Ongoing Journal 2024-25 Acusuit Extension Technologies- Extreme Life Extension/ Magnetic Health Benifits
Magnetic Therapy
We might ask how there can possibly be a health problem when life span has increased and we experience less disease today than ever in history. Impressively, life span took its big jump early in the century, increasing about ten to fifteen years; but there is little evidence that it will advance significantly beyond an average of eighty years unless we begin to engage in preventive techniques and health building. The emphasis now is too strongly on drug therapy and surgery, which do little to increase life span or general health. Understanding the meridian system we can unlock the potential of life extension. Probably, extreme life extension. To live 120-160 using this new technology of regeneration will be the stuff of the future.
For a number of reasons, including lifestyles, pollution, a new crop of carcinogens, and the lack of preventive methods, cancers have increased. Dr. Samuel Epstein of the University of Chicago Medical Center states that over the past decade, lymphoma, myeloma, and melanoma have increased 100 percent, breast cancer 31 percent, testicular cancer 97 percent, cancer of the pancreas 20 percent, cancer of the kidneys 142 percent, and colon cancer 63 percent. Drugs have helped us cut infectious diseases dramatically, but we have accomplished little in the area of cancer and heart disease, our biggest killers. We keep searching for miraculous,"magic-bullet"drug cures and advanced surgery suited for a small percentage of the populace, with little success for improving general health. It is curious that magnet therapy has been around for centuries, yet so many people are unable to appreciate its value.
Why is this? From what I understand of it is that people can't see electromagnetic fields and thus we don't believe in it's power. We think it's woo woo, we can't imagine that were wrong. Dead wrong.
Only during the last few decades have we really begun to study scientifically its effects. Now there are controlled studies we can point to for efficacy, clusters of healing, and predictable results that an increasing percentage of physicians are willing to accept. A lot more documentation is needed, but at least we have enough to forge ahead. Importantly, we must keep the charlatans at bay and the fast-buck entrepreneurs under control, or all will be lost again. Society cannot afford to let that happen. This medicine is too important, for it can dramatically improve our health. Already I have dealt with so many people who don't get it. It's mind boggling how we think...meaning we don't really think deep. Especially the western world. Our school system also, does not teach magnetism. Were uneducated...
The realm of prevention
The U.S. is the most technologically advanced nation in the world, able to provide the best possible medical care for a large segment of society.But this mostly occurs after disease erupts.We have largely forgotten that medicine is an art-—not pure technology. We need the old family doctor technique back again, where the patient finds love and understanding, long-term care and prevention, truth about effectiveness and less greed on the part of providers.Technology has raised the cost of medical care while promises of golden health and extended life have turned empty. The degenerative diseases of heart attack, arteriosclerosis, cancer, stroke, arthritis, hypertension, and ulcers have replaced infectious diseases as our major enemies.We have to stop looking only for a "cookbook" of one shot cures and begin to treat the whole body and its immune system in a preventive fashion by means of proper lifestyle and nutrition, exercise, mental conditioning, and natural therapies of little or no risk. Self-help can benefit individuals and the nation's health status immensely.
People need to begin to take greater charge of their own health. Surely see a doctor for any serious ailment and weigh that advice. If it's a serious matter, a second opinion ought to be sought and the patient (you) ought to ask about alternative cures and preventive techniques. If the doctor doesn't give any alternatives, one must question whether he has done his job.The doctor should communicate with you, educate and promote proper lifestyle, and not be in a rush.Speed is equivalent to productivity improvement, not effectiveness. The nation has lost much of the preventive health character that our parents and grandparents taught us--much of it wiser than the dangerous drugs recommended to us today. A good preventive maintenance program in our daily lives including alternatives can improve chemical balance, the immune system, pain reduction, and mental well-being. Back problems alone, as just one example, affect eight out of ten people, and the direct and indirect costs run as high as $100 billion a year. Certainly a new approach is needed to get the nation back in shape.
We must take the time to understand what is happening to our bodies. We must take control of our own lives. Magnet therapy is just one of the alternatives that can lead in that direction.Many people approach the use of magnetic devices as a simple matter. After all, if Queen Cleopatra and others throughout history wore magnetic bracelets and necklaces, why can't we simply do the same and if we heal-fine?Why all the fuss? Well, it's true.A magnetic necklace or wrist or ankle band may help some people.However, if you want to achieve a high degree of success, one must use the proper magnetic strength, magnetic size, polarity, and length of exposure. Simply wearing something, any place, won't do very much for your health. A magnet needs to be placed where the ailment is located for specific periods of time and of suficient strength to cure a special problem. Bone fusions may require tenor twenty times the strength and depth of penetration as may be necessary for applications on outer tissues and minor bruises and aches and pains. A magnet placed in a limited location won't do much for the whole body or immune system. Magnetic beds with magnets that provide magnetic fields to every part of the body are necessary for full body treatment, much as the Earth emits a magnetic force evenly over our entire bodies. A magnet in one location will primarily affect that spot without the ability to reach much farther unless at a central nerve center.An 800-gauss, lightweight magnet, for example, may penetrate effectively only a few millimeters into the body.From there, the magnetic fields dissipate rapidly.Importantly, we must be able to differentiate between the polarities and avoid semantic confusion.
The New Encyclopedia Britannica clarifies the difference as it is used here. We are not interested in direction of north and south but rather the biological effect of negative (north) and positive (south) as used throughout Acusuit. Evidence is available that the negative polarity predominates for long-term healing and whenever the need exists for high gauss strength; while, it is shown that the positive fields are especially suited for stimulative functions and special disease characteristics. Both polarities used simultaneously provide what some believe is similar to a pulsing effect that gives quick acting symptom relief.
This is perfectly safe if of the proper gauss strength and used for the appropriate duration of time, depending on the human condition at hand and the ailment. Others insist that there is no pulsing at all, rather a biofeedback effect that acts quickly on the painful site since the bipolar magnet influences a minimal amount of surface tissue, as explained in the chapters ahead.
A most common question raised by physicians and others is whether the alternative healing business is all in the mind. The psychosomatic role is significant in healing but scientifically becomes a rather predictable figure according to a number of studies, regardless of the type of therapy. The Johns Hopkins Treatment Pain Center tested the use of magnetic devices with a control group and found that only 13 percent were influenced by the placebo (sham) effect.In a variety of tests by a number of institutions over the years, it has been shown that only about 11 to 13 percent of subjects respond to the placebo effect.The Food andDrug Administration (FDA) concurred in a series of rather elaborate tests by the Japanese that about 17 percent is a consistently reliable figure of psychosomatic response or placebo effect for most types of therapy. Success rates higher than this in most cases show actual physical or therapeutic effect. Magnet therapy has shown success rates of 70 percent and higher, depending on the ailment.Of course, animals are cured with magnet therapy at about the same rate as humans.And very infrequently is mind manipulation a factor with animals other than that involving love and respect of the master.On the other hand, positive mental attitudes, in contrast to unfounded placebo beliefs, improve chances of healing.Visualization of curing and good mental imagery are known to assist in striking away cancers and other diseases for at least a small number of people who have the conviction to do this. It's better to think soundly than not to, but in almost all cases it's still going to take a good treatment or physical regimen to wipe away illness.Little question exists that we need to know more about magnetic field therapy The benefits of magnets have been known for thousands of years, yet we are still searching for answers.Most of the medical profession, government agencies, and pharmaceutical companies appear to prefer to wait rather than to find the answers. Over 50 million people use magneto therapy worldwide so we cannot afford to wait any longer. It is not fair to them or to the rest of the population who possibly could realize healthier lives through proper use of magnetic fields. Furthermore, we are being hurt by magnetic frequencies of the wrong type on our bodies.
We need to proceed to take the safest steps for we cannot simply wait and assume that we will be able to find the ultimate mysteries of life.The health industry isn't waiting to experiment with drugs or new technology on our poor bodies. In this respect, we have an obligation to further examine alternatives already deemed safe. Assuredly, more clinical and double-blind controlled studies are needed. But much of the basic data already exists. Most of the answers could emerge in one or two years of in-depth research. Meanwhile, if there is no hope from conventional medicine for a particular ailment, the patient has the right to try an alternative therapy that shows efficacy. Since magnet therapy is many times safer than almost all drugs and has demonstrated effectiveness, proper application is warranted. Magnetic field therapy to ailing bodies can relieve pain, improve sleep and quality of life, and can make all the difference in the world for many people. For some, it may do little or nothing, yet it has been shown to have effect in about 70 percent or more of cases.Only the user can judge for himself. Many therapists report that the predictability of success with magnet therapy is higher than any other treatment.
Renews automatically with continued use.A single-blind, controlled study simply means that the same procedures and methodology are used on an approximately equal number of subjects receiving treatment and a second group not receiving treatment, called a control, in a test to determine effect. The control group is not administered the key therapy under experimentation, such as a particular drug or magnetic device.
Of sixty subjects, for example, thirty would be actually treated with magnetic devices and thirty would not. No individual would be told in advance if he or she were actually being administered the real device The other control, called double-blind, is when those administering the therapy also do not know which devices have real magnets and which did not, in order to eliminate any bias on the part of the providers. The control subjects are actually the placebo group. A triple-blind is when those measuring outcomes also do not know who was being treated or not treated.Clinical testing may involve strict observation by doctors or other professionals, of subjects as a group or individually, accumulating results over time under actual treatment conditions.A control or placebo group may or may not be part of this process.A placebo does not necessarily make a double-blind, controlled study any more valid than clinical testing with proper recording, although a good deal of the scientific community considers control trials more acceptable.Nevertheless, if a high number, such as 100 or 1000 patients, are cured by a particular methodology, the fact that some other group was not administered the same therapy as a placebo group does not mean any smaller number of people were cured or the effect is any less.
A control group may let us assume greater validity but not necessarily greater effectiveness.Since studies show that the placebo effect occurs in only about 12 to 17 percent of subjects, this phenomenon does not overwhelmingly detract from the success of trials that do not use control groups. The most reliable indicator of efficacy show often a particular therapy is effective and to what extent.The placebo can help make that judgment yet not invalidate all other clinical tests.Many doctors and institutions refuse to use control groups in the belief that all patients should be given the best available care without some being fooled. Dr. David Kessler, former head of the FDA, believed that there is a valid risk/benefit scenario which postulates that if the risk is low and benefit high, especially for serious illnesses, experimental therapies may be worth it.
After all, most of FDA drug validation involves double-blind controlled tests of as little as six weeks of observation without long-term assessment of effect, relying on the anecdotal histories from the companies themselves. The FDA is now moving to strengthen this Anecdotal cases (personal descriptions of cures before and after) if of sufficient number and validated with a sense of truthfulness (possibly detailed affidavits) demonstrate effectiveness. Taking into consideration the usual psychosomatic response, hundreds or thousands of people can't all be fooling us. And for what purpose? Many doctors in the studies reported here keep well recorded results of their patients from beginning to end of treatment, with observation for months, sometimes years later for follow-up. The placebo effect, of course, is used not only to determine psychosomatic response but also to show whether the control group heals just as well without the medication on trial. Most colds, for example, go away just about as quickly without any medicine. It is important for us to remember that certain kinds of magnetic fields are considered harmful. Perhaps the most controversial, but with ever-increasing evidence, are the adverse effects from high pulsating magnetic pollution all around us high-power transmission lines, computers, TVs and radios, microwave and other electric appliances, electric blankets, shavers, hair dryers, and possibly even the phones you and I use every day. The ordinary 60 cycle household A.C. electricity and also other higher frequency currents can cause memory loss, headaches, changes in heartbeat and blood Significantly, exposure is chemistry, and general malaise. cumulative, contributing further to human sluggishness and digestive problems and other ailments. Death and cancer rates have been found almost four times as high in areas near high current overhead wires.
This "electric smog" can block out the brain's electromagnetic signals to the cells, diluting the body's disease-fighting ability.
And unfortunately, with the multi-millions of dollars spent on trying to determine the adverse effects of electromagnetism in regard to cancer and leukemia, we have failed to consider seriously other possible adverse effects and what we might be able to do about them therapeutically. We often keep scientists in business looking at the wrong things, or certainly not all of the right things. Now even the pharmaceutical companies are coming around to the understanding that there may be tests that better relate to quality of life and cost effectiveness than the disparate clinical evidence of the classical FDA placebo based trials. Companies are engaging in scientific marketing in more combative head-to-head comparisons of products directly against each other. No longer is it enough to prove that a new drug is effective, it also must be better in price and performance.
the research budget for this will grow from 10 percent to a third or more over the next few years. Certain Genentech Inc.'s drugs have been tested against Hoechst and Merck Company products, demonstrating greater effectiveness under specific circumstances SmithKline Beecham PLC hasdone directcomparisons of its non-steroid, anti-inflammatory drug Relafen to show that it has a better "side-effects profile" than its competitors. Upon this type of realistic recognition of direct comparison testing and documented clinical trials that show efficacy and safety, the FDA ought to proceed to the next step of requiring comparison of these products to alternative medicines that claim similar results and fewer side effects. Pills that put people to sleep ought to be directly compared to magnetic beds or magnetic head boards that make similar claims. Over 100 million Americans have sleep problems and many experts say that sleeping pills may do more damage than good. To be fair and honest to society, drugs for pain, inflammation, chronic fatigue syndrome, and various other ailments ought to be compared to alternative methodologies, including inexpensive and safe magnetic products. The drug companies might not like "comprehensive comparison," yet doctors might and our health system ought to endorse it if comparisons have any merit at all. As much as 80 percent of doctors' treatments are for pain (10 percent for chronic pain) of about $23 billion for doctor services and many times that of total remuneration. This excludes drug costs.
Can one imagine what the appropriate magnet could do for the health care system? For example, using just the one alternative of acupuncture, which unquestionably cuts pain for most causes, better results and higher quality of life could be attained for masses of ailing people. Some drugs and herbs might do a better job at healing than acupuncture for certain ailments Astonishingly, magnetotherapy could supplement or even exceed the efficacy of acupuncture and some other alternative therapies, allowing the average physician to use this less complex technique for both pain relief and healing Although acupuncture may heal, this benefit occurs with magnetotherapy to a much greater extent. If these statements are valid, it would be pure negligence on the part of the government and medical community not to use this medicine. Let's prove that it works or doesn't work and let's see if the NIH and other federal agencies have enough courage "to come out of the closet." Unfortunately, some improperly designed electromagnets that are used for therapy may also pose some of the adverse consequences found in appliances and devices that operate in the 60 cycle range electromagnet (essentially an iron bar inside a solenoid through which an electric current passes) can be controlled in strength by the amount of voltage and current used. Power is typically generated from an alternating current (A.C.) 60 cycle electric source. On the other hand, the permanent magnet (also called steady or solid state, natural, premier, static, D.C.) does not generate a frequency from an external power force and is considered a safe instrument. Magnetism can be defined simply as the alignment of dipoles in a ferrous or other material so that the molecules face in a uniform direction. The molecules form a natural balance between the positive and negative fields. The more molecules aligned, the greater the magnetic intensity. All electric currents generate magnetic fields and the rate of current flow through a coil determines magnetic strength. In the permanent magnet, strength is determined by the transfer of power from another stronger magnet or the alignment of molecules from an external power The electromagnet can be made quite safe by using a D.C. source that processes frequencies within the human body's frequency range of 2 to 20 cycles per second. Many electromagnets are now designed to emit 14 cycles per second As a consequence, they have been found to be considerably more effective in securing healing and symptom relief and, of course, safer than the higher frequencies, especially the 60 cycle range that can disturb normal body resonance.
Use of a constant frequency, even that compatible to human tissue and organs, can create an adaptation response over time which may mean one has to rest the body for a period in order to balance energy forces. The negative fields of the permanent magnet do not appear to create such an adaptation condition Different effects are obtained from different modes of the permanent magnet. The possible ill effects from using permanent magnets of incorrect polarity or gauss strength over an extended period of time must be considered. Short periods of use over weeks, even a few months, does not appear to be a problem when using positive (south) or bipolar (north/south) oriented magnets of low strength in the range of 200 or less gauss against the body. This translates to about 10 or 20 gauss to the body tissue when placed further away, as in a mattress or pad. But even at this gauss strength, when using the positive (south) pole, therapists advise resting the body a few weeks by staying off the positive oriented pad after continual use for two or three months or when bodily stress develops. Similar adaptation stress symptoms do not appear to occur when using the negative magnetic fields even after extended or continuous use.
Renews automatically with continued use. A number of experts believe that it is the negative polarity that encourages deep restorative sleep, fights infection, supports biological healing, normalizes pH acid-base balance, brings more oxygen into the cells, and relieves pain. On the other hand, positive energy stimulates wakefulness and can jump-start immobile muscles, but is considered less effective on long-term biological healing. Most human illnesses are positive oriented, such as intestinal disorders, seizures, infections, and toxic and acidic states The positive fields have been shown to eat away at tumors at least temporarily, yet may also spread infectious bacteria and cancerous virus, while the negative fields have been shown to arrest cancerous growth and reduce tumors, as evidenced in a number of studies and case histories. What is important is that positive and bipolar magnetic fields attract the negative polarity to the injury site by biofeedback and other mechanisms in order to heal. And this is accomplished as long as the gauss strength from positive or bipolar magnets is sufficiently low. Several companies space the magnets in mattresses, pads and seats several inches apart, which allows the opposite pole to rise and mix with the polarity facing the body, creating a bipolar effect. The beds of Nikken and Japan Life, for example, have been tested to show negative (north), positive (south), or bipolar fields facing the body, depending on where the measurements are taken. If a compass indicator is held directly over the magnet, the reading will be different in attraction than when held between The Ameriflex company uses a bipolar concentric pattern Magnetic X Corporation and MagnetiCo, Inc., use negative-oriented magnets toward the body, spread one inch apart and in larger numbers to render a predominantly "extra strength" negative field, more beneficial for specific purposes But all of the different configurations of beds have demonstrated healing or symptom relief for millions of people. Differences between the two magnetic poles are still argumentative for many. Nevertheless, the two poles are diametrically opposite.
The force of each field is exerted around the magnet in opposite directions Also both clinical and laboratory trials show a definite difference between/ the negative and positive polarities We also need to place considerable attention on resonance as it is a key factor in healing. Since body tissue vibrates at about 7.5 cycles per second (CPS), the heart and central nervous system at 14 CPS, and the brain from 2 to 22 CPS, one can visualize that if the pulse repetition of an external frequency is tuned to match exactly the beat of the heart, for instance, cardiac rhythm could go into sympathetic resonance and heart's amplitude would be increased. Out-of-step beats and extra systoles (contractions) can occur, causing stroke or other forms of cardiac disturbances, very much exemplified during solar storms. The body accepts these varying frequencies at the expense of cell efficiency since body tissues are thrown out of molecular resonance. We can liken body performance to a radio receiver, able to modulate almost any level of frequency into the human acceptance range. No matter whether from the extremely high frequencies of light waves or satellite or radio emissions, or the lower frequencies of household current or high-power transmission lines, evidence indicates that the body is capable of accepting these frequencies. Dispute exists concerning the body's ability to accept the very large wave forms that may range from the size of football fields to miles in length, yet a number of consequences have been recorded. As for smaller waves, you have probably experienced placing your hand on a radio and TV set, for example, where your body acted like an antenna attracting those frequencies. Scientific studies show the human body can assimilate frequencies as low as .00005 (cps) and, of course, be significantly damaged by the higher frequency microwaves that cause ionization of cells. Both the electromagnet and the permanent magnet emit magnetic fields that are essentially the same when frequency and wave form are discounted.
Differences lie in gauss (unit of measurement) strength, polarity orientation, duration of use, frequency and the shape of waves emitted, although the latter is more controversial and short of necessary evidence The size and the weight of the permanent magnet are also important. Weight is very much related to depth of penetration as is strength or intensity. Size is extremely important because the more area covered, the greater the volume of tissue influenced and the more effective the results. Too often it is forgotten that the amount of tissue affected is directly related to the rate of healing. Thousands of scientific studies, including clinical trials and various double-blind placebo controlled tests exist to demonstrate the usefulness of electromagnetic therapy. The FDA approved electromagnetic devices in 1978, primarily for bone fusions and relief of body pain, edema, and similar ailments. Their attitude at first was that these instruments were harmless, perhaps useless, so the idea would most likely fade away. But that didn't happen as hundreds of thousands of individuals in the U.S. alone were cured or relieved of symptoms using these procedures. Dozens of instruments are on the market and used successfully today. Over 100,000 surgical procedures are performed annually with electromagnets, many by orthopedic surgeons with incomes of $400,000 or greater earned with the help of this technology. Remarkably, success rates for bone fusions, pain relief, and healing of many types of ailments range 70 percent or higher when procedures are properly applied. A pioneer in electromagnetic therapy, orthopedic surgeon, Dr. Andrew Bassett has demonstrated success rates of 80 percent in healing non-union bone fractures. Dr. John F. Connolly, M.D., using electromagnetic devices, recorded success in almost all cases involving 100 consecutive fractures, as described in the chapters ahead. We know electromagnetic therapy works but, one might ask, how can a simple, little permanent magnet do the same thing and possibly heal many other types of diseases as well. Simply trying it may be the best answer.
After all it is safer than drugs, and just about everybody is on drugs. Under most circumstances, if it holds true for electromagnets it holds true for permanent magnets with the differences already enumerated A permanent magnet of the correct size and strength utilized for the proper duration of time has proven to be as effective in most cases. And for healing of the whole body and immune system, the long-term application of the permanent magnet appears to be the most appropriate, especially for self-help treatment such as with a magnetic pad. Skepticism abounds in the professional medical community about the healthful effects of magnetic fields. This idea is derived mainly from magnetotherapy's competitive nature to conventional medicine and the lack of education in this field, as well as very little being published in the peer-review medical journals. Yet the average person can prove a point to himself by trying this therapy without fear or danger. Importantly, for any serious ailment or for periodic checkups, one should see his or her physician. But if after many visits of ineffectiveness from conventional therapy, one should be able to determine for himself the effectiveness of a safe magnetic device perhaps a clearer barometer of efficacy than a mixture of conflicting scientific voices. Anecdotal cases are never sufficient proof of predictable effectiveness but do reflect the personal experiences of thousands of individuals whose claims cannot be entirely discounted. The wife of a close friend sprained her upper thigh in a horse accident. When she applied a simple, 550 gauss strength, bipolar permanent magnet to her swollen leg. the pain went away immediately Swelling receded more rapidly than she had ever experienced in previous injuries. When she took the magnet off, the pain came back instantly.Many people with whom I personally visited have witnessed pain relief from such things as tennis elbow, back problems, gout in the foot and hands, shoulder spasm, among a variety of ailments.
Relief from gout occurred in minutes and arthritic fingers have moved in short order where they were stiff before. In one case of a close friend, gout in his feet disappeared in minutes after applying a bipolar magnet of 550 gauss. He was able to move his toes for the first time in years. A female custodial worker, with whom I have spoken over the past year, and a male carpenter carry a concentric, bipolar magnet to place on sore spots whenever they feel the need during the work day. I relieved a toothache of mine in about 15 minutes and observed the infection disappear in a couple of days. Back pain from strenuous tennis exercise is relieved when I sleep on a magnetic pad, and has usually remained when I loaned the pad out to my teen-age daughter to determine her experience. She says that after studying hard, she needs less hours of sleep than usual to feel fully energized after sleeping on the pad. T have noticed that I require less hours of sleep as well. Of course, endless anecdotal cases can be cited, but also at least some double-blind, controlled studies are available and a few cited within these pages. Professional observation may add some credence to efficacy. In 1992, Dr. Dean Bonlie, D.D.S. Calgary, Canada, was requested by an ophthalmologist to see a patient who had lost vision in her left eye. Her history revealed pain heart surgery that caused massive infection in the area of the brachial plexus, resulting in permanent nerve damage that appeared to set up a chain reaction of tetanic contraction in the muscles of the neck, scalp and finally the eye. Prescription pain killers had been the only relief for ten years, although 108 different physicians and health-care providers had treated her. She was treated for one hour and 15 minutes using a ceramic magnet 4"x6"x2" with the negative side placed against these muscle groups.
As each area was treated, the muscles relaxed and the pain relieved, vision was regained, and finally she was free of pain as tears of joy filled her eyes and she thanked her providers over and over. She now successfully treats herself. A U.S.A. Nikken distributor of wellness products states his lady friend would not be able to walk or function if it were not for a series of bipolar magnets that she wears on her body at all times to provide balance and muscular movement. Treatments over the years from a number of doctors failed to alleviate this serious problem. The magnets have created a new life for her and is probably one of the reasons the distributor remains in the business. Something unique is happening here. I try to explain as fairly as possible the different sides of the arguments, but opinions are sufficiently diverse that analysis is not an easy task. Yet, after looking at this from many sides, some commonality arises that can lead in the direction of strategies for further controlled tests and additional documentation Various types of research are suggested here that would be desirable. We know that this therapy is not successful on everybody for a variety of reasons. The successful anecdotal cases are marvelous but what about the failures? Some answers are presented. A success rate approaching 70 percent is not to be scoffed at. Few drugs can claim such a high rate, perhaps aspirin alone and we don't really know how that functions. For magnetic therapy, we have a reasonable theory of a biofeedback effect where the brain causes increased negative magnetic energy to rush to the site of pain, energized by the injury itself or the irritant effect of a positive magnetic field, heat pad, homeopathic remedy, acupuncture, mustard plaster or other medication, including aspirin. In any case, it works to various degrees in the majority of circumstances. Other reasons for the healing powers of magnetotherapy are also enumerated, including cell changes, increased blood flow and improved oxygen intake In the therapeutic application of magnetic fields, both positive pole and bipolar magnets of about 500 gauss strength or less are effective and safe for symptom relief for many ailments. It is believed by some that dual polarity magnets create a pulsing type effect that treats more rapidly than single polarity magnets of similar gauss strength. Some believe that there is no pulsing in reality. The quick response to the bipolar magnet is believed to be a more rapid reaction of a biofeedback effect in its desire to counteract the irritant effect of the positive polarity. A higher gauss negativo poled magnet might be required to create a similar response. The negative polarity is the more effective long-term healer because it adds negative energy rather than taking it from other body sources. Health authorities from nations around the world vary in their idea of what gauss strength is most appropriate or which may cause human adaptation response where effectiveness no longer takes place and stress might develop. The Japanese Health and Welfare Ministry will not approve magnetic therapy devices unless they approach the 500 internal gauss strength level, believing anything less may not demonstrate effectiveness But there is wide disagreement as to what level cause adaptation, assuming this may be in the range of 100 to 200 gauss against the body.
Adaptation can occur from many treatments including drugs or almost any medication that elicits a reaction from the brain to provide additional energy for healing or relief. Dr. William H. Philpott, M.D., and certain other practitioners believe that this adaptation response does not occur when using negative magnetic fields because this polarity provides the healing negative energy directly to the injury. They believe that positive and alternating (negative and positive) poles stimulate the brain in the biofeedback process that passes negative) magnetic fields to the site of injury, while the negative polarity alone simply places it directly on the site.Over the long-run, the negative fields would essentially be healing the entire human body and not draining negative energy from other body sources. Attracting negative magnetic energy from other parts of the body in order to heal an injured site may gradually deplete this vital energy from elsewhere. And for some ill patients substantially depleted of internal electromagnetic energy from the start, instead of experiencing symptom relief from the counterirritant reflex response, symptoms may actually increase even from low-level positive or bipolar magnetic fields.
Some have assumed that the adrenal gland function may decrease with extensive use of the negative fields. However, Dr. Dean Bonlie observes that although adrenalin levels may drop, it is not due to suppression but rather because the body no longer is in an emergency state where it needs additional adrenalin. He confirms this with athletes whose performance improved under competition when using negative magnetic pads.Another use for positive magnetic energy is to apply it directly over the sternum to stimulate the thymus gland.
Theoretically, this increases the production of the T-cells and therefore aids the immune deficiency system, but Dr. Philpott, for one, recommends that the treatment should be limited to three minutes of application three times daily, followed by negative energy treatment for as many hours as possible. The positive polarity has been used to reduce tumor size; but again, evidence seems to indicate that the negative fields should be applied afterwards Magnetotherapy is probably the least complex of treatments, perhaps the reason some doctors choose not to use it because it takes the mystery out of much of the world of complex medicine. For most ailments, $50 or 850 gauss strength magnets are all that is needed, applied for periods of ten, twenty, or thirty minutes several times daily until the ache or pain or swelling recedes. More serious problems require professional help and further instruction and may take a 2000 or 3000 gauss magnet. Some problems may require a 12,000 gauss magnet for serious diseases. These high-strength applications should only be done under the direction and advice of a licensed professional. The high gauss fields should not be used directly in the head area or the central nervous system without full knowledge of what one is trying to accomplish. Pregnant women should avoid being exposed to magnetic fields in order to be on the safe side; however, there are no reports of adverse effects from use of the proper polarity for women or children. But magnetic devices should be kept away from anyone using a pacemaker or any health device that can be affected by magnetic force. Effect also depends on how magnets are placed in mattresses and seats and other devices. Check the diagrams, construction sheets, and make your own personal observations as to how many magnets are in a bed pad including their size, strength, and spacing to meet your purposes. For most ailments, the magnetic devices and beds on the market will serve people well. If you are receiving satisfactory results, fine. But if your ailment persists or you are searching for peak performance, you may require extra strength magnets. For example, a twin-size magnetic bed would need 665 magnets of ¾ inch diameter and 850 gauss to give a two gauss field to the center of the body.
It takes 218 miniblock magnets ¾"×1¾"×(3/8)" of 1100 gauss to render four gauss to the center of the body. Remember some people experience stress over the first few nights even from weaker magnetic pads because their bodies are throwing off toxins or meridians, associated with acupuncture, that are being stimulated. Others feel little difference even from the stronger strength pads, noticing a difference only over a period of weeks or months as the body's energy level improves and physical performance is tested higher. The desirable magnetic strength of the pad depends very much on what you are seeking and your body condition. Once you are accustomed to sleeping on a magnetic bed, it will be habit forming for life. An important issue in improving the nation's health is changing behavior patterns. For example, surveys show that fully half the men told by their doctors to take aspirin regularly- -to reduce their risk of heart attack and stroke do not do it. According to research by the National Council on Patient Information and Education, noncompliance involving prescription medicine ranges from 30 percent to 50 percent. "Programmable pill boxes" that beep and whistle when its time to take medicine may be the order of the day, they say. On the other hand, never forget to sleep on a magnetic bed because it's always there. Is that why 10 million Japanese sleep on magnetic beds? The elimination of pain, better sleep, and greater energy are just some of the uses of magnetic fields. The chapters ahead will not only demonstrate the usefulness of permanent magnets for these purposes but also the astounding effect magnetic treatment can have on such serious illnesses as epilepsy, schizophrenia, chronic fatigue syndrome, depression, diabetes, premenstrual syndrome, and many other complications as it strengthens the immune system and balances the electrical signals of the brain.
Drug and alcohol abusers are helped from their addictions by minimizing withdrawal symptoms. Many drug treatment centers in the U.S. now use acupuncture with a high degree of success. Can one imagine how much more effective our drug treatment programs could be through the use of magnetotherapy, which can largely override acupuncture and be administered by a larger pool of trained providers and counselors? It could make the nation's anti-drug and anti-crime programs a real success. Andcontroversial electric-shock treatments can turn to more benign permanent magnetic therapy, minimizing the dangers from these 100,000 plus treatments per year. A whole list of diseases can be attacked. Rising health costs could be cut.
If just one-fourth or even one-tenth of disease was helped by magnetotherapy, it could be the most important discovery or awakening of the century. And to think for all these years, we have tinkered uninformed about gauss strength, polarity, and treatment protocol. It is time the Congress, National Institutes of Health, medical professions, and private foundations took this matter seriously regardless of competitive opposition, and conducted the necessary studies, laid out the answers once and for all, and moved courageously forward for the benefit of the nation's health and world