Liver Constellation Magnetic Acupuncture through negative ions Extension Technologies & Life Extension Technologies Ongoing Acusuit Journal 2023
On my journey through Tai Chi in 2000 I started to understand the electromagnetic field. I started to learn about magnetism on the inside and outside of the body. During this time I learned that Masters all over the world wanted to develop their chi power and I thought it was quackery. But then I started to get the feeling of Chi in my hands and I was able to block oncoming men, big men. Throwing them off of me as if they were mosquitos. In Tai Chi this is called bouncing through yielding. Understanding the principles of Yin, Yang & Shen. My teachers were Master Sam Tam and Jordan from Tucson Wind River Tai Chi. I continued to do my Art Tour shows nationally and internationally and I become adept at Tai Chi. I started to treat my ailments with breath and realized that when my acupuncture meridians were unblocked I was able to have a better flow in life and my ailments went away. So I started applying the magnets direct on the body because I realized that when the meridians were unblocked completely it was exponential in my bodies healing modalities.
Even though I studied and practiced traditional acupuncture I did not feel the same removal of stagnant energy as I did with the safe, non invasive magnets. Magnets were able to clear the stagnation as the magnets could stay on the body for an extended period. At this time my mother became ill having infection underneath her veneers which went diagnosed for many years. Going from doctor to doctor unable treat her I became concerned and started applying the magnets on her directly. I learned that negative ions are anti-fungal, anti-bacterial and anti-viral. I learned through the study of Tai Chi that the yin side that is the (north side of the magnet) decreased inflammation exponentially, while the yang side was used to grow muscles and such. I was able to undergo non invasive surgery at low cost and my parents were getting better. Even alzheimer's was cured as the memory points were employed and the the magnets never ceased to amaze. Clearing out the stagnant energy in the brain that creates blocks in synapsis, cerebral fluids and so on. Most of the blockage that occurs in the brain is bacterial, viral, fungal. I was able to cure myself of most ailments, including cancers. I cured my father of diabetes, heart disease. My mother of brain viruses and bacteria causing many ailments. I was able to refresh, revive and regenerate the flesh, blood, vessels, veins and bone cartilage: so that the entire limb, a hand, a foot, a finger could be saved without amputation. My was created to decrease inflammation and create life extension. Understanding that if the entire body was activated the organs would cease to fight for nourishment. I started the patent process in 2018 and to my surprise received the patent from the USPTO two years later. I studied magnetism for 15 years prior. I kept the north side of the magnets on my heart meridian to lesson the blows of heart break in order to continue my studies. So I could concentrate and be at my top peak performance at all times.
At this point I needed to get the rest of the college credits even though I have read extensively on many subjects. My hopes are to get the college credits while starting Acupuncture school as a research student to continue the Acusuit protocol of research and licensing, under the regulation of an accredited school connected to hospitals, clinics, schools, and global acupuncture communities. Magnetic Negative Ions: * Immediately Increase the Body's Immune Functions * Regenerate Nerves, Connective Tissue, Joints & Broken Bones * Support resolution of acute, Chronic & Serious Illness * Relieve Acute Pain, Joint pain, Back Pain, Back Trauma * Eliminate Fybromyalgia and Chronic Fatique Syndrome * Relieve Migraines, Headaches, Toothaches * Heal Stings, Bites, Burns * Eliminate Artritis, Joint Pain * Stimulate Detoxification * Reverses Free Radical activity * Wellness, Longevity & Health * Improves Circulation & Cellular Vitality * Revitalizes your Metabolism * Immediate Energy Increase Trials by error Starting acupuncture school soon and I have a lot to learn. As I said I’m not the first to do acupuncture, magnetic or electric. But I do love negative ions, yin and hydrogen technologies. I think we have a lot to learn about these amazing little monsters. The negative ion revolution and hydrogen begins. Ah the Aquarian Age! But wait…there is so much to learn. While I was at Rocky Point last month I woke up with a nasty bump on my breast. It looked nasty. I panicked for a second and then I put the magnets on and waited. It took about three weeks to clear it. First because my compass was broken or rather old and when you have a faulty compass you have a possible south side of the magnet on your skin. So long story short the positive south side was on a possible cancerous breast tumor and I fucked up royally. North side is the way. Still, I learned that I did not die after having the south side on my body for a year. I gained weight, I had a lot of anxiety, I even increased the chances of cancer, and I created a possible tumor on my breast. Because I trusted a little piece of crap compass from china. Don’t do it! I have new compasses now and I have three of them, and I learned to keep them in new condition. The lumps disappeared, I’m loosing weight and feeling chilled out. UH! It seems like chaos, but it’s super simple and if it’s done right is one of the most simple preventions on the planet. North side negative ion down.
Spiritual Dehydration I know that negative ions increase blood flow and disperse the clumping that happens in blood due to positive ion increase. But I’m not sure yet what happens to blood that is exposed to negative ions on an ongoing basis. I have ideas and I have studies but I don’t have conclusive evidence yet. Why? Because there is no such thing as magnetic biology. It’s like we have to invent that science. Great. I see that the electrons in the body and in the blood are fighting for negative ions. So it is what we want and need and I would not put it past humans to be secretly seeking it out. It’s almost like we’re spiritually dehydrated and this spiritual essence that is magnetism is really what it’s all about. Now if the blood does become too alkaline we have hemophilia, but from what I understand about the body in the day to day world is that we are sorely missing the negative ion particle. So it might be almost impossible to get enough negative ions because we’re always breathing in positive ions and the sun also does it’s work on us. We’re cooking. I do think it should be regulated, but for instance I had the magnets on the south side for a year, not knowing and It took a long time to get to that increase of inflammation. When I put the negative ions north it was immediate. Like over night the damage of six months was corrected. How could this be? In the natural world it takes one day to ruin a six month diet. Life is so hard… But if we are applying negative ions directly have we found that longevity key? That easy does it life giving water that we now know as negative hydrogen H-.
Curing my eyes with magnets
I’m a visual artist. That means it’s safe to say I’m completely paranoid about loosing my sight or going blind. Having a tumor, a cataract, or any twitch of pain in my eyes. Any prolonged strain, any dyslexia or disease of the eyes. I have had pain on my right side of my head for a long time which is why I started playing around with magnets in the first place. I went from Doctor to Doctor. Is it an infection, ear ache, eye pain, jaw pain, tooth pain. Impossible to know or cure. So I started applying the north side of the magnets on my temples at night and the pain started to ease. I also realized that my lap top pad where my fingers touch the computer might be slowly poisoning the right side of my head, hand and arm with positive ions. I used the north side of the magnets to counteract the irresponsible companies that have these devices without proper understanding of radiation. If it’s north side it seems fine, but the south side yang is hurting people and giving them cancer. Not everyone uses mouses all the time, especially lap tops. I did some research on meningitis and found out that it was a bacterial viral infection. Wow. So many people suffering. When I put the north side of the magnet and silver with a battery, I saw that I broke out with little red bumps on my skin. They weren’t pimples, they were more solid. Like something was trying to escape my brain. Imagine if negative ionic energy can heal brain trauma and brain diseases with magnets. I for one am experiencing less pain and more joy. It’s possible but we need more studies. Acupuncture School Do you know how life is when you can’t do something and then you just start and you find yourself doing it. That’s how I’m planning to do Acupuncture school. Slowly and with some financial prayers. I’m already stretched with everything but Im going to go for it. I need to learn about it and I think I’m on the right path albeit I did it creatively without following the rules. I let my conscious and my intuition lead me and I gleaned a lot of information studying Tai Chi and though mediation. This is how I got my information. From the Universe. If longevity is about negative ions and applying them to the right organs and removing all bad bacteria, viruses, and fungus and creating a de-inflammation current in the body at all times then we can live longer. I think. I mean we still need more studies. But I think it’s the key to unlocking the gates of the meridians and are we prepared for something like that? As of now the meridians are blocked and temporarily opened. Why is the body overloaded with inflammation and stagnation? Why is it natural to die. Or rather, why have we allowed this to happen for so long.
Ignoring magnetism is really stupid but it’s exactly what we’re doing. Out of sight out of mind and we can’t see magnetism so it must not exists. Unless you can feel it and in some cases see it, then you’r the elephant in the room. My brother in law G has a lump on his kneck. It’s gone diagnosed for two years. I sat with him put the magnets on both sides of the neck and one on the base neck. He wore them for 24 hours two nights and I told him it would take a week. In two days the lump had decreased in size 30% and I could he said something was draining in the back of his neck. He said that the magnets fell off a few times because of sweat. When the negative ions are added with silver and a battery the body will heat up in the area that is being treated if there is a bacterial or viral infection. Also, I got the feeling that it was a bad fungal infection. I’m putting magnets on random friends and family and letting them feel the north side and the south side. Teaching them how to put the north side on only. But I have found that putting the south side is also benificial in some ways as it is magnetism and the magnet has both positive and negative poles. So this is common sense. But the south side also increases emediate inflammation that is that the skin blocks the positive ions much like it does the sun. The skin is an intelligent biological organs so it will protect the body from to much exposer yin or yang. It seems to suck the negative ions in, some times I swear I can feel the body wanting the magnets. Much like a child that pulls the bottle to itself. It uses the force and the Mom says “Wow, you are strong” and so the body can feed on the magnets instead of feeding on bad food and bad company. I learned this the hard way taking care of aging parents. I had no money from being scammed from my Publishers I lived in the family houses, so it wasn’t full on homelessness. But it was just Awful living in fight or flight everywhere I went. Now I know not having money was a gift because it made me turn towards affordable health care MAGNETS!
Negative ion toroidal field If the negative ions are on the skin we are flushing the skin with negative ions. The magnets are rotating though and the yang ions or the south side is on top moving in and down or up and out. Which one? I don’t know. This is why the activation of the suit is more important and we will need more information on this. Studying magnetism and vortex math. I know 432hz spins the toroidal field but which way? In out or out in? Studying Tai Chi their was a move that I never understood. It called cloud hands. This was just so impossible for me to understand and learn. I couldn’t read anything substantial on it. I was lost. I asked my teacher to help me and he said “well what do you feel”. I felt the chi for a long time then realized that it was both. While the yin was going down the yang was rising, while the yang was sinking the yin was rising. It was almost like their was a double toroidal field, and I think that’s the case with magnets too. It’s not all black it’s not all white, it’s both at the same time. Like Master Sam Tam said, this is the same with people. “Are they good or bad? “Both”, he said “At the same time.” Bio Heart Glove: Reversing Heart Disease: Negative ions are anti fungal, anti bacterial, anti viral. Removes calcium from the heart arteries. Calcium build up is a bacteria. Softens the hear muscle and declumps the blood. Protects from stroke and other diseases. Futuristic Space Suit: Non Invasive Surgery Patent Acusuit 2022 The Human Blueprint is a silent and powerful energy called acupuncture. These lay lines on the body are ancient and intelligent. Regulating the bio field. When the biofield is healthy the body is healthy. All illness comes from stagnant energy in the body. When you remove the stagnation you create health. The body has to eliminate toxins but, the body is sluggish and tends to create stagnation. This is because matter is light and energy solidified, just ask Einstein. So keeping the body full of light means we regulate the Chi, Prana, Life Force. This magnetic suit is perfect for astronauts because they are capable of so much more if their Chi is regulated. Due to stagnation from space sedentary lifestyles the Acusuit helps to regulate body functions and the organs. Astro Bio Suit Book is a personal journey on the celebrations and frustrations in an ongoing invention written by Marta G. Wiley Acusuit invention is acupuncture meridian lines on clothing that are powered by magnets, electricity, photonic crystals, solar buttons, Magnetic Hydrogen, Electromagnetic Silver ions, PEMF & other power sources. Functional and therapeutic bio tech clothing is the future. For More Information Contact: Daniel Brian Boudwin, Patent Attorney Jordan A. Sworen, Patent Attorney Robert Everling, Patent Attorney Peter Suchecki, Patent Attorney Taylor E. Slade, Paralegal Jessica Chilson, Paralegal Brandi Faust, Paralegal Julian D. Gonzales, Patent Attorney Daniel Enea, Patent Attorney Tyler R. Donato, Attorney Brian G. Keil, Attorney Sandra Blake, Paralegal The Human Blueprint The Human Blueprint is a silent and powerful energy called acupuncture. These lay lines on the body are ancient and intelligent. Regulating the bio field. When the biofield is healthy the body is healthy. All illness comes from stagnant energy in the body. When you remove the stagnation you create health. The body has to eliminate toxins but, the body is sluggish and tends to create stagnation. This is because matter is light and energy solidified, just ask Einstein. So keeping the body full of light means we regulate the Chi, Prana, Life Force. This magnetic suit is perfect for astronauts because they are capable of so much more if their Chi is regulated. Due to stagnation from space sedentary lifestyles the Acusuit helps to regulate body functions and the organs. The Acusuit invention has been a long haul and there is no guarantee that I will get my invention. However, I’m not really interested in the money & power related to the invention. I believe this invention will heal the planet and it’s inhabitants from pain due to stagnation. Skin-tight spacesuit ACUSUIT BIO-SUIT is a new revolutionary astronaut suit that focuses on the truth of our electromagnetic nature. Living in the Newtonian world for so long. We do not know how to deal with Einsteinian realities and for the most part this makes us feel very uncomfortable. The superficial and gas related astronaut suits that are being created today will prove ineffective because the new paradigm of space travel will be electromagnetic in nature. It’ difficult to handle an invention that is so far advanced. There have been many snares in the process and progress of it. Even as I submitted my papers to MIT they still did not submit me to work on the suit. Why?
It’s obviously superior to anything they are working on. An artist? A spacesuit? Please. What I found out was there was a bid already in progress for a space suit. So I imaging the politics of money had something to do with it. However, I’ll work on it anyways, without their approval or funding. Old Astro-suits are bulky and hard to maneuver. Extravehicular Mobility Units or EMUs are the building blocks to a more advanced understanding of our Universe, but they are not the full picture. I fashioned a new Astro-suit that outshines all the others. A designer to the stars. Humans have walked in their spacefaring journey 514 times, but our space exploration will only increase in numbers. Why are the spacesuits so bulky? Why are they so competitive to get funding for the wrong things. Why are they more interested in the money rather than the real deal thing? They are blinded by greed and ambition. But as I write my books and continue with the suit, it will prove to be superior in every way. I imagine they will try to steal the idea or patent. Whatever, I’ll write my books and the release date will say it all. Perhaps we may never go back and we will all be wearing electromagnetic suits in the future. For now, it feels impossible to educate the public and fight the establishments on it.
Astro Physics 101 Everything in the universe is magnetic. EVERYTHING! So we know now it is not made of elements but vibrations that rule the elements. Frequency and vibration controls time and space. So then when human kind is evolving, we are all running into different vibratory states. Some high some low. Some depressing some inspirational. Some frequency’s make us healthy, some make us sick. The same with people. We might have a best friend and then we raise our frequency and we have a falling out. It’s not the friends or the people who fall out. It’s the frequency band width. Let’s say someone gets sick or they start drinking a lot, this lowers the frequency. Working with frequency can help friends and family stay on the same frequency band width. That is why everyone loves music. When people are jealous or envious of you, they are jealous of the frequency at which you resonate at. That is why it is called ENVIronment, because different environments have higher or lower frequencies. For instance a palace with beautiful art and jewels has a different vibration than the ghetto. So if we control our frequency then we can ease the lower frequencies of anger, fear, jealousy, envy, sloth, addiction, anxiety, confusion and so on. The suit employees the nature Fibonacci sequence so the energy gathered in not from other humans or even from food, but from the natural resource that we are moving into. Life force, Chi, Prana. Energy is free and it is everywhere and in everything, we just need to learn now to tap into it. Magical sacred sounds and high frequency’s can activate different parts of the brain, body and heart. Our organs are frequency’s, our memories, our thoughts and all that is around us. So what do we do? We create an Astro-suit that can tune our frequencies for us. This can create a greater sense of pleasure and cohesion in the body, mind & spirit. It can also unite and unify the sense. ACUSUIT Bio Astro-suit provides greater freedom of movement and comfort. The long-haul journey requires a self-regulating system and a blueprint that has been hidden dormant in the human body, the human meridian energy system. We surmised that in order to survive in the vacuum of space, human bodies require pressure. EMUs solve this problem by creating a pressurized vessel, like a mini airplane cabin. The Bio-suit employs new technologies and acupoints that activate an electromagnetic counter-pressure allowing the astronauts full range of movement. The point of the suit is not the suit but rather to clothes that surround the astronaut in electromagnetic shielding. Providing life-preserving pressure requires gold and silver electrodes and wires threaded through the suit and paired with biometric sensors to collect data. This sensitive information is collected and regulated by mission control.
The Bio-Suit is also protection from micrometeorites that pierce EMU's that rapidly depressurize the suit. The new Bio-Suit is patched with a self-generating nano-material. The suit's soft exoskeleton employees shape memory alloys, passive-elastic materials, and electro-spun fabrics, nanomaterials, and electromagnetic gold and silver electrodes to manage the complicated human body, fluids, hormones, organs, and bio-shield. The Suit is androgynous in nature and is sensitive to both male and female sexes. Also, it employees animal Astro-suits. The new Astro Bio-suit is flattering as well as functional. The Universe is an unforgiving vacuum of space unless you employ the new technologies of magnetic hydrogen. Understanding the universe as a plasmic field of magnetic energy and not a gas is key. Understanding the universal code is freedom. BIO-HEART-GLOVE Working on the suit is complicated because there are so many applications and legalities to it. Either way I am writing books on it because, honestly, will be making it for myself even if I can’t manufacture it for everyone. Even if it is not made in my life time I believe it will be made in some future time. I don’t need the acknowledgment, I would just like to have one please! I’ve been working on a Bio-heart-glove. This glove is part of the invention. I tape the north side of the magnets on the acupuncture points. You have to make sure the north side is down. I learned this the hard way because the compass N is really S. WHY? Because there is a magnet in the compass. That’s why it works. So south side is the north side on a compass when you’re dealing with magnets. But you’re actually putting the north side down on the acupuncture point. I learned this the hard way in that I was putting the South side on the body for years. Made me tired, anxious and yes I increased autoimmune disease and basically cooked myself creating more stagnation. On top of it all I was using watch batteries to increase the polarity of the magnets. Uh! What a lesson I learned. But I guess everything happens for a reason, because the I learned the North side decreases inflammation and increases flow. North side of magnets are negative ions and negative ions are actually oxygen ions.
So now I use the real north side of the magnet on the skin and I can feel that it removes heart blocks and heart ache. Basically, it cures heart break! YES! Now I’m finally free of that pesky thing. Just saying. The end of heart break? Hello, anyone in? Anyways, the heart regulates the rest of the organs. So if your light hearted your free of the snares of humanity and so are your organs. This increases ease and regeneration. What the suit is all about. Longevity and life extension is ours for the future if we listen. Quantum light healers Quantum light healers use molecules in magnetic fields to heal. They move their intention through the quantum field. As a healer studying taoism for 20 years I have come to understand that the two opposing forces yin and yang. Male and female are counter forces inside our own constellation. This is also true for the global galaxy we call the universe or multiverse. Quantum light and magnetic anomalies are universal in nature. There are laws of gravity, for instance we now know that gravity is magnetism. We now know that energy and electromagnetic currents rule our planet and the universal quantum field. This is the awakening. Quantum light can deflect radiation when employing the true potential of hydrogen. By interlacing a frequency through the plasmic properties of metallic hydrogen we can produce a strong magnetic field. This is key to unlocking the magnetic fields hidden potential of hardening the shield on the outside but keeping it supple on the inside. On the edge of every magnetic field is a quantum light connection. Much like the crust of the earth, the layer on the outside of a shield is made of a special kind of plasma. Interlacing positive and negative polarities through quantum light can harden the substance of bio-magnetic shielding. The very edges of the field are magnetic in nature while they are electromagnetic on the inside of the body. Lasers and particle beams are part of accessing these electromagnetic forces that warp or weave waves of various kinds. Shields can be used for combat and protection from micro-meteorites and cosmic dust particles. Plasmic force bubbles or sonic active shields involve magnetically contained plasmas or reflective crystallized light. Force fields are the next big battlefield innovation and the protection of our space-faring race. CROSS-CURRENT REGENERATION The suit applies basic truths. Yin or north side or electrons and yang or positive sides of electrons. These two forces resinating at certain frequencies create a state of flow for the organs, tissue and blood. Cross-current regeneration is a vital truth in the body as well. When we look at the ancients like Buddha, there is a reason why he sat cross legged. It took me a long time to understand but cross-current regeneration was real and it is the main root and reason why and how people meditate. So cross your legs and arms and cross yourself when ever you can. This is the key to enlightenment. Why?
Because the left side of the body is yin and the right side of the body in yang. These two forces coexist in every body. That is right, in everyone or left in everyone. So then everyone is capable of enlightenment. Unfortunately, when humans are to lateral and they do not cross over they become bi-polar and stagnant. That is the two currents are not crossing, and the body is not regenerating. Sad but true, it’s that simple. So once the two currents are crossing, that is the yin and yang side are crossing. A silent and gentle energy is activated. Let’s say it’s a third element that is important to the bio life form that is in the human body and creates human bio field. This cross regeneration actually washes the soul, the organs and the bones. It is actually a physical bio-light as the carbon based life form that is the human body amplifies. It is a natural cross current, sexual and vital chi. This chi energy increases energy and vitality in the body and bio field and is the basis of all mediation, kundalini and tantra in eastern religions. It’s science baby! Vibratory EMFS Can we protect ourselves from dangerous EMFS? Can we ensure we are surrounded by healing frequency energies? We still do not know much about light and sound. Frequency and what increases life and what decreases life. There are some frequencies that can destroy cellular life like the 50-60hz in 5G everyone is talking about. But there is also 936hz that will send you to the astral planes and you can start seeing UFO’s. All of this is sound technology and sound acoustics. They are finding out perhaps that is how the levitated stone in the past creating the megalithic structures. All of it sound, light and vibratory information.
With concepts of Tesla, Rife, and other pioneers in energy medicine, I am creating a revolutionary groundbreaking new product called the ACUSUIT. I do not take credit for acupuncture or any other form of frequency. This is just an Idea of many hundreds of ideas I had and honestly I just want one. So I’m just trying to make it for myself and if it helps others along the way, so be it. This super suit taps into your body’s very own bio-electromagnetic field and enhances the natural phenomenon. Electric energy is found naturally in all of us and controls the function of every cell of our bodies. The super suit regulates a variety of bio-electrical and bio-magnetic impulses in our bodies that control and regulate all bodily functions including health maintenance, healing, and regeneration. It’s possible that all organs have a frequency and a light and a sound, that is taught in Q Gong. However, I am practicing Accurate Information and from what I understand about these astral and energy realms is they are vast. However, still we have laws. It is possible there is a frequency for love or hatred. For tissue regeneration or for tissue destruction. What are these frequencies? I for one want to know. During the day I play 432hz that is part of 3,6,9 432hz cycles in numerology. This get’s complicated and I will discuss further in the this book. But for now I’m just playing with rolling magnets with battery’s and real silver sheets to create silver ions in the air. It put the frequency tone on the phone and let the magnetic energy wasp into the the air that I’m in. Coffee shop or home. The frequency helps regulate my moods and I find that the more I study the more I realize that anger and hatred are lower frequencies. I like to stay above 500hz. But I’m a 900hz girl and feel comfortable flying with the UFO’s. The suit acts as a stress blocker based on Tesla wave schumann resonance this super suit regenerates the body and mind. With the pressures of our fast-paced world, we need more resilience. We need to protect our DNA and health from the potential dangers of EMF radiation which permeates our homes & work. The ACUSUIT amplifies healthy energy states and decreases energy drains caused by a wide variety of harmful influences. The super suit has health-boosting properties which envelop your entire environment. Research is increasingly cautioning people to protect our brain, our health, our DNA, and our children. The super suit is multi-purpose in the application and can amplify human potential exponentially.
Negative Ions Are Oxygen Ions Increasing or decreasing positive or negative ions is what it’s all about these days. So we find that negative ions are healthy for us because negative ions are oxygen ions. So basically in our modern world we are all negative ion deprived. Negative ions also creates an alkaline environments, so I would imagine that we are healthy or not healthy not necessarily because of the nutrients we eat or do not eat, but rather from the positive or negative ions in the food. For instance kale and fresh produce has more negative ions that a hamburger from Mc D’s right? So then the meat and bread is active positive ions. I would be more interested in this field of research if there was any. Alkaline foods, negative ions and nature are proving to be more beneficial for health than Acidic foods, positive ions and heavy populated cities. Calm meditation vs fast heavy action. All of it yin and negative ion regeneration, this is feminine energy. So the Universe is vast plasmic energy made up of hydrogen atoms and primordially yin. Light and stars are yang. Everything has the potential of both, but you get the picture. There’s a lot of talk about mitochondria, the battery packs of your cells. Behind PEMF benefits there are harmful EMFs and there are helpful EMFs. PEMF therapy uses bursts of low-level electromagnetic radiation to heal damaged tissues and bone, to heal injury, and even to stimulate organs and encourage its natural repair. PEMF is catching on as a non-invasive way to approach injuries, chronic pain, and even chronic conditions like depression and diabetes. Electromagnetic energy is misunderstood because one the have taken it out of schools and two we have taken the knowledge out of institutions. So were kind of screwed here. But there are some smart people who are doing cutting edge work in this field. EMFs examples come from wireless routers, microwaves, and airplanes. EMFs that alter your DNA resulting in havoc, damaging the DNA and create cancer. PEMF's frequency is controlled and regulates health, while x-rays or satellites to your wireless phone are harmful. All of it is frequency of the plasmic field and yes we are affected.
EMFs, like X-rays, register as hundred quintillion Hz range. They are harmful because they are ionizing, that is they have enough energy to break electrons off of atoms, this charges them. Non- ionizing EMFs can disrupt circadian rhythm. PEMFs frequencies are in nature and healthy for the body. These range 5-30 Hz range, which is less than you get from a thunderstorm. Other studies show that at the end of their study they found a discrete optimal window of vulnerability of breast cancer cells to PEMFs of 20 Hz frequency and PEMFs applied at a repetition rate of 50 Hz. Pathology in the body is about a drop in cell charge. Reaching down to the level of a cell and recharging it back to normal means the low-level electromagnetic fields are restored. Then there is healthy electrochemical exchanges. Acusuit uses PEMF to reduced pain and swelling following plastic surgery, will help to slow-healing tibial fractures, will reduce pain from chronic conditions. The ACUSUIT will also help fibromyalgia, nerve regeneration, spinal cord and peripheral nerve damage, which is promising for the future of regenerative medicine. Bone regeneration, improved osteoarthritis by keeping cartilage from breaking down, impact the growth of bone cells, treatment improved pain and functional performance in arthritis patients and regeneration of the liver. These are relatively new technologies, there’s still a lot we don’t know about. Even if you were in the middle of the ocean, EMFs would affect you. Humans emit electromagnetic energy and although they are invisible it doesn't mean that they are not here. Moving particles produce magnetic fields. In fact, everything has its own electromagnetic field. So ACUSUIT is a proactive way to avoid overexposure. Point being that there are positive and negative polarities in the universe. This is a universal law, and it is the frequent that dictates energy drain and depletion or energy bursts of health, vitality and inspiration. Nasa Square Wave VS 369 Tesla Code
Nikola Tesla, oh my favorite! Taken out of schools and shunned by the science community at large. Idiots! Honestly, such a brilliant amazing person. Perhaps the greatest mind of all the time. An inventor and father of electric age who knew the secrets and mysteries of the universe. There’s a lot of controversy about 432hz but from what I understand it’s biophysics 101. First you have to believe in energy, Chi and Prana’, universal life force. Second you have to believe that it is alive, encoded with information and can be manipulated with light and sound that is manipulating space and time. Third you have to understand that Chi travels faster in a curved line. This is common sense, Chi stagnates in four corner rooms, cars and building. Duh! This is why the ancient created round domes. 3,6,9 Tesla Code has to be understood in terms of a biofield and a quantum field. So people that don’t believe in 432hz energy do not have a good foundation in magnetic bio-electric phenomenon that is the Fibonacci Code of the universe that responds to sound and sacred geometry. Using sacred geometry elevates and speeds up ascension while slowing down time.
Tesla 3 6 9 Number Theory is for people who think outside the box or standard orthodox education. The saying “The greatest minds are always curious” can be applied here. Some said Tesla had OCD and some believed he was superstitious, but what Tesla knew the magnificence of 3 6 and 9 and I believe he did have a key to the universe. If you think about the number three: the proton, neutron, and electron or to Holy Trinity (God, Jesus, and Holy Spirit) from the Holy Bible. You start to appreciate the number 3. Egyptian mythology also featured three gods that represented heaven, earth, and the abyss. In this existence of past, present and future we are living in sea of vibration. The sea of vibration is what we are taping into. It’s not only the universal code and law it’s also the field of infinite possibilities. As an artist I work with the fibonacci and golden mean & I learned at an early age that when I put the golden mean in a painting the painting sells. It’s a formula for artists and it is very pleasant for the eye to move in a spiral like energy. Now I know why. The Golden ratio in Mathematics is a special number found by dividing a line into two parts such that the longer part divided by the smaller part is also equal to the whole length divided by the longer part. It is often symbolized using phi, after the 21st letter of the Greek alphabet. In an equation form, it looks like this: a/b = (a+b)/a = 1.6180339887498948420 The Golden ratio was used to achieve balance and beauty in many Renaissance paintings and sculptures. I studied it for many years without knowing what I was actually doing. But then I learned about numbers and I started to understand the math behind the beauty. Da Vinci himself used the Golden ratio to define all of the proportions in his Last Supper, including the dimensions of the table and the proportions of the walls and backgrounds. The Golden ratio also appears in da Vinci’s Vitruvian Man and the Mona Lisa. The Universe and its patterns, galaxies, star formations, evolution, and almost all natural systems, are part of the The Golden Ratio. I always had a fascination with Da Vinci’s Vitruvian Man but Math alluded me. I was not a mathematical genius, so I just ignored the numbers for a long time. Now I know that Mathematics is one of the most powerful and important languages in the universe. But math without light and sound is just math. It is the form that brings beauty and so it is sacred geometry that solidifies a flower or a shell, all following the Fibonacci sequence. Math is the cradle of all creations. The geometrical pattern is everywhere and when I started studying it I dove into Vortex Math. Because I studied Tai Chi for a long time I understood that Vortex Math was about the toroidal field in magnetic energy systems. So I quickly learned that 432hz spins the vortex in very subtle ways. When the toroidal field is stagnant we are normal humans. But when the vortex of the energy field is activated we become supernatural, that is the Merkaba is activated. Meaning that we begin to flesh out the toroidal field and we become activated. Moving the toroidal field with the right frequency and vibration means that we activate and ascend through numerology, frequency, time and space. Vortex math includes 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8. The 3, 6, and 9 are always missing As you can see, starting with 1, and doubling it (1+1) we got 2, again, doubling 2 (2+2) we got 4. Further doubling 32 (32+32) we got 64 and summing up 6+4 gave us 10 which again summing up the two digits gave us 1. If you keep following this pattern, It will always give us the digits 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8. Even summing 7+7 gives 14 which further gives 5 (1+4). Notice how 3, 6, and 9 are not in this pattern. Scientist Marko Rodin (Discoverer of Vortex Maths) believes these numbers represent a vector from the third to fourth dimension which he calls a “flux field.” This field is supposed to be higher dimensional energy that influences the energy circuit of the other six points (1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8).
Things start getting strange from here ... If you take these 3 numbers (3, 6 and 9), starting with 3 and doubling it (3 + 3 = 6; 6 + 6 = 12; 1 + 2 = 3), you will find that there is no mention of 9 ! I’m still learning about this but from what I understand 9 is the silent key. As I started to look at life while studying numerology I found that everything had a threefold and sixfold symmetry. Then I started to learn about the hexagonal tile shape of the common honeycomb and off I was. The honeycomb shape is a strong hexagon shape that can withstand large amount of pressure. That is the universal chi can flow in and out of this shape more easily. There are no hard corners and the chi flows effortlessly. Understanding that math, sacred geometry, sound and light were all part of creation you start to understand that frequency really matters. Once you start your 3, 6, 9 journey you will come to see things like three pyramids that correlate with constellation Orion. Lately, I’ve been seeing birds in flight and they are indivisible by 3, 6 or 9. So it is everywhere in nature. When I work with my frequencies I see there is wave, square, triangle and sawtooth. These are actual waves that the tone generator has. I use the triangle because it’s a 3. But Nasa uses square.The NASA study concluded the most effective electromagnetic field for repair of trauma was the square wave pattern. I’m not convinced this is right for healing. This square wave with a rapid rate of change (dB/dT) makes cell growth increase up to 4.0 times. More than 10,000 research papers and 2000 plus double-blind studies on PEMF therapy Dr. Thomas Goodwin, Ph.D., addressed PEMF as a means to improve the growth and repair of tissues in mammals. So they have the ability to regenerate human tissue, organs perhaps entire human body. But I doubt that is open to the public, and as of now you probably have to be a billionaire. Cloning is probably in the works, that’s a conundrum for me. I’m pretty ethical and I don’t like to hurt sentient beings. So I imaging cloning is pretty dangerous for the psyche.
Although there’s a lot of Geeks that really want AI to flourish, I just see it as playing God and yes, there will be heavy consequences. Not because we are not part of God ourselves but because the natural flow of enlightenment happens slowly and safely. From what I have seen of Men, especially human Men is they are not emotionally responsible. So the EQ Emotional Intelligence gene is missing. So there is mostly Geeks and Bastards on the AI side of life. No bueno. Back to frequency. Obviously magnetic frequency works in all forms. But I still think we need more science on the frequency wave lengths. Rapid low Frequency (10 Hz), 7.83 ,11.79 (frequencies of earth), 10-200 milligauss (1 - 20 microtesla). There are low frequencies that are healing like the earth frequency for example. But on an emotional frequency understanding anger and hatred are low in the spectrum while love is at 500hz and above. Because we do not fully understand frequency I like to use the light spectrum.
Personally, I like science and I can see that 432hz is orange and relates to the root chakra. So then we can heal organs with frequency and sound and light and so this is the superior form of healing that Egyptians were doing. Again, we seem to think this kind of healing is quackery and I believe we have set it up this way to keep humans at a low frequency. If Aliens are tampering with humanity, and let’s say we were created in a laboratory then it’s possible that we lost much knowledge of our DNA inheritance. For instance maybe this is our natural inheritance 12 strands, and we were stripped somehow. I remember picking Zacharia Sitchkin from the Airport when we set up the prophets conference in Phoenix in the early 1990’s. I have read his books and I have to say he was on to something. Using extremely low-level magnetic fields (~10 –200 mGauss) has a potent effect on the proliferation, morphology, and gene expression. Healing, regeneration, stimulation of cell growth in the same frequency as the earth's Schumann and Geomagnetic frequencies 0-30 Hz. I’m learning about low frequency’s still and although some are healthy the 50-60 range is proving to be bad juju. In other words there are insidious forces using frequencies that can hurt our cellular growth like 5G towers. Uh! But you can counteract it with higher frequency and this helps with our emotional, physical and spiritual well being. We know from medical science and Electroencephalograms (EEGs) that the brain operates from 0-30 Hz. SQUID magnetometer studies showed that the human body even radiates same frequencies which are detectable up to 16 feet away. This is because the energy field is all around us. In Tai Chi we are taught to move the Chi or toroidal field inside of us into the Dantian. From there we move it into the bones. This creates a strong body and mind and the biofield is not so vulnerable to the outside influences. When a martial artist become like steel and water by fusing their shield to their bones they become powerful beyond measure. Reiki healers as measured by Zimmerman and Chi Kung Masters as measured by Seto emit a full range of frequencies from 0-30 Hz to jump-start healing. So for me personally, the Chi is coming out of my right hand and has been for many years. It took me a long time to figure out that the Chi is inexhaustible and it’s pouring out of me. With this I can heal people when I choose. It’s a type of benediction pouring out of me and a light. I cannot explain it but I believe the Chi is in my paintings and people can feel the healing Chi current from there too. So all of these wave lengths I prefer the triangle. The sawtooth wave FDA approved in the USA for the treatment of non-union fractures and to aid in spinal fusion operations. From the NASA study, we know that the Square wave is ideal for local application to break up cycles of pain and promote healing and regeneration. ACUSUIT operates in the range of 0-30 Hz but it also operates at 432hz and fibonacci sequence numbers 3,6,9 to speed up ascension. So it’s like a super hero suit that is a space suit also to promote healing, repair and regeneration. It’s all in the works and will probably be outlawed at some point because humans can be idiots.
Newton VS Einstein I have some issues with the newtonian world. Like I seriously don’t like it and although I respect the science that has come before I think we're stuck in pharmaceutical world and it’s super annoying. We're starting to awaken to a new form of healing with oxygen, frequency, good diet. Preventative medicine. But we are moving to slow for my taste. I like high frequency people and high frequency places. The body as a machine VS the body as an energy system is a challenge in human evolution. The tachyonic hypothesis of particles moving faster than light through the electromagnetic energy of a quantum field have come to play a modern physics. But modern man still does not understand energy in an every day to day way. I can’t imaging living my life in this time without higher frequency at play by my own hand. I don’t like that others are creating a prison planet for me or the rest of humanity. Actually, it really pisses me off. So I use ozone therapy to heal myself and I use frequency. For instance ozone therapy gets rid of smart dust chemtrail and GMO. Perfect! Tesla did the same thing when he gave himself electrical shocks for therapy in pain. But if he would have known about applying electromagnetic energy to an acupuncture point things may have been different for him because he died penniless and broken. Energy transmission as nutritive energy pours in the body through acupuncture centers. We now know that the body is biocrystaline in the body, blood cells, and bones. These Transceducing energies of the etheric body are creating health or distortions in the physical body according to the bio-information in the bio-field. This invention can assist in humanity moving towards a space faring race without too much tampering of the natural DNA. As we have witnessed with GMO’s in the last decade. Cellulose, Chitin, Plastic and all the other toxins into our DNA can’t be good for us and any nefarious activities tampering with our DNA has to be corrected as we move into the future. The etheric body is like a bio-computer with healthy or distorted biological information. Biophotons act at the DNA level to create communication in the body. Acupuncture points process bio informational frequencies. This information is used by neurotransmitters to stimulate chemical and digital signal codes through Chi. When we introduce sacred geometry to the body we actually can diagnose and heal organs, tissues and bone diseases. Addressing the stagnant chi is more important that diagnosing the disease. But we are still learning about this energy field.
One this I found super interesting when I was writing my paper on the Acusuit was the electrical- chemical energy that was detected by (radioactive tracer P-32 isotope of phosphorus) that was injected into acupuncture points in animals and found that the classical Chinese charts were correct. Even though they have been doing it for 5,000 years we still don’t understand the phenomenon of energy coursing through meridian lines. The isotope makes discreet meridian lines glow. Cardio-neuro immunology is the heart-brain connection that builds the immune system, so back to my heart glove! I just did it again yesterday and will do it again today. North side of the magnet on skin, heart meridian, silver and watch battery. Heart break free! Acting from the heart center increases immune response. This was discovered by Vol machines that also picks up this bio information discovering that enzymes, hormones, and biofields are all correlated. By managing the biofield we create greater order in enzyme organization which means better health. But by managing the heart center we activate the entire immune response. That’ pretty bad ass.
Schumann Resonances Acusuit regulates spectrum peaks in extremely low frequency (ELF) portion of the earth’s electromagnetic field spectrum. Schumann resonances are global electromagnetic resonances generated by lightning discharges of the ionosphere. I personally don’t like the name Schumann Resonance, it’s just so narcissistic to thing this person discovered the bio field. Uh! Give me a break. That’s like saying Christopher Columbus discovered the America’s. NOT. The America’s were discovered many times over many thousands of years maybe longer than that. Schumann resonances occur because the space between the surface of the earth and the conductive ionosphere acts much like a waveguide. Acusuit employees the right electromagnetic spectrum for the body. Electromagnetic spectrum ranges from 3 Hz through 60 Hz and distinct peaks at extremely low frequencies (ELF) around 7.83 Hz (fundamental),14.3, 20.8, 27.3 and 33.8 Hz. Schumann resonances have been used to track global lightning activity as a way to monitor global temperature variations and variations of water vapor in the upper troposphere.
Just as there are good fats and bad fats for our body, electromagnetic radiation has good and safe benefits and bad harmful effects. The super suit is capable of trapping beneficial electromagnetic waves that are symbiont with the human body and build the bio-field, by using the natural phenomenon of the ionosphere. Positive ions are signaled into a downward flow displacing the negative ions. Dislodged negative ions move upward building the human magnetic field. The theoretical aspects of the global resonances of the earths–ionosphere leads to the human potential as the body is capable of being a huge antenna that radiates electromagnetic energy. The ancients this this and this is the stuff of Star Wars. Acusuit, also works with brain waves, Delta waves – (0.1 – 3 Hz), Theta waves – (4 – 7 Hz) Alpha waves – (8 – 15 Hz), Mu waves – (7.5 – 12.5 Hz), SMR waves – (12.5 – 15.5 Hz), Beta waves – (16 – 31 Hz),Gamma waves – (32 – 100 Hz). It also works to unravel other harmful frequencies that are interfering with proper growth and stability of the individual.
The natural electrical conductivity of the propagation speed of electromagnetic signals in the body induces the super suit to use magnetic inductive coils. Using north-south and east-west components of the magnetic field. The magnetic induction coils consist of tens of thousands of wire mesh to engage a high magnetic permeability. Observations and energy conservation still arguments about the human bio-field have to be explored. For instance, we know, Q-bursts produce intense lightning strikes that transfer large amounts of charges from clouds and often carry high peak currents. ACUSUIT explores earth–ionosphere relationships prepping the body for space travel. Tesla himself discovered lightning was coming from the ground up, not from the heavens down. The super suit address's Tesla's invention and harnesses vast amounts of electromagnetic energy that is latent in the human body. Unlocking the human potential through the super suit is possible. The transient luminous events of positive cloud-to-ground and ground-to-cloud lightning occurring in the stratiform region of a thunderstorm system are highly correlated with the human bio-field and as the global temperature rises the human biofield can be monitored through the super suit. The lightning discharge and the important role in the radiative feedback effects on the body through the influence of atmospheric temperatures need to be closely monitored. The planetary ionosphere acts as a conductor of electricity and as an insulating medium. The body acts very much in the same manner with similar electrical conductivity. The intent of the super suit is to protect the human body and mind, increasing and maintaining the natural human biofield.
Magnetic Field Therapy I don’t really know why I’m interested in Magnetic Field Therapy other than I might be vain. LOL! I just want to stay beautiful, youthful, and with an open heart and if it works I want to help humanity. But I don’t know if they will actually help me help humanity. The US as it stands is full of psychopaths that care more about depopulation than helping humanity. So I can be a real bitch because I don’t like to be hindered when I know I’m doing the right thing. Life extension is real, it’s serious and it needs more attention. Why? To end human suffering. That’s why. We need helpful therapies and the suit also works with PEMF therapies. Magnetic field therapy is an ancient physical therapy modality and the effects of permanent and low frequency pulsating electromagnetic fields (PEMF) is a medical science for 2000 years. But ok we don’t have a lot of info on it because many books in the field have been, well oppressed and so you see, if I’m an Artist I can get away with talking about these things because everyone is like. Well, she’s an artist. Let her be and they do. Magnetic field therapy has been found in several randomized studies for bone healing, wound healing and as analgesic for degenerative joint diseases. They have found healing chambers in all the ancient megaliths and it is possible that they used these frequency chambers to make contact with our star brothers and sisters. Ok ancient alien freak. Yea, I know. Studying psychology and law for seven years, I didn’t believe it either. But it’s true. Science rocks and frequency, light and sound is time and space. So there you have it unbeliever. If you can’t see the UFO’s you’r not at their frequency and they don’t like to come into our frequency because it sucks.
Electromagnetically induced alternate fields, pulsed electromagnetic fields, PEMF have been used as rejuvenation method to stimulate bone healing for several decades. In ancient time the taoists knew how to bone breath and they were good enough to make their bones strong like steal. PEMF’s used to support bone healing, in osteotomies, callus distractions, spondylodesis surgery, arthrodeses or the therapy of delayed bone fracture healing or pseudarthrosis of long bones. Advantages of PEMF is a non-invasive technology. So we have caught up to the ancients. Finally.
Bio-photons Bio-photons are cool. I remember writing my book some years ago and I went deep into string theory and light and sound. So what I learned is that particle physics is both a wave and a particle and this is the conundrum with newtonian physics and einsteinean physics. Both are true and both are wrong and right. There is a stagnant energy point we call an atom and then there is a field of potential we call a wave. So sound and light affect both and destabilizes the particle. This is why atoms can change as you are witnessing it called spooky action. But it is the frequency of a collective agenda that keeps reality stable. That is what the shamans in the Toltec religion proposed. Positive and negative magnetic fields run the body's functions, DNA is nothing more than an antenna for the energy. A bio-photon is life, light, and emission of biophotons is technically a type of bioluminescence. Bio-photonics studies the general interaction of light with biological systems. This is biological tissue that radiates emittance invisible ultraviolet frequencies. I’ve been playing around with 720hz and 936hz and that’s when I started to experience higher vibrational living. But purple as a light is interesting because it is the third eye and beyond. So the rainbow body is resinating at the same frequency of the color spectrum. Isn’t that cool?
A girlfriend of mine and I just recently had a conversation about infra red frequency and how the military had to switch to night vision because they were seeing all these freaky things. Uh! That’s below the belt, earth and below. Right...onward. So ultra-violet is where the healing frequencies exist and this seems to be the higher harmonic resonance we are all seeking. Bio-photons facilitate a form of cellular communication through electromagnetic energy, this chemiexcitation controls oxygen, enzymes and body functions on a bio-molecular level. Bio- photon emissions are still being studied. These photon emissions from living tissues in the UV- range of the spectrum are part of the bio-field and we are still studying the effects on cell division. Chemiluminescence and oxidative stress are linked signaling a link between a healthy bio-field and healthy cells. Quantum medicine is about reaching higher states of coherence through the enhancement and maintaining of the healthy magnetic field. Magnetite is found in the body and brain and facilitates electromagnetic energies as a mind, body and earth connection we resonate with 0-30hz range. So it is with frequency signaling that can make the body supple and healthy. Longevity has much to do with the frequency we find ourselves in. So 528hz is the frequency of green and so I keep that frequency on all day because who knows, maybe my body thinks that it’s in the forest bathing in chlorophyll!
The Magnetosphere It took me a long time to feel out the magnetic energy. About 15 years of Tai Chi training. When you get the feeling then you start to tap into the Akashic field and this is the bio field. There is information in the field and quantum information means power. For this reason the Ancient Chinese and other cultures kept initiations to am minimum and even then, they were slow to deliver the secrets. Why? I imagine because it is difficult to learn the Art of internal medicine and you have to be virtue to find the insights to the Chi. For instance the dragon lines that are the energy lay lines on the planet are also information lines. Dream lines that the Ancient built their temples on. In the wester world the earth's magnetic field also known as the geomagnetic field that extends to the earth's interior and out into space. The solar wind of charged particles from the sun ranges from 25 to 65 microtesla. I like to interweave science and ancient lore, myths and technologies. Because I think the ancients were more evolved than what we are lead to believe and these great Avatars and illuminary’s were instructed by divine being in the past. But for instance one has to understand enlightenment in the form of logic, math, magic and energy. Near Greenland in the northern hemisphere, is the south pole of the Earth's magnetic field, and the South geomagnetic pole is the north pole. This is because the toroidal field moves up wards North and down word South at the corona fo the field. So magnetic currents are constantly in flux. Cool! The magnetic field is generated by electric currents and convection currents of molten iron in the earth’s outer core. So this is all known and very scientific, but of of course there are other crazy ideas such as flat heart, hollow earth, hexagonal poles and just collective consciousness. Right? So which one is real? We tend to go with the solid earth no magic, no energy field.
This energy’s driven by heat escaping from the core creates a natural process called geodynamo. The magnetosphere is the region above the ionosphere that is defined by the extent of the Earth's magnetic field in space. So this shield protects the earth from the radiation of the sun and so on. The magnetic field of the earth extends several tens of thousands of kilometers into space and as a magnetic medium, it protects the earth from the charged particles of the solar wind and cosmic rays. This of course extends to the human body. I mean if were talking science and there is a magneto sphere around the earth, then there is probably a magnetic field around the body. This is common sense. The ancients learned how to wield the shield. Without the magnetosphere, the solar wind would strip away the upper atmosphere, the ozone layer, and the human race. These important magnetic currents protect from the harmful ultraviolet radiation. So the same with the body, we need a strong bio field to bring our energy into alignment with the truth of who we are. We are both yin and yang, male and female and we have a strong shield that protects us our entire life. The energy is intelligent.
As the earth uses the magnetic field to deflect solar wind, the body’s natural biofield also takes heavy blows from the environment resulting from scavenging of ions by the solar wind. This is interesting because my suit employees negative ions from magnets north side, but it they are plentiful and there is no scavenging. Because the magnet is a little machine that never runs out. Imagine, never runs our of energy. That means that we’re can utilize the magnets so we never run out of energy. See? When we employe the magnets correctly that is we use the negative electrons then the blood doesn’t coagulate. When I put the north side of the magnet on the heart meridian the heart floods with negative ions and separates the blood cells, creating health in the body. It’s simple science but you have to do it right for instance- silver, copper, gold, north side of magnets on skin.
Mars indicates that the dissipation of the magnetic fields of Mars caused a near total loss of its atmosphere. We see that without the magnetosphere planets die. Same with people, but because we can’t see the Chi or the plasma as they like to call it in Science then we have a hard time understanding it. My tai chi teach said a grown man won’t believe you until you can push him with the Chi. Same thing with science, we won’t believe there is a magnetic core until we see the norther lights or planets like mars with a lost magnetosphere. That’s how humans are, kinda dumb. Assessing the importance of the human biofield we can ascertain that all illness and death is brought on by the body's loss of its natural biofield. Maintaining a strong magnetic biofield will extend life as we know it. Palaeomagnetism deals with the polarity of the earth magnetic field. Just as the earth, the human body employees the same principles. As the magnetic currents rule the ocean so does the biomagnetic field of the body rule the blood, hormones and nervous system. The intensity of the field is often measured in gauss nanoteslas 1 G = 100,000 nT. A nanotesla is also referred to as a gamma. The Earth's field ranges between approximately 25,000 and 65,000 nT. A normal magnet is about 10,000,000 nanoteslas (100 G). Since the north pole of a magnet attracts the south poles of other magnets and repels the north poles, it must be attracted to the south pole of Earth's magnet. The dipolar field accounts for 80–90% of the field in most locations.
This magnetic understanding launches the super suit that protects the body naturally, accessing the magnetic poles. Since opposite poles attract, the North Magnetic Pole of the Earth is really the south pole of its magnetic field, the place where the field is directed downward into the Earth. As I stated before this is important to understand because we are dealing with Vortex Math and not straight lines. As an Astro-suit the body will employee its own natural biofield, amplifying its biorhythms to keep the body’s Ph and metabolism in harmony as if it was still on earth. We are learning not to underestimate the bio field but we still do not know how to control ourselves and it. For instance a woman is negative polarity and man is positive polarity. These two forces want to unit always, we call this love, sex, unity. Now a days a man can be yin and woman yang maybe GMO fucked it up for us. Either way, it’s all good if it’s love and connects us. But we should not allow ourselves to be genetically altered, humiliated and biologically sexually confused without our permission.
Interplanetary Magnetic Field Magnetosheath, magnetopause, magnetosphere, northern tail lobe, southern tail lobe & plasmasphere all contribute to the magnetosphere. It’s important that we study the field because it will give us insights on the history of the planet and our true inheritance as a intergalactic species. Right? I mean we’re sitting on a rock in the middle of space and your telling me UFO’s and ET’s don’t exist? I mean common, wake up! Still let’s get on with the science of it. The magnetosphere is a stream of charged particles leaving the sun’s corona accelerating to a speed of 200 to 1000 kilometers per second. These charged particles carry with them a magnetic field. There is positive and negative particles. The solar wind exerts a pressure, and if it could reach Earth's atmosphere it would erode it. However, it is kept away by the pressure of the Earth's magnetic field, the magnetopause, the area where the pressures balance, is the boundary of the magnetosphere. On the side, the magnetotail that extends beyond 200 Earth radii and sunward of the magnetopause is the bow shock, the area where the solar wind slows abruptly. The electromagnosphere is the plasmasphere, a doughnut-shaped energy made up of charged particles magnetic plasma. Astronauts on the Moon risk exposure to radiation. The application of the Astro-suit will help astronauts endure large amounts of bioactivity through the body’s own electromagnetic fields. For instance, astronauts who were on the Moon's surface during a particularly violent solar eruption in 2005 would have received a lethal dose if they were not employing their own bio field technology. The Acusuit protects the astronaut's from space-related illness’s. Positive ions slowly drift westward and negative ions drift eastward, giving rise to a ring current. The body and the bodies toroidal field is the same in that the left side is yin, the right said yang. The same with the bioelectrical field of the body, the positive ions move downward displacing the negative ions. On the left side of the body (east) negative yin and the right side of the body (west) yang. The process of displacement makes the biofield strong. Particles that penetrate the ionosphere and collide with the atoms there give rise to the lights of the aurorae. This space weather can be felt as emotions in the human body. Space weather and storm, earth storms and emotional storms are about managing the electromagnetic energies, trying to harmonize the positive and negative currents. At present, the overall geomagnetic field is becoming weaker; the present strong deterioration corresponds to a 10–15% decline over the last 150 years. This means that humans and all plant life are experiencing large amounts of anxiety. The geomagnetic intensity has declined almost continuously from a maximum of 35% above the modern value achieved approximately 2,000 years ago. The rate of decrease and the current strength are within the normal range of variation, as shown by the record of past magnetic fields recorded in rocks. The Earth's magnetic field is believed to be generated by electric currents in the conductive material of its core. These convection currents are created by heat escaping from the core. Acusuit super suit shields the body and brain from the harmful effects of a earths declining magnetic field.