it Carbon neutralization to clear up any confusion. Removing it seems to be a male indoctrinated term. Even if you put it in a space ship and ship it to space it still may return to us in another more deadly form. So let’s try to see if we can neutralize Carbon naturally and without a fuss. Becoming carbon negative requires a company, sector or country to remove more CO2 from the atmosphere than it emits. We are currently looking at so many global solutions, but do we really understand what we are dealing with? You cannot treat magnetic currents with chemicals. And the that’s the point…real solution and resolution. Not just temporary fixes. Meeting ambitious international climate goals may require global CO2 emissions to fall below zero in the second half of this century, achieving what is known as net negative emissions. Could Magnetic Obelisks ever interest the Intergovernmental Panel? I think so.
In the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5°C, published in late 2018, almost all the pathways analyzed by the authors relied to some extent on carbon removal approaches in order to achieve net negative emissions after 2050. I’m not sure why we have this date, but ok. I think we could neutralize Carbon by 2030 using Geopuncture. Negative ion magnetic hydrogen obelisks could shift our atmospheric conditions to more advantageous positions in 5-10 years.
What is the difference between carbon neutral and carbon negative?
It is important to note that carbon removal technologies are not an alternative to cutting emissions or an excuse for delayed action. We all need to have electric cars, efficient homes and farms and do our part to lessen the Carbon footprint. The portfolio of technologies and measures needed in a comprehensive response to climate change are extensive. I think the Acusuit Extension Technologies will be the leader in the coming race for Carbon Removal, Space, Ai, Medical and yes, The Arts.
There are multiple ways of removing CO2 from the atmosphere, most of which fall into four broad categories: (a) nature-based solutions, (b) measures that aim to enhance natural processes, and (c) technology-based solutions and alas (d) nature-based futuristic solutions. We don’t live in the dark ages anymore. So let’s not pretend everything is concrete, steel and chemicals. It’s Chi, Prana, Energy, Electromagnetic energy, Magnetic and Holistic.
Short Term Solutions This does not mean, though, that carbon removal is only a long-term solution: the technologies can also play an important near-term role in clean energy transitions. They can neutralize or offset emissions that are currently technically challenging or prohibitively expensive to address. This includes in some industrial processes, such as steel-making and cement production, and long-distance transport, like shipping and aviation. However… The short term solutions don’t really work for me. That’s like saying let’s have a Kid until he’s 6 and then we’ll just forget about him. No it’s really not my thing. You have to think long term. We all do, we have to understand the future. We have to look 1000 years into the future. That’s how we are going to preserve the planet and it’s inhabitants. Not thinking short term. Magnetic Hydrogen Obelisks could be fashioned quite easily if everyone employed their talents and skills. Put the money on long term solutions and use the metal, concrete and industrial supply’s to build proper Obelisk’s to waft magnetic current in the air. While you’r at it, use the satellites to thicken the magnetosphere and bulk up the ozone layer with magnetic plasmas and magnetic hydrogen.
Who ever is spraying chemicals in the sky, is a fucking idiot.
Nature-based solutions
Afforestation and reforestation; These involve the repurposing of land use by growing forests where there was none before (afforestation) or re-establishing a forest where there was one in the past (reforestation). I love the idea of making more forests. This is really cool. Who doesn’t think so. Other nature-based solutions include restoration of coastal and marine habitats to ensure they continue to draw CO2 from the air. We should definitely have these solutions. But we must understand magnetism in it’s most fundamental form. Magnetism is the only reason why we have life on our planet. If we cannot respect magnetism we can loose our magnetosphere. If we look at Mars as a dead planet that used to have life, then what must we learn from failure. The answer is more Magnetism.
Technology Solutions There are many solutions but only a few long term solutions. Bioenergy with carbon capture and storage (BECCS) and direct air capture, which – as the name suggests – involves the capture of CO2 directly from the atmosphere. Both of these solutions rely on geological storage of CO2 for large-scale carbon removal and could play an important role in clean energy transitions. Short term solutions have problems for obvious reasons. In pathways limiting global warming to 1.5°C with limited or no overshoot, the IPCC found that agriculture, forestry and land-use measures could be removing between 1 billion and 11 billion tonnes of CO2 per year by 2050. That’s a lot of Carbon. The potential amount of CO2 removal from BECCS ranged from zero to 8 billion tonnes per year by then. To put this in context, global energy-related CO2 emissions were 33 billion tonnes in 2018. Other carbon removal options are not included in the IPCC pathways because of their lack of maturity. Even if Magnetic Obelisks were considered and rejected due to lack of science, logistics, research and man power. It will still linger in the hearts and minds of all people. This is an ancient and powerful way to terraform. The ancients did this for a reason. And everyone knows it’s the truth.
“Magnetic Obelisks on a planetary scale would increase the negative ionic energy and remove Carbon, by naturally changing into oxygen. It is my understanding that Magnetic Obelisks could neutralize 1000 million tonnes of CO2 each year.” -MGW
How can CO2 be removed from the atmosphere?
Please, excuse my language as I continue. There’s some things that really piss me off and that’s the indoctrinated big boys club. But because this is early stage enlightenment 101- I’ll forgive them. Let’s move into the next chapters. BECCS involves the capture and permanent storage of CO2 from processes where biomass is burned to generate energy. (Burned mind you) This can include power plants using biomass (or a mix of biomass and fossil fuels); pulp mills for paper production; lime kilns for cement production; and refineries producing biofuels through fermentation (ethanol) or gasification (biogas) of biomass. BECCS enables carbon removal because biomass absorbs CO2 as it grows, and this CO2 is not re-released when it is burned. Instead, it is captured and injected into deep geological formations, removing it from the natural carbon cycle. Ok, so it’s not polluting the air but somewhere, somehow it is hurting the the atmosphere. I would have to study it more and find all the flaws. But the obvious flaw is geological disruptions and future generations. Everyone get’s this.
Bioenergy with carbon capture and storage (How insane)
I have to say this is insane for many reasons. But let’s read on….BECCS is one of the most mature carbon removal options. There are a number of BECCS facilities operating around the world today, capturing CO2 from industrial processes (for example, ethanol production) and biomass-based power generation. In the United States, for instance, the Illinois Industrial Carbon Capture and Storage project is capturing up to 1 million tonnes of CO2 from a bioethanol facility each year and storing it in a dedicated geological site.
A dedicated geological site? Wow, this is really sane. I mean, the earth is really stable and we really don’t care about the coming generations. Why? Because WE won’t be here. So let them clean it up. I know, I know…it could blow. But the money’s great! So everyone let’s bury our waste! YEA! In the United Kingdom, Drax has begun a pilot project to capture CO2 from its biomass-fueled power plant. If the project is successful, it could become the world’s first negative emissions power plant. Wow. Geez, that’s just really wonderful. Jobs, jobs, jobs. In some cases, BECCS can offer a relatively low-cost opportunity for the deployment of carbon capture and storage. This includes the production of bioethanol, where the CO2 capture costs can be as low as USD 25 per tonne of CO2. At the same time, BECCS faces deployment challenges related to the availability of sustainable biomass and the need for infrastructure to transport and store CO2, which is lacking in most regions of the world. Direct air capture can enable carbon removal in which CO2 captured from the atmosphere is permanently stored. But ok let’s get real here. Permanently? Nothing is permanent. Let me give you some futuristic insight. It’s 3060 everyone is happy as a clam and then wait…two to three chambers have erupted and the pollution in the air in not just polluted. It has destabilized the planets atmosphere in just weeks. And well, the capsulated Co2 is now a noxious venomous gas destabilizing the earths atmosphere. Way to go everyone!
Clap, Clap, Clap…..Not The captured CO2 can also be sold for use, for example, in food and beverage production or for blending with low-carbon hydrogen to make synthetic fuels. But in most cases, the captured CO2 that is used is re-released into the atmosphere, such as when the fuel is burned. In these cases, use of the captured CO2 could still generate climate benefits, particularly where synthetic fuels are replacing conventional fossil fuels, for example. But this would not result in negative emissions. Due to the low concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere, direct air capture technologies are currently more energy-intensive and expensive than other carbon capture applications, which draw off more concentrated CO2 from industrial facilities or power plants. Cost estimates in academic literature range between about USD 95 and USD 230 per tonne of CO2 from direct air capture, with the lower end reflecting cost targets for future large-scale deployment. Today, more than 10 direct air capture plants are operating in Europe, the United States and Canada. Most of these plants are small and sell the captured CO2 for use – for carbonating drinks, for example. However, the first large-scale direct air capture plant is now being developed in the United States by a partnership between Carbon Engineering and Occidental Petroleum.
Carbon in soda and drinking it, because we are carbon based life forms. So cool. But still it doesn’t address the long term solution.
This plant will capture up to 1 million tonnes of CO2 each year for use in enhanced oil recovery and could become operational as early as 2023. In Iceland, the CarbFix project is capturing CO2 from the atmosphere for injection and storage in basalt rock formations.
Well at least they’re trying to recycle to make more OIL… LOL!
Negative Ions VS Biochar
Enhanced natural processes include land management approaches to increase the carbon content in soil through modern farming methods. I love charcoal. This can incorporate the addition of biochar (charcoal produced from biomass) to soils, where the carbon can remain stored for hundreds or thousands of years. Good, some long term solutions. Less developed approaches include enhanced weathering to accelerate natural processes that absorb CO2 (for example, by adding very fine mineral silicate rocks to soils) or ocean fertilization in which nutrients are added to the ocean to increase its capacity to absorb CO2. Enhanced weathering and ocean fertilization approaches require further research to understand their potential for carbon removal as well as their costs, risks and trade-offs. Messing with the ocean kind of makes me nervous. I understand the H2O we're dealing with. Hydrogen in it’s magnetic form would help the Oceans too. It’s hard to understand Magnetic Hydrogen, because we have not unlocked the secrets of Hydrogen. But we’re on our way.
Abstract: Poly(ethylene terephthalate)/polypropylene/bamboo charcoal (PET/PP/BC) thermoplastic composites were prepared by melt compounding and then injection molding. The functionalities of the composites, such as electrical resistivity, electromagnetic shielding effectiveness (EMSE), far-infrared ray radioactivity (FIRR) and negative ion concentration, were evaluated in the study. The surface resistivity and volume resistivity of the functional composites were 2.47 - 9.12×1011 Ω/sq and 5.8 - 7.01×1010 Ωcm, respectively, while composites containing 6 wt% BC or above. The EMSE of the composites were below 10 dB at frequency ranged from 300 kHz to3 GHz. The average FIRR of the composites was 0.85 at BC concentration of 8 wt%. Incorporation of BC into the composites increased the negative ion concentration of about 30 pcs/cc compared to those without BC. However, it is lower than the positive ion concentration in the air.
Reducing emissions as far as possible, transforming our systems in anticipation of a warming world, and compensating for the carbon footprint we can't avoid: these are our main tools in tackling the climate crisis. But if we're to mitigate the soaring levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere in the face of government inaction and our continuing reliance on fossil fuels, are they enough? The answer is no: it's becoming increasingly clear that additional solutions, like carbon removals, are a crucial complement to carbon avoidance technologies. Where avoidance means preventing carbon dioxide from being released into the atmosphere, removal involves its actual withdrawal, locking the carbon away for generations to come by means of nature and technology. Charcoal enables us to reduce emissions and lock carbon down permanently, making it hugely significant in the fight against climate change. We have to look at the chemical aspect of charcoal. It’s good, cheap and inexpensive. But wait- were just trying to make negative ions. There is a smarter way to do this. Charcoal creates negative ionic oxygen as the byproduct. Magnetic obelisks, don’t fail. Ever. In fact magnets are like little machines that never stop working. They don’t need batteries or parts. It’s that “free energy” Tesla was talking about. He said free energy would never happen. Well, let’s see if those dinosaurs are still living. Magnetic Hydrogens just keeps making negative ions. It can make it for 100o years. It’s really amazing isn’t it?
Risks of large scale geopuncture
There’s always risks to anything, but let’s look at this seriously. Didn’t the Atlanteans destroy themselves with crystals and magnetic energy? I think it was outlawed by the alien gods or something because magnetic energy is a kind of “woo woo bad word” Thank god I’m an Artist and not a professor afraid of loosing his tenure.
But onward. Yes, there are many risks. Destabilizing the earth core for example, or reversing the spin of earth, displacing the north and south pole so they drift faster or lava and earthquakes or mass comets or sun solar flares, or locusts and birds freaking out. Or just about every catastrophes known to man. Yes, it could happen but it’s improbable.
The earth is a living being, and many cultures have created geopuncture structures. If acupuncture works for the body. It may just work with the earth. Isn’t that what the Druids were doing? From stone henge to Pyramids to Gobekli Tepe. These ancients were trying to do something with the energy of the earth. And I think the Anunnaki also came to the earth mining for gold and all that jazz, to fix their own failing planet. So anyway, I think that’s how the ancient did it. Throw some gold particles in the sky and use the natural magnetic current of the earth.
Simple, Elegant, Brilliant.
It’s possible I’m full of shit and Magnetic Obelisks could create another ice age. The safest bet is to choose the most toxic city and place a Magnetic Obelisk in a park. From there study the carbon and the systemic activity which will be minimal. There will be more tremors from cars, busses and trains.
My guestimation: Zero Carbon in the city within 1-2 years.1 million tonnes of CO2 each year.
Negative ions VS Direct air capture
In its recent announcement, Microsoft said it is establishing a USD 1 billion climate innovation fund to accelerate the global development of carbon reduction, capture and removal technologies. We have to ask some serious questions. 1. Is this about money only? 2. Is this about creating jobs only? 3. Is this about miseducating the public? 4. Is this about saving the magnetosphere through Carbon Removal? If the answer is #4 were all good to go. If its a sham, then well I’m wasting your time ladies and gentlemen. Awareness could provide a much-needed boost for emerging carbon removal technologies, which will be important for meeting not only Microsoft’s ambitious carbon negative pledge but also broader climate goals. The IEA has consistently highlighted that global energy transitions will require a portfolio of technologies and measures. There is no single or simple solution to meeting international climate goals while ensuring energy security and expanding energy access. and Magnetic Extension Technologies will work hand in hand with Medicine, Ai, Longevity, Space Exploration and terraforming Mars and Earth’s Bio field. Cutting emissions is an urgent priority, the development and deployment of carbon removal technologies such as Acusuit Extension Technologies through Magnetic Hydrogen, could play an important and complementary role in shifting the energy sector towards carbon neutrality and – for some key sectors – a carbon negative pathway.
Carbon removal can be part of transitions to ‘net zero’ and beyond
Stone circles open a major energy meridian of the earth. Tapping into our rivers, valleys, and forests. The earth is capable of illness and healing just like a living being.
There are simple practices for attuning with the living landscape and responding appropriately to the messages and images received from the Earth’s intelligence. By monitoring the land before every interaction. We can demonstrate the power of right relationship in action.
Drawing upon the principles of Chinese medicine, the landscape itself reveals both its imbalances and the opportunities for treatment. There are places on the earth that need electromagnetic help and places on the earth that do not. Some cities are more toxic than others, we should start with the most toxic city first.
Using a broad range of diagnostic tools, including direct observation, principles of feng shui, listening to pulses, and working with maps, geological maps, techniques and tools we can learn to listen to what the earth is doing. Monitoring the energy of the earth is the responsible thing to do. Not just forcing our way into the earth without regard to long term problems.
Identifying the master points, nodal points, energy point of the surrounding landscape. Earth acupuncture treatment, Magnetic -H Obelisks, needles to treat these specific points and restore energy balance.
Learning how to communicate with the rivers, mountains, trees, and rocks that surround us, allowing each of us to develop an authentic relationship with the Earth as a living body and not a static rock moving through space.
Magnetic Obelisks would take this to extreme levels, are we up for the challenge? Monitoring the lay lines of the earth. The tremors, quakes, the shakes. Monitoring, the electromagnetic spectrum, the magnetosphere, the ozone layer and the neutralizing of Carbon and other pollutants.
This is only the beginning.
What the hell is Geopuncture
Similar to the acupuncture techniques used to regulate imbalances of energy in the meridians of the human body, earth acupuncture, (geopuncture) techniques work to balance the earth's energies. Magnetic Obelisks would stabilize Earth energy lines through earth nodal points. Earth energy lines can have a detrimental effect on an individual's health, when they lie beneath home or workspace. But this detriment can be regulated through harnessing negative ions. Earth acupuncture conceptualizes the planet as a place of interconnecting energy lines. These energy lines form a grid, or energy network, that comprises the earth's Qi. When earth energy becomes blocked or stagnated, or a physical space experiences a traumatic event, these energies can produce negative effects in the health of individuals, through interaction with the energy fields of humans. So just as a sick body can affect those around you, so can a sick earth affect our biological, mental, spiritual and psychologic states. Simply said the earth needs bio magnetic energy to heal it’s self and it’s inhabitants. Earth acupuncture treats these energy lines, which correlate with underground streams, ritual grounds, battlegrounds, earthquake fault lines, underground caves, harmful mineral deposits, toxic chemicals, poisons, radiation, and electro-magnetic fields. Geopuncture on a mass scale would require all countries to participate.
Geopathic Stress
These energy lines are a primary cause of individuals experiencing geopathic stress, or bodily imbalance or illness due to close proximity to these harmful energies radiating from the earth. Can we learn how to balance the earth? Is there a way to pulse energy in different Obelisks? Geopathic stress-related illnesses and disorders include immune deficiency disorders, cancer, cardiovascular deficiency, chronic fatigue, attention deficit disorder, headaches, chronic body pains, insomnia, and chronic asthma. Pollution including excess CO2 is also a by product of Earth Geopathic stress. A Feng Shui specialist often administers earth acupuncture. Consultations are often scheduled when there are areas of the home, or garden or workspace that either create an unpleasant feeling, or seem cluttered, or appear dark although having sufficient lighting. The earth acupuncture consultation begins with discussion of any health disturbances the individual is experiencing. The earth acupuncture practitioner then dowses to locate any existing energy lines. The space will be checked for levels of electric, magnetic and radioactive fields. Any existing energy lines will be treated in a method similar to traditional acupuncture. In place of the fine metal needles used in acupuncture therapy, earth acupuncture practitioners utilize copper rods, which are inserted at points bisecting the energy lines, directly into the floor or into the earth of the physical space. These copper rods serve to block the energy from flowing through the line, causing it to dome over the physical space and neutralizing its negative effect. Benefits of earth acupuncture treatment include greater productivity, better health and vitality, enhanced creativity, reduction of stress and tension, improved communications, and a sense of greater harmony with nature.
An Ancient Art
Earth acupuncture is an ancient technique to harmonize the energies of the Earth. It was used to create beneficial life-force energy for homes and other sacred spaces. In some countries such as China and India, it was used to control the “demons” of the place. In other regions, such as Brittany, France, standing stones helped entire areas avoid lightning strikes by discharging excess electrical energy from the site. Our earth supports all life, and it has a life on the crust as well as a subterranean life. When we address magnetic currents and lay lines we are addressing the natural energy flow of earth. We are not adding or taking away anything, we are enhancing an already accuring phenomenon. There is an exchange of energies between the two. The crust of the earth is in perpetual motion, moving vertically and horizontally. These movements produce cracks that are called faults. Inside faults are currents of air and gas that produce heat (or energy) that you can feel at the surface. These currents of heat disturb life on the crust. You can see the effects of this disturbance on the life above. Look at plants, hedges, and trees, and you can see the drying effect. Negative ions have a cooling and wetting affect. Hedges often have a break in their line, and you will see dryer branches over a fault. Trees have cracks or holes in their bark. That is the faults are too dry or positive ions in nature. Many animals avoid sleeping over faults. These types of earth energies disturb the places in our bodies that contain air, such as our lungs, intestines, and stomach. Magnetic negative ions would moistens and soften the earth and soil, prepping it for better plant life, farms and agriculture. A type of moisture would permeate the air and either. The atmosphere would rain, and drain heat with cloud moisture. The Carbon would be neutralized and the terrain itself would mirror that of a prehistoric past.
“All life is magnetic. The body, The earth & The Galaxy” -MGW
Are you not tired of Industries destroying the Earth?
“If you want a clean world, use clean energy, to do it.”~MGW
Yes, I’m tired of industry BS, I know I’m not the only one. Studying Geopuncture would be a life long endeavor. Probably not going to happen in my life time. And if we do install magnetic hydrogen obelisks it would require every industry and every world leader to get on board. So it’s not likely that one Artist can do it. But I can plant the seed, and hope that it can happen. Still, I think the world still looks up to the U.S. and if we started to do it in cities we could start a trend.
From what I know about Geopuncture. Yellow faults disturb the stomach and the liver. Red faults disrupt the small intestines and the heart. Gray ones dry the lungs and black faults are very carcinogenic. These effects are the negative side of faults, but the positive is that they can be used at sacred sites to help produce changes in the body’s energy system and the consciousness of the person. It’s crazy to think the colors affect our organs. But wait are not colors, frequencies? Yes!
Water Lay Lines
The second consideration is water. Magnetic Obelisks would affect the lay lines of magnetic current above and below the surface. The water contained in clouds is charged with cosmic information from the sun, moon, and stars and then it falls to the ground, traveling deep inside the earth. Magnetic current is normal for the earth, but the positive ions seem to do more damage. The ancient seers said we age because we're slowly cooking on a biological rotisery. That is were being cooked by the sun. Same goes with the earth, although the earth can take more of the heat than we can. But only for so long. Basically, water is life. Negative ions are life, and negative ionic Obelisks will increase all life inside and outside of the earth. Some of the water goes inside some of the faults, creating little streams of water. These can be thought of as the blood currents of the earth. There are small, medium and even big subterranean rivers flowing within the earth. These waters also influence the surface of the earth. They produce a depression in the magnetic field at the surface that disturbs vegetation, trees, animals, and people. You can see how trees are affected by water by noticing that some lean sideways or grow in strange twisted ways instead of straight up. Magnetic Acupuncture and Geopuncture works the way veins flow in the Body. The currents run between the trees and deep into the core of earth. Strengthening the core, shielding the surface, nourishing the magnetosphere.
Water Serpents Sitting or sleeping over a water vein increases the hormone production of the thyroid by three times and shuts down and depresses the other endocrine organs such as the pineal, hypothalamus, thymus, adrenals, and the sexual glands. We are affected by energy and Chi. But to actually enhance negative ions to remove Carbon from the either. Can we do it without harming ourselves? We can see these effects on the endocrine system in this study by German physicist Robert Ëndros. Faults and water veins influence the surface. This influence is like a breath going up and down. As the currents whirl up, they produce vortex-like energy on the surface. Vortex like energy? Ok so were don’t want to open up vortex like energy. We just want to utilize the negative ions. Can we do this without upsetting time and distance. Let’s not get into the metaphysical mess. In different traditions, these subterranean circulations of the elements of air and water were found and identified by sensitive people with skills to recognize them. These faults and water veins were given animal names, such as dragons and serpents or snakes. And that’s about it. If we remove the superstition we can have a very stable resolution. Carbon neutralization through Magnetic Obelisks.
Geo Magnetic Storms It’s possible the long list of problems coming from Magnetic Hydrogen Obelisk could be geomagnetic storms. That is storms that are out of control. With a high negative ion atmosphere we would heal the affects of carbon and other pollutants that are eroding the ozone, magnetosphere. However, we could possibly be creating nasty tornados and weather storms. This would have to be monitored closely and the energy lay lines would have to be stabilized as well. Obelisks could be turned on and off. An increase in the magnetosphere will bring more challenges to our planet. To much magnetic plasma is not good, but too little is even worse. Either way, the negative ions are stable enough to clean the environment and up the oxygen levels. Can we do it without creating another extinction event? With a zero carbon lifestyle we will witness new germs, animals, plant life etc. Everything is in a state of evolution including our species. Can we understand and correct the problems as they arise? In other words, can we adapt?
The Not So Pretty It’s possible that these obelisks could have mediate affects on humans that are near. The affects on the earth grid and energy could be significant cleaning the air to the point that it could change the way we live. That is the earth will take a bath. Ancient authors, like Vitruvius, a Roman architect, offer some information about how to find these hidden elements. He wrote that to find water you must look at the earth at dawn. At this moment you can see lines of vapor, and these lines of mist are like the expression of the water veins on the surface. Some circulations of energy, water and faults are good for health and others are terrible. Most of these circulations are bad for health, and if you spend too much time directly over them, you are going to feel sick because they disturb the functions of your body. Same with acupuncture. You can have a “healing crisis” where you feel sicker than before. So if Magnetic Hydrogen is employed most likely there will be a healing crisis. Animals find an excellent place to sleep, free from the adverse effects of earth energies. We would have to observe the animal kingdom closely and to understand the affects of increased negative ionic activity in the atmosphere. We would have more rain, more plants, water levels would rise due to rain. Not acid rain, not green house affect, not cold, dry or heat. But we would witness the earth come into a final stage of homeostasis.
Standing Stones For many reasons, in some countries, they developed techniques that we call earth acupuncture. Standing stones or menhirs were among some of the first megaliths to be erected by the Neolithic people. People think it’s for spiritual reasons, but most likely it was for very practical reasons. Putting these structures on important energy lines was an attempt to increase the magnetic current on the planet. Maybe they were not as accurate as they thought, maybe they were too accurate. Can we learn from the ancients with humility? Can we find a way to create structures that are more accurate to life? There are thousands of structures still unearthed. They realized they could avoid the lightning strikes by putting a standing stone on a significant crossing of water veins. These standing stones are one of the first examples of earth acupuncture and the first ways to control weather through magnetic currents.
The standing stone in Brittany, France is a great example of an Earth acupuncture point placed over a crossing of water veins.
In some countries, such as China and India, they realized that they could balance magnetic fields with standing stones and stupas. This was not just a one time occurrence. They incorporated this in everything they did. Electromagnetic cultures understood magnetism and they utilized it correctly. This procedure was also done in India, Nepal, Tibet, and Bhutan many of the stupas were and still are built to control the demons or the evil energy of the earth. Energy in general has always spooked human kind. But when we finally understand the magnetic energy through science we can understand how vital it is to our home here on earth and in our human bodies.
Pyramids and Stupas
“Chendebji Stupa; an example of a Stupa built in Bhutan”
Earth acupuncture, is about enhancing the energy of a specific point. Much like acupuncture in the body. The spot becomes a harmonic point and will have unique energetic qualities. This point expands the energy of the acupuncture point further because of the solar and sacred geometry is used in its design and construction. The Great Pyramid of Giza can collect and concentrate electromagnetic energy in its chambers and at its base, scientists have discovered. The 139m (456ft) construction was built by the ancient Egyptians more than 4,500 years ago and is the oldest of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. This Earth acupuncture technique of putting a stone or a pole in the earth, located at a harmonic point of a crossing of two water veins, became a kind of standard for harmonizing places. It was also used by Vastu and Feng Shui experts to balance the energy of houses. Earth Acupuncture has evolved and is no longer the domain of shamans, Zahoris, and Sorcerer’s. Now it is the domain of science. Everyone can learn these techniques of finding water veins, faults, and their crossings. You can learn to tune your body to dowse for these earth energies and how to make correct acupuncture points to harmonize homes, land, and the environment. From Pyramids to Stupas we are learning how the ancient harmonized their environment and world around them. Perhaps we are just catching up to an already ancient art form of terraforming planets.
Earth Acupuncture (Geopuncture) Carbon removal with magnetic negative ion Obelisk Global Earth Nodal Points Art Installations/ MGW STUDIOS USA Patent 2023