Both Dr. Bansal and Dr. Philpott are advocates for the use of magnetic water. Bansal says magnetic water reduces excess acidity and bile in the digestive system and regulates movement of the bowels, expelling all accumulation of poisonous matter; it soothes the nerves and helps clear arteries.
Magnetic water can be used for washing swollen or sore eyes, wounds, and for eczema. Bansal says the north pole is excellent for the eyes and that "there is nothing like daily washing with water." Barefoot states that the hydroxylation of water by magnetism creates a digestive environment that stimulates the absorption of minerals In a typical case, Mary Louise J., Washington, D.C., (Jan 1992) complained of problems of indigestion and extreme nervous condition and stress that plagued her for many months while her doctor was unable to bring relief. A user of magnetic water suggested she try drinking four ounces of negative magnetic water twice daily- prepared from placing a plain glass of water over a negative oriented 900 gauss magnet for at least 30 minutes.
After several days, she reported that her digestive tract felt marvelous, she slept better, and felt much calmer. She asked her husband who also had sleeping and stress problems to try it. As a true skeptic he was reluctant, joking as he drank the magnetized water, "Here goes, my whole life is going to change!" Surprisingly, for everybody involved, in short order his symptoms also were eliminated. Hundreds of anecdotal case histories may not change minds or prove anything, yet all anybody has to do is to try this almost cost-free treatment and appraise it themselves.
There are just too many people who experience results for there not to be an effect, and, of course, results well beyond placebo. Magnetic water can be made by simply placing a glass or plastic container over a magnet of your choice (negative or positive or both polarities) for at least five minutes, preferably longer. Bansal uses 3000 gauss strength for 12 - 24 hours for a quart of water. But 500 or 800 gauss strength can also be used. He prescribes three doses daily- -two ounces for adults and one ounce for adolescents. Philpott says it only takes 15 minutes to magnetize water and he recommends drinking two, eight ounce glasses daily.
Other liquids can also be magnetized the same way- milk, fruit juices, beer, and body oils. Magnetized olive oil is reported excellent for treating gout and rheumatism. You may have heard of the phenomenon where hundreds of thousands of men, women and children line up daily, sometimes in lines as long as a mile to fill plastic containers with a miracle water from the Jesus Chahin's well in Tlacote, Mexico to cure or relieve everything from AIDS and cancer to obesity and high cholesterol. For some reason, the curative power requires "movements" of the water from one metal tank to another Chahin says that this is light water that weighs less than H20, and "scientists can study it all they want but they'll never find the secret." The local bishop is recovering from cancer by using it, and some of the staff of President Carlos Salinas Gortari reportedly use it. Magic Johnson, famous U.S. basketball star with AIDS arrived with a dozen local boys to help him cart off 150 gallons of water to his plane. We know of the healing power of baths at such famous places as Lourdes, France, and Sedona, Arizona, and other locales around the world where magnetic energy is reportedly at higher levels. Could the Tlocote water simply be magnetized? Water running over the Niagara Falls is magnetized.
One of the best ways to magnetize water naturally is to let it run through about 30 feet of sand where it will come out negatiyely poled from the quartz crystals in the sand and become loaded with oxygen that will kill germs, build body strength, and improve the immune system. Structured (light or magnetized) water changes properties of< temperature, density, surface tension, viscosity, and electrical conductivity. Any physics student knows that chemicals change weight under the influence of magnetic fields. So does water. More hydroxyl (OH*) ions are created to form calcium bicarbonate and other alkaline molecules. Perhaps all Magic Johnson had to do was place a pitcher of plain water over a strong negatively oriented magnet in his kitchen to get similar, perhaps better results.
The water he carried back begins to lose strength in several days (if refrigerated somewhat longer), dissipated naturally by the oxygenation of the air around it. In short, its a waste to carry that much water back home and unnecessarily costly. Bob Barefoot reports that cancer is virtually unknown to the Hopi Indians of Arizona and the Hunza of Northern Pakistan, as long as they drink from their local water supply which is rich in rubidium and potassium in the case of the Hopi water and rich in caesium and potassium for the Hunza. The salts of rubidium and caesium have extremely alkaline metal ions that can enter cells through large nutrient channels, raising body pH and killing cancer cells under rich oxygen conditions. The decomposing dead cells provide nutrients for renewed health and normal DNA replication, Barefoot informs us. Magnetized water can have similar effects. Normal water has a pH level of about 7, while magnetized water can reach 9.2 pH after exposure to a 7000 gauss strength magnet, enough' to kill cancer cells. (Barefoot and Reich) Magnetized water has many uses not only for our bodies but for solving a variety of mechanical effectiveness.
problems which tend to reinforce its Water pipes, for example, need to be scrubbed periodically to clean the inner walls of salt deposits that restrict the flow of liquid. Magnetized water causes such hard deposits to fall off, dissolving in water, and either lessening further concentrations of deposits or arresting them completely. Similar results have been obtained in keeping automobile radiators and other types of equipment and devices clean. Several companies promote magnetic kits that improve automobile performance and gas mileage when placed on gas lines and other specified points to enhance gas burning efficiency. People using these kits express how much more smoothly their autos function.
Enviro-Tech Products, Choctaw, Oklahoma, manufactures different kits called fuel energizers that clamp to auto fuel lines to change the molecular structure of the negatively charged fuel and oxygen so that these naturally opposing molecules attract each other for combustion efficiency. The fuel energizer puts a strong positive charge into the fuel which attracts the negative oxygen which they claim can improve gas mileage 10 to 20 percent. Certainly, the auto industry and environmentalists ought to explore this in greater detail.
The National Safety Association (NSA), among other companies promote products made of magnetic substances that eliminate deposits in pipes and other mechanical vessels. Magnetic water assists in dissolving pipe line debris in tubes and machinery, as well as enhancing the growth rate of agricultural products. (U.S. Dept. of Energy; Busch; Collins) Technically, magnetism works because it increases the speed of sedimentation of suspended particles in water (and other liquids) and enhances conductivity and the process of ionization or dissociation of atoms and molecules into electrically charged particles. (New Scientist, June Information Brief Magnetic Water Treatment Controversy exists over the effectiveness of magnetic water treatment for industrial purposes, such as that used to keep scale from building up in water heaters and boilers.
A well- financed water-softening industry that funds many of the water quality studies attacks the use of magnets as fraudulent. One reason may be that magnets are relatively inexpensive, last almost forever, and would save industry and commerce and residential users billions of dollars annually but cut profits for the chemical industry The Department of Energy in 1986 stated "Magnetic water conditioners. are operating extensively throughout the world today with tremendous economic effect.
Marked reduction in scale formation in steam boilers has been verified in practice and confirmed in laboratories." Cost-conscious and maintenance--plagued building managers are among the satisfied customers. The technology is used at the medical school building of the University of California at San Diego and San Antonio's Victoria Towers. Magnetic water treatment has been used successfully for over 30 years in Europe. Less scale accumulation on magnetized heating elements was demonstrated by Dr. Kenneth Busch, chemist at Baylor University, in a controlled study using magnets on some stills and others without magnets. Dozens of companies in Norway alone use magnet water treatment and the U.S. Navy has used it since 1903 to prevent scale buildup.
Chief design engineer, Denver Collins of State Industries, one of the largest water heater manufacturers, found that inexpensive magnets mounted on water inlets extended heater life beyond the warranty period when previously these $2000 commercial heaters were failing well before warranty, causing costly problems. Mor-Flo, another heater manufacturer, markets a 530 inexpensive magnetic device for use on heaters.
Field tests by the City University of London, England, found that both descaling and scale prevention occurred when water was magnetized. X-ray difiraction and electron microscopy showed magnetic treatment increased the size of the precipitated crystals. This report in the New Scientist magazine also revealed compositional change in hard-water scale from evaporated untreated water in a ratio of 4 to 1 calcite and aragonite (two types of scale) changing to a ratio of 1 to 4 when magnetically treated. They concluded that when surface charge of scale-providing crystals is altered, scale accumulation is reduced. These results were verified at a Bedford automotive plant, where industrial-grade magnets reduced maintenance costs 22,000 pounds in one year.
The opposing view is expressed by Jim Rober, chairman of the National Association of Corrosion Engineers' committee that investigates the nonchemical treatment of water, who believes magnetic water softening is pure fiction The question arises as to whether both the chemical industry and the pharmaceutical industries are in the same non-progressive climate of protecting their profit levels against more effective and safe procedures. In humans, magnetic energy alters the surface charge and electrical potential of the cell, opening ion channels and raising pH levels. Magnetic fields work in both humans and water pipes. Simple tests have demonstrated this.