Ongoing Journal 2024-25 Acusuit Extension Technologies- Extreme Life Extension/ Magnetic Health Benifits How can a magnetic suit launch the future of AI? First we must understand magnetism...
Meeting the Health Challenge
Magnetic Energy is Fundamental to our Health The healing of our bodies should not be left to chance alone.Simply to let nature take its course in this adverse environment is contrary to sound judgment.
It might have made some sense centuries ago; unfortunately, our internal metabolic energy system will not always produce the necessary healing energies we need to deal with modern life. The healing process, whether in a cut, burn, blood clot, allergic reaction, addictive or toxic state, infection, emotional and mental reaction and other metabolic disorders, responds to magnetic energy-something which many therapists have known for years but which most of the medical profession has been unwilling to take seriously. Cells are alive, constantly forming and renewing themselves in a process called cell division, activated by a number of forces, one of which is magnetic energy that can assist in healing specific organs or the whole body (Becker and Tarcher, Davis and Rawls; Evans).
Scientific experiments demonstrate that the interaction of all organs and systems is dependent on the constant influence of magnetic energy. Of equal significance is the body's natural vibration frequencies that produce biological responses from the energy of positive and negative magnetic fields (Gerber). Tests show that the positive energy increases frequencies, while the negative energy decreases them. Albert R. Davis and Walter C Rawls, Jr. in Magnetism and Its Effects on the Living System, describe this process. We are reminded that most human organs have a unique functional vibrating rate of approximately 7.96 cycles per second (CPS) The heart and liver have higher vibration rates at 15 cycles, which isthe natural pulsing frequency of the Earth.
From these normally low frequencies, we can visualize how 60 cycle A.C. electric currents and high frequency radio and TV waves, for example, might disturb our system by interrupting natural body vibration rates (Gerber; Savitz, Blackman). Importance of the Body's Magnetic Energies Many of our disorders and diseases are the resuit of electrochemical breakdown. When a magnetic or oxygen deficiency occurs in an organ or system, symptoms of illness arise and normal cell division is adversely affected, resulting in a high risk of cell mutation. An effective treatment, a growing cadre of doctors and researchers believe, is application of negative magnetic fields that causes the oxygenation of tissues by creating a field of high energy and an increased number of electrons (Philpott and Bonlie). Dr. William H. Philpott, M.D., has successfully used magnetotherapy on thousands of patients over the past decade.
He, among a variety of researchers and practitioners, believes that negative magnetic energy is the primary healer and induces melatonin production which is anti-aging, anti-stress, and controls free radical cell formation that causes many of our known diseases. Melatonin, as the master hormone of the energy system, controls the immune, hormone, and oxidation systems. Both positive and negative magnetic fields, plus a variety of other treatments are believed to increase negative magnetic energy to injured sites and to the body as a We know that states of excitation cannot be maintained for extended periods of time without undue stress and fatigue. Organ functions and metabolic become over-worked and prematurely wear out. We know that to stimulate our system with caffeine or amphetamines can be unhealthy and risky, whereas the proper method of restoring energy is rest and sleep. Upon awakening from restorative sleep, negative energies are rejuvenated, allowing appropriate physical and emotional responses to be initiated so that adverse environmental or other influences can be counteracted.
We absorb energy directly from the Earth's magnetic fields and also from inhaling oxygen that carries the Earth's magnetic fields into our cells. Oxygen is para-magnetic, meaning that it takes on the magnetic field that The higher the surrounding magnetic fields, it is believed the higher the human level of energy (Philpott). Sharks and insects, as observed by the Smithsonian Institute, obtain as much as 90 percent of their energy from the Earth's magnetic fields rather than from food. Our nauseating pest, the cockroach can live six months or linger without any food. Both sharks and insects are highly resistant to viral infectious diseases, including cancer, even though insects do not have an immune system. Can this simple idea of magnetic force be a chief answer to health and well being? Dr. Philpott believes magnetic energy is our first line of defense and that it can solve a lot of human ailments without even involving the immune system, which may be described as our second line of defense. The laws of physics state that a conducting fluid flowing through a magnetic field produces an electro-motive force. The water flow over the Niagara Falls, for example, creates electromagnetic energy and voltages that can be measured by meters as it passes through the Earth's magnetic field. It is reasonably assumed that blood flowing through the body, which is also in the Earth's magnetic field, produces an internal source of magnetic field energy. Also, a certain amount of electromagnetic energy is generated from bone stress during exercise called the piezoelectric phenomenon, encouraging us to just say "yes" to exercise. The sophisticated instrument called the SQUID measures electrical currents of the brain and other organs.
When death occurs the SQUID no longer registers magnetic energy in the body. At this stage, the magnetic energy that produces physical and mental functions no longer exists. It is understood that electrons or the atoms of the body are in constant movement through the geomagnetic and electromagnetic fields of the body. Moving a charged particle through a magnetic field will increase its energy as it does in a generator and other devices. For example, the process of how non-ionizing magnetic fields interact with lung and other human systems to cause alteration in cells is still somewhat of a mystery, even after 30 years of research. A model was presented in 1984 by Abraham Liboff during a NATO Advance Research Workshop in Euce, Italy, that suggested ion cyclotron resonance could occur in the membrane of individual cells and generate increased transport of tons such as calcium, magnesium, potassium, and other ions. Since that time, researchers have written countless papers.
Experimental and theoretical, supporting ion cyclotron resonance for specific ions. It is rather easily explained for charged particles moving in free space in presence of static magnetic fields. Energies come from a multiple of energies function within our bodies and around us for which we are constantly searching to improve our well-being and vitality.
The principal energy fitted for our biological system is called the Krebs Cycle (named after the German Chemist Hans Krebs) used for processing nutrients. But biologists believe it is capable of providing no more than 70 percent of the energy necessary to promote human metabolism (Daniels and Martin; Davis and Rawls). No matter how much we apply ourselves to eat the best foods and consume quantities of recommended vitamins and minerals, still another 30 percent of non-nutritional energy is needed to function at the peak of good health. Athletes may reach for the top while the average person simply seeks a healthy, well-balanced mind and body. In any case, we must extend our interest beyond nutrition, beyond simply the right foods, diet, mega-vitamins or herbal supplements. It seems clear that our system needs more. Science tells us that it is the 30 percent, non-nutritional energy that may give one human being the advantage over another in health, performance, and life span. Dr. Philpott insists that it is this energy that gives humans the benefit over pathological microorganisms, as well as the ability to maintain an alkaline ph balance and an important way to build plentiful amount of intracellular oxygen. It can also assist the human system in fighting and developing mastery over environmental hazards such as chemical and electromagnetic contamination. A plentiful supply of cellular oxygen acts as a defense against microorganism invasion, since these organisms have less tolerance for oxygen than human cells. addition, much of our energy is supplied by the exitonic process that is also experienced in the photosynthesis of plants. This is one reason our veins are close to the surface of the skin (Barefoot and Reich). Evidence shows that it is magnetic negative energy rather than magnetic positive that maintains proper blood and tissue alkaline pH, the medium in which oxygen can survive and fight off unwanted organisms.
The pH measures the relative acidity or alkalinity of human blood with 7.4 being about right. It seems evident that non-nutritional energy must be magnetic negative poled, Dr. Philpott says, otherwise we would die of inflammation, microorganism infection, cancer, and other illnesses. Robert Barefoot explains that exitonics also create a negative field (Barefoot and Reich). It is recognized by an increasing number of researchers and practitioners that the way to correct negative magnetic deficiency states of stress is to provide consistent and frequent exposure to an artificial source of négative magnetic energy. Properly constructed magnetic beds and seats and other devices can alleviate magnetic energy deficiency.
Importantly, it has been shown that the most dreadful cancers can be attacked by magnetic fields if used properly. Negative fields raise the body fluid pH to the alkaline state which kills cancers quickly. The medical establishment admits that cancer rates are increasing rapidly, striking one in three people. The cause is not only from smoking and dietary fat but also from carcinogens in our environment, from smoke-filled and smoke-free work places, from pesticides, from electromagnetic pollution and such things as annual mammography radiation tests on highly sensitive female breasts. Science journalists, says professor Samuel S. Epstein, University of Illinois Medical Center in Chicago, base their cheer leading for cancer cures on initial reduction in tumor size rather than on prolonged survival.
Certain forms of electromagnetic fields, radiation, and chemotherapy can spread cancer to normal cells and may do more damage than good. It's like trying "to make a rabbit out of rabbit stew." The Magnetic Earth and Our Health The Earth has two magnetic poles north and south- but is also influenced by a positive charge below the crust of the Earth and a négative charge at the Earth's surface under the positive oriented upper atmosphere which emanates from the sun's rays. This gives us, happily and propitiously, a negative magnetic field on the surface where we live, otherwise we would be terribly sick animals if we continuously lived in a positive magnetic field. Not surprisingly, many of us are ill not only from a weakened field force but also from extensive man-made electromagnetic pollution. As a matter of fact, in some areas where unusual cracks exist in the Earth's crust from quakes and volcanoes or where the molten beneath the Earth's plates is closer to the surface greater amounts of positive magnetic fields enter the Earth's surface, causing serious medical problems and disorders with both human and animal population. Unusual eddy currents are also noticed in these areas. On the other hand, there are areas where greater negative magnetic fields prevail. Some believe that certain health resorts, such as Sedona, arizona and Lourdes, France are other places.
Lourdes is a city of only 18,000 people but gets 5,000,000 visitors every year during a six month period who come to replenish their stock of water, bathe in the water and dab it on their eyes, making emergency trips when necessary. All seem to feel better, as pain and stress are relieved, while over 2,000 inexplicable cures (with 65 so-called miracles) have been recognized by the authorities. But psychiatrist Armond-Lareche says many of the ills of people return and he is surprised that more people do not get sick from drinking the bath water which is changed only twice daily. He sees no medical value, yet people are healed. Can the science behind this and similar circumstances be our old friend negative magnetic fields, where negative means beneficial and healthful? It appears, at least with this one term, that we must change our understanding of what it connotes negative is healthy and it is good. But it is also helpful if we think positively about magnetic fields as we try to understand this fundamental mystery of life. If we picture the Earth as a bed we sleep on, we would want to rest on negative magnetic fields. Luckily the Earth's surface is predominantly electrically negative oriented. Yet unfortunately, the Earth is rapidly losing its magnetic strength. So if we sleep on a bed that had negative magnets pointing toward us, this could be good for our health. The Earth's magnetic strength is relatively mild, only ½ gauss, compared to 10 times that centuries ago and many more times higher a million years back, verified by atomic lysterises dating from core drilling of volcanoes. All of the Earth's surface is negative except at the south magnetic pole and over eddy currents at various locations.
You may have noticed when a storm first brews, the body is stimulated. It is a period when animals stir and jump, horses kick their stalls, institutionalized and other mental patients are noticed to react excitedly, and we all are affected if we take the time to notice. In one study that observed 28,000 patients in psychiatric hospitals involving 67 magnetic storms, serious alterations occurred in a large percentage of these subjects. This is a time when positive ions from storms predominate (similar to those evoked by solar flares), the same positive ions that have been observed to precipitate human illness and microorganism replication As the storm subsides, the negative magnetic fields take over and we begin to feel relaxed and comfortable, animals stop stirring, and we experience a feeling of pleasantness and ease. This negative charge is the technical name for "fresh." The magnetic fields are caused by the electrostatification of the air and water which creates a negative charge differentiated on the ground. We are fortunate that the Earth is oriented to the negative field, but yet not so lucky that the Earth's magnetic fields are decreasing in strength year-by-year. Sleep helps us to recharge the trillions of tired body cells after a busy day, like so many microscopic batteries that need a boost or electric car batteries that need to be recharged after a day of use. The Earth's natural negative magnetic field is intended to do this but has been greatly reduced in strength over centuries and now even these limited fields are shielded from us by our urban environment of concrete and steel, the encased auto, and other barriers intertwined with many complex and counteracting, man-made electrical fields. Since a five percent loss of the Earth's magnetic strength has occurred in the last 100 years alone, we must ask the question how long it will take for yet another, even a small amount of gauss strength to deteriorate to the extent that it will affect future generations of life. We are experiencing lower levels of magnetic energy compared to past generations and we are encountering an unusual amount of electromagnetic pollution from a variety of sources which distort our bodies' chemical and immune balances These immense quantities of electrical and magnetic energies which enter our bodies are mixed positive and negative magnetic fields of varying frequencies and with overpowering positive fields that twist and distort our immune system and level of magnetic energy. Some evidence indicates that these mixed forces may very well be the reason for much of our stress, cancers, weakness, immune system imparities.
Electromagnetic Pollution
We have heard that there are electromagnetic sources of pollution all around us. The White House, the Congress, and most industrial and utility companies are still unwilling to admit to any serious problem, yet even Vice President Al Gore's office tested for an unusually high degree of adverse electromagnetic pollution. We are slowly coming around, but it may be too late for some people already infected with maladies. The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) funds millions of dollars every year in studies associated with extremely low frequency (ELF) electric and magnetic fields and related matters, but still they don't have the answers they want. Therefore, some local governments are taking the matter into their own hands. Seven states have regulations limiting the intensity of magnetic fields from transmission lines, while multimillion dollar suits are pending in several other states against polluting utilities. One of the risks is that we may focus too much on cancer as the major health effect and ignore such things as depression and chronic fatigue syndrome and other diseases.
A strong reluctance is evident against admitting that any correlation exists between ELF fields and disease, but the battle goes on and the association to cancer and leukemia appears stronger than ever. The DOE concludes, "in our view, the emerging evidence no longer allows one to categorically assert that there are no risks." The latest federal reports are being held off for another year pending further analysis, although a good deal of the data are in as described more fully. Some academic experts and medical practitioners believe that the problem may be at least partially alleviated by the proper and sensible application of negative magnetic fields to our bodily systems to raise appropriate magnetic energy levels and ward off some of the effects of adverse frequencies How Magnetic Fields Work on the Body Studies of athletes using negative polarity magnetic beds show an immediate increase in the body's ability to pick up and use oxygen from the air we breathe. Dr. Dean Bonlie of MagnetiCo, Inc. of Calgary, has conducted such tests and found that sleeping in an enhanced magnetic field speeds recovery from disease, strengthens the immune system, improves muscle function and repair, and increases overall body endurance and mental alertness. Complementary to this, Albert Roy Davis demonstrated how prior (preventative) negative magnetic exposure arrested active intake of infectious cancer and other diseases. Davis showed that both negative and positive fields can relieve pain and symptoms at specific sites, and negative magnetic energy can safely treat the whole body over the long-haul.
As already mentioned, the positive fields in low gauss strength will also attract negative magnetic energy wherever the body indicates deficiency but will do this at the expense of taking it away from other parts. The science behind magnetotherapy, like any biological science, is not simple, many factors are at work.
One involves electrical charges within cells. All cells have a positive and negative electrical charge differential between the inside of the cell and the outside of the cell wall? For proper functioning, this differential must be at least 60 millivolts. The greater the electrical charge differential, the greater the exchange of nutrients and water through the cell wall.
By increasing the body's negative magnetic fields, a negative electric charge is assumed to take place in the plasma and tissue. As a result, fluid is induced that creates more hydroxyl (OH*) ions which combine with other ions to raise the body fluid pH to alkaline. This increase in ph increases the oxygen carrying capacity of the blood (Barefoot and Reich). When hydroxyl ions attach to the glyco-proteins of the outer cell wall, the electric charge differential is increased. When increased substantially, old waste and toxins that have been held in the cell for long periods are drawn out of the bloodstream . Increased absorption by the red blood cells results in surface area made for the exchange of oxygen and However, although oxygen carrying capacity is enhanced by an increased negative charge on the outside of the red blood cell causing them to repel each other, this is considered a very minimal effect. Both Dr. Dean Bonlie and Dr. William Philpott, among others, indicate that this process is secondary to the increase in the energy level of electrons and other The italicized text refers to more complex information.
Renews automatically with continued use. particles and that it is this energy transfer to various parts of the body that magnetic fields and certain other therapies create that are primarily responsible for symptom relief and healing. Positive or negative magnetic fields alone, as well as bipolar fields plus other types of application, including acupuncture, homeopathy, and various surface medications are able to excite the brain through the biofeedback effect to send increased levels of negative magnetic energy to the site of injury in order to countermand the accumulation of positive magnetic energy which occurs at all injured locations. (The terminology "energy" is used in many instances in place of "fields" because it is more easily understood and less confusing to the average reader, although perhaps technically annoying to the trained physicist, so please excuse.)
Negative magnetic field application places negative ions at the site directly to join and assist the brain's output of negative fields In short, all combinations of polarities work; the question is which functions most efficiently and effectively If one questions that various combinations work, simply try them and you will prove it to yourself.
But take into account the parameters of difference and what is happening It is important to underscore that the release of toxins can cause temporary reactions, such as aches or pains, sciatic pain, tingling or itching These symptoms will soon subside and the body cells will begin to function at an improved level of effectiveness. A gradual increase in length of time one uses a magnetic system will help reduce annoying symptoms. that people on medication may develop symptoms similar to that of excess medication when using an overall body treatment such as a magnetic bed. Drugs become more elective and may have to be reduced or discontinued to match body chemistry changes. As stress and inflammation are reduced, toxins are released, metabolism improves and eventually one feels more comfortable and healthy Remember that symptoms can occur when using either the negative or positive polarities. Some people complain about getting up several times during the night to ward off discomfort. This will soon dissipate, while for many healthier systems it may not be experienced at all Symptoms occur in about 30 percent of cases but soon subside and go away after toxins are released in several days or weeks depending on a person's health One should not be alarmed at this beneficial effect even though it may be stressful for a while.
Scientific Studies of Magnetotherapy
A reasonable number or controlled studies for elctromagneto therapy are available and are cited in the pages ahead. Fewer studies exist for the application of permanent magnets, but performance of the two therapies demonstrate that results are the same when gauss strength and duration of application are taken in consideration Over 1000 articles appear in scientific journals on the effects of electromagnets but considerably fewer However, physicians and researchers have documented subjects in detail prior to treatment with permanent magnets and for a reasonable study period afterward to verify lasting results. Cases are cited here so that the reader can gain an understanding as to actually occurred under investigative procedures Nevertheless, scientific double-blind, controlled studies are needed which could take place over the next several years to answer many "ag qucsuous. It is such an important health question, that government and private foundations ought to provide sufficient research funds as soon as possible The newly created Office of Alternative Medicine has been allocated $2,000,000 to examine alternative therapies with $600,000 to be used for research, parceled out in maximum $30,000 grants, hardly enough to find the answers to this very important medicine.
The study of magnetotherapy may not even receive a grant. Many believe that a minimum of $100 million ought to be allocated for the very important purpose of alternative medicines, particularly when we spend tens of billions of dollars on space exploration and super conducting colliders, and still many unnecessary defense projects. What is the sense of it all and where is the political courage to tackle the nation's real priorities! Electromagnets versus Permanent Magnets As pointed out in the introduction, in the U.S. alone, over 100,000 treatments annually are given using electromagnetic devices for such things as bone fusions, inflammation, tennis elbow, sprains, back aches, and most types of pain. In addition, tens of thousands of cases are treated with permanent magnets for similar ailments and also to give people higher energy levels, improve immune systems, or simply to provide the means for better and more restful sleep. It seems the electromagnet is rapidly becoming the therapy of choice for healing bone fusions, for aches and pains, and for a variety of muscle and tissue ailments, while, permanent magnets are recognized more for improving energy levels.
function and alleviating symptoms from many diseases. The professional appears to prefer the most sophisticated electric devices, perhaps to make the process appear more complex than it is. On the other hand, the layman is more suited for the application of permanent magnets. Permanent magnets are similar to the magnets hanging on your refrigerator door that have no electrical power source, just the magnetism built into them. The magnetic energy fields that they emit are static or non-pulsed (as opposed to A.C. electromagnetic pulsing of various frequencies) and can be pointed to give off either (negative or positive fields from one side or the other A D.C. current can make a non-pulsed field in an electromagnet as well, which means that a battery operated electromagnet would perform much like a permanent magnet The growth of this industry is rapidly expanding. Nearly 100,000 providers of these services operate in the U.S. alone. One Japanese- American company, Nikken, supplies magnetic health products in the United States through over 40,000 distributors, and has many times that number of users.
Japan Life and Ameriflex have thousands of distributors also. Japan Life has been operating in the U.S. since the early 1980's and has a half dozen or more distribution outlets that have demonstrated highly successful results. Worldwide, over 50 million people in eight countries are users or magnetic beds and otner magnetie devices. It you want case histories, these companies have thousands.
Magnetic healing is not going to go away. When people realize results, of course, they continue to use the therapy. It does little good for the medical community or government agencies to hide their heads in the sand as if nothing were happening or, by keeping tight-lipped, believing it might all go away. That will not happen and we may as well face up to it. We need to become educated on the topic, not hide from it. The use of magnetic devices early in this century expanded quite rapidly, but then suddenly faded away because of entry into the field by quick-buck artists and charlatans, as well as lack of scientific investigation and research. Today, much more scientific information and documented experiences are available. If the subject is approached genuinely, we may witness an innovative health success. The NIH position appears too politically cautious, lacking the necessary innovative spieir that brings new and viable medicine onto the market for the benefit of the health system. Even the new Office of Alternative Medicine had to be mandated by the will of Congress. That seems a sad commentary on the affairs of opposition to organized innovation often comes from the medical community based on traditional practice paranoia or medical school infatuation. The FDA has taken a conservative stance on the efficacy of magnetic devices for generalized disease therapy until sufficient data are available to demonstrate the risk/benefit tradeoff. Yet these agencies nave largely conceal that magneto therapy is a benign, procedure.
Something else must be paramount in the decision-making process. The purpose in these pages is to bring forward ever more needed information on this subject to help direct people who use magnetism into the best possible and safest treatment protocols at this time when it is so important to millions of everyday users who could be otherwise hurt or discouraged by improper use. Even doctors are confused, especially since so few have ever been taught anything about magneto therapy. With an NIH budget of $10 billion it would seen that one percent of that devoted to this question would not be too much. We might ask why so little information is made available to the public. The competitive nature of the medical business, government fear and ignorance are the main reasons. The FDA remains almost neutral; insurance companies rarely reimburse for this therapy or most preventative measures; and pharmaceutical companies would rather sell drugs at extremely high profit levels. Also, too many doctors want to maintain the mystery of their healing powers learned from narrowly defined and overly complex medical school curricula in order to keep patients bewildered and dependent.
Just recently, President William Clinton said that there is a need for Americans to "take responsibility for our own health as much as we can."
Alternative therapies would be a good start in that direction There is no safer self-help methodology. However, natural methods of healing appear too simple and straight-forward for most of the medical community. Can you imagine of a single basic therapy were able to relieve countless ailments and what this would mean to the medical profession and our national health bill? After brief instruction, magneto therapy can be performed at home by any reasonable person. Of course, providers are instructed always to advise every person to consult a physician for diagnosis and periodic examination for any serious illness. Yet for certain ailments and long-term magnetic maintenance therapy, one can do this as a self-help, home procedure with proper instruction. Instruments can be used for many years or decades and may only weaken if exposed to other, stronger fields. This means that almost anyone can begin to oversee his or her own body.
The occasional visit to a doctor will not do it. Except for the most serous sickness or surgery, our parents and grandparents took charge or illness for most of their generation quite successfully and many are still doing it. The last chapter of this book reports an analysis of 7000 people that shows how plain, sensible lifestyles allow 70 year old people to live as healthy a life as 30- to 40-year-olds who do not lead the lifestyle traditionally espoused by most of our parents. Today, we need to integrate the old and the new. A recent Rand Corporation study indicated that for most middle-class Americans in particular, no matter how we re-structure the health system, it won't change health status one iota unless we engage in preventive medicine. It emphasizes that what we are doing is essentially meaningless. We need greater concentration on effective preventive health measures and for people to understand what best to do for themselves. Family doctors are too rushed and, sad to say, too many not prevention minded. In order to receive preventive care for most of our health system, one usually has to go into full and costly diagnosis and visitations which most people refuse to do or can't afford, and unfortunately for which they are not reimbursed. Magneto therapy could add to our health and to the financial success of American companies and the entire medical community. including pharmaceutical companies.
American business will certainly tindi ways of adding new and improved devices and profitable systems. As long as it is beneficial to humankind, we could all support that.In Japan, ten percent of households or over ten million people use magnetic beds and a total of 30 million use a variety of magnetic devices approved by their Ministry of Health and Welfare. It has not damaged the profits of the wellness industry. On the contrary, it has made for a healthier, more productive society that can take advantage of the diversity of comprehensive health services. Even with their notorious and vigorous work ethic, Japan is number one in the world in life expectancy; the United States eleventh. Just one of many companies, the Nikken corporation, which sells magnetic beds and other health products, is the 21st largest corporation in Japan at over one billion dollars annually. he squeamishness for professional use of the permanent magnet has something to do with methodology. The provider operates an electrical device that requires a current and various controls for manipulation, allowing it to appear more sophisticated. When professional and business people get hold of devices or services where they see medical as well as business opportunity, they are more likely to pursue In fact, as already pointed out, many of the orthopedic surgeons who use electromagnetism earn incomes of $400,000 or more a year. The same interest has not occurred for using or promoting permanent magnets, yet evidence exists that the permanent magnet can do essentially the same thing as electromagnets and more safely. The differences lie primarily in speed and power, which can be obtained in both kinds of devices to meet various conditions. The electromagnet can achieve a more effective resonance with the body if designed properly. Used together, electro and permanent, may be the most effective methodology.
The Placebo Effect versus Real Treatment
As stated earlier, it would be foolish to discard the benefits of permanent magnetic therapy simply for a lack of certain placebo (without intrinsic therapeutic value), control studies. Of course, more such studies are needed, yet the thousands of case histories and studies that already exist should not be ignored simply because they are not of a particular Observers working with our team have examined or witnessed first-hand a variety of successful case in order to understand the placebo reaction.
50 million of people using magneto therapy all over the world and one comes up with real success and, importantly, a high percentage of effectiveness. Several double-blind, control studies are being undertaken by Dr. Zimmerman, Ph.D, president of the Bio-Electro-Magnetics Institute (BEMI), Reno, Nevada. One involves plant life and growth; a second, implanted tumors in mice where the entire body is exposed; and a third, monitoring pain and quality of sleep.The placebo effect or psychosomatic response to healing is not as important as once assumed. The double-blind placebo study conducted by the Johns Hopkins Pain Treatment Center indicated that at most 11 to 15 percent of subjects experience the placebo.
In the case of magneto therapy on animals, used extensively by veterinarians and other animal keepers, little to no placebo effect on these unsuspecting dogs and cats and horses occurs, except possibly from the loving care of the master. Yet this therapy is effective in the vast majority of cases. Some of the most prominent thoroughbred stables report continual success and some instant cures on race horses where hope once had been Henry Arsenault of St. Pierre Health Corporation, Taunton, Massachusetts, reports excellent results attained in as little as 15 minutes when magnets are placed on both sides of a horse's shanks. Energy is increased and pain appears to be eliminated. Inflammation subsides much more quickly and bones heal in one-fourth the time.
Veterinarians nationwide use magneto therapy successfully and placebo effect has virtually nothing to do with it. From these studies, the conclusion can be fairly drawn that for the majority of those who experience symptom relief or healing from magneto therapy, it is due to the treatment not the mere idea of treatment. For many therapies, only a fraction, some 20 to 30 percent on average find effectiveness. In the case of magnetic fields, figures from providers suggest unusual, overall success rates of 70 percent or higher. This may not necessarily mean a cure, but relief of symptoms and stress, greater mobility or increases in energy levels and, importantly, without side effects when properly used.
Dr. Philpott has found that magneto therapy has a much higher success rate and predictability of effectiveness than any other treatment method that he has applied over his lifetime. Almost everyone experiences some good and many show remarkable recovery. He has closely monitored and documented his cases as described in some detail in later chapters. Would instituting controlled studies prove more about the effectiveness of magneto therapy? It most likely would. All agree that such However, a great many providers refuse to participate in double-blind, controlled studies where one group of people will not be given the treatment, therefore will not be healed.
Lightwood, Medical Associate of the Department of Surgery at Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Birmingham, U.K., says his staff can not ethically use (control groups while others are being healed. He and the hospital staff have administrated hundreds of successful cases with electrotherapy ranging from the ordinary to difficult war wounds, but all patients were treated Later, in the description of his methodology, we are to be reminded of his insistence that it is time that all of the medical profession accept this therapy for its genuine effectiveness on a variety of illnesses. Anecdotal cases cited in this book involve real healing and no control group can change that. In this regard, the millions of people being treated and healed by alternatives such as holistic medicine and natural products, homeopathy, acupuncture, reflexology, biofeedback and all the rest, are not about to cease treatment because there are no control groups to prove they have been healed.
In fact, it is very difficult to be able to establish a control group of precise physical and mental equivalency as those under treatment that would allow a fair comparison. Sorting out age, sex, and the type of ailment is usually not enough to match differences in life styles, immune systems, genes, emotional well-being or general health that may influence conclusions. For more complex illnesses, longer periods of time are needed to validate results Too many of the controlled studies conducted by the FDA, for example, take place over a six-week period. This is notoriously insufficient to determine adverse side-effects, let alone long-term health, making much of drug testing inconclusive or inappropriate.
In so-called anecdotal cases, providers of magneto therapy can cite numerous cases where people have had ailments for 10 or 20 years and were completely relieved of pain and remain so.
These people had tried an endless variety of treatments, including many alternative therapies without result. The fact is they were healed by magnetic fields where nothing else worked. The point is that we should not be so scientifically pompous that individual cases or massive clinical trials cannot be treated as success simply because a control group was not used. True science cannot call the six week FDA drug tests effective either. A Mixture of Cases and Polarities In magneto therapy, relief may come immediately or may take hours, days or weeks to reduce pain inflammation or influence more serious ailments. It is difficult to believe that some patients begin to move fingers or arms more freely in a matter of minutes from arthritic-type stiffness, tennis elbow and neck or back pain.
Magnets that they place on sore points whenever they feel the need. Others tape a magnet to their backs. Strains and inflammation of many sorts are usually healed in less than half the normal time. In almost all of these cases, pain is taken away when magnetic fields are applied and pain comes immediately back when the magnetic helds are removed. This is continually reflected until the final healing process takes place which may take days or weeks. This characteristic surely discounts any placebo effect.
In the past year, a conference attended by over a thousand back and spine specialists took place in Washington, D.C., concluding that the best thing that can be done about back pain is to do nothing. In most cases, they said, the pain will go away on its own anyway. It appears that the' medical profession has given up on this one. Yet, these are the very conditions where millions of sufferers can be helped, and many are with magnetotherapy. The most interesting of cases, however, are those people who have suffered with illness for many years— where nothing has worked but are healed in a short-time by magneto therapy. Dr. Dean Bonlie, himself having suffered from arthritis since the age of 21, has verified the complete elimination of symptoms after sleeping on a negative field magnetic bed for two and one-half months.
Another individual who suffered a broken neck and crushed disk for over 20 years from an automobile accident was very skeptical, even sarcastic that anything could help after trying pills, electric shock, biofeedback, hypnosis, acupuncture, and a variety of other therapies. Nevertheless, the application of permanent magnets to the appropriate place on the body plus a magnetic bed made a difference in one day. His doctor could not believe it. The patient is in mis second year without pain and has had no need to continue his former medications.
A number of exciting cases are described in this book, but it is not the intention to enumerate hundreds of cases to impress skeptics. These fare samplings.
Impressive cases exist for cancer, PMS, heart disease, epilepsy, a variety of mental disorders, chronic fatigue syndrome, and for most kinds of ailments. If the immune system is strengthened and energy levels raised, most diseases will be attacked. But these are still anecdotal histories, even as doctors and physical therapists heal case after case in their own medical centers and the typical self-help patient does it in his home. Dr. David A. Kessler, head of the FDA, states that in life threatening cases, controlled studies for a group of sufferers in a placebo environment is not demanded. Risk/benefit is the more important criterion. People who have suffered for a number of years should not be required to more under placebo conditions. even though acceptable circumstances for controlled testing must be found to satisfy the medical community. Dr. Kessler speaks of the importance of risk/benefit for breast implants and drug treatments and other therapies. The patient must eventually control his or her own destiny and help make the assessment. Fortunately, in the case of magneto therapy, a favorable risk/benefit exists when properly administered.
Citing thousands of cases of effectiveness may not be convincing For some, famous personalities are impressive. Marvin Fernandes, leading wide receiver for the National Football League's Los Angeles Raiders, sleeps on a Nikken magnetic bed. He testifies. "I don't get tired running and running. I stay fresh, so I get and stay open. I run right past the younger guys. performance. 1 go to sleep faster...and it helps keep me at peak It's non-chemical, non-invasive...I sleep great, I'm totally rested." Some of his teammates are now using magnetic bed pads. Nikken, Japan Lite, Amentlex and certain other companies manufacture a complete series of magnetic pads and beds of various polarities. Japan Life also has a blanket with magnets so that one can experience magnetic effect from above as well as below. A number of companies and manufacturers around the world still do not recognize a difference in polarity effect or they use an incorrect designation of which is negative (north) and which is positive (south) poled. The method for designating positive and negative orientation is described in the following chapters. In many instances, athletes, decathlon competitors, weight lifters, and other energy seekers are now using magnetic devices to gain strength and endurance Thomas Hanley, Mr. Canada and World Championship qualifier of 1990, sleeps on an extra-strength magnetic bed in & negative field orientation. Body pain has been reduced 80 percent after major workouts, heart rate at post exercise did not increase, squat lifts increased by 20 percent, and leg extensions increased 46.4 percent after being on the pad for six weeks. It is significant that he had not experienced any increase in strength in this exercise in one and one-half years before using the magnetic bed.
The significance about the above two methodologies is that people are healed or their performance improved by using either the negative or positive magnetic fields. Also, some providers make magnetic beds with simultaneous positive and negative orientation. Over the years, it appears all sorts of combinations have been tried.
Certain specialists, such as the late Richard Broeringmeyer, N.D., D.C. Ph.D; Albert Muller, M.D.; and Ted Zablotsky, M.D. believe that the simultaneous positive and negative orientation is perfectly acceptable, particularly for localized application. Certain researchers, Coesta Wollen, Ph.D and Erik Enby, M.D., report important clinical success in treating cancer with the positive pole alone placed over or near the heart, but this essentially promotes the stimulation of the immune system which the positive polarity will do at least temporarily. Nevertheless, positive fields might also eventually accelerate cancer cell growth as shown by Dr. Robert 0. Becker.
Other scientists, Elizabeth Rauscher, Ph.D and William Van Bise, E-E., believe magnetic fields in general are dangerous because of the deleterious effects evidenced from electromagnetic pollution, but this has much to do with frequency rates not applicable to permanent magnets And finally, researchers and practitioners Albert Roy Davis (deceased), Harry Park, M.D., William Philpott, M.D., Tom Nellessen, Dean Bonlie, John Zimmerman, Robert Barefoot and a vast number of others agree that bio magnetic north (negative) is the polarity that should be used for treating almost all illnesses and is the safest, particularly for long-term or accumulative exposure at the higher gauss strength.
The data presented here must be digested fairly on balance, keeping in mind that further research is necessary. Human beings can experience healing and energy increases from either pole or both poles together. Bipolar magnets have been shown to function more quickly than a single pole magnet of equal strength, perhaps because of a quicker biofeedback Both poles will produce energy, the positive through stimulation, the negative from rest. After sleeping on & south pole mattress for several weeks or a few months, depending on one's constitution, the user might feel a loss of energy or even a stressful condition.
Positive oriented beds instruct people to halt use temporarily- -for a few weeks if stress develops, in order to allow the body to rebalance itself from what they believe is a state of adaptation, then resume use of the magnetic bed. However, it is important to point out that after continued use, even with a rest period, reports Dr. Philpott and Dean Bonlie, this can result in a persistent level of stress, although one may not feel it directly in pain or immediate symptoms. As serious as stress symptoms are, a strong positive pole has other problems. The positive polarity promotes the growth of all living things. Davis and Becker and others have demonstrated that the positive holds accelerate the growth of bacteria, virus, fungus, and cancer. A similar conclusion was reported in the (September 1990) Journal of the National Medical Association in reference to cultures that were exposed to both negative and positive poles. These tests showed that an increase of cancer cell proliferation occurred at the positive fields in just a few days; biomagnetic negative exhibited a markedly reduced growth compared to biomagnetic south and a control group.
Assessment of these differences may be the most controversial in the understanding of magnetotherapy In his research, Robert Becker describes the positive field as the polarity of injury which results in the release or chemicals to the damaged site and correspondingly elicits negative pulsed magnetic energy from the brain to that area. This is believed to be largely a biofeedback response. Importantly, overuse of the positive field makes it less effective because other areas of the body also regularly call for negative magnetic energy from the brain; therefore, there are limitations on its use.
Positive magnetic fields redirect energy but do not produce new energy as do themegative fields, according to both Philpott and Bonlie. The magnetic energy from the brain is distributed to the body by D.C. currents flowing through the Schwann cells that surround the nerves in the periphery of the body outside the central nervous system. Some believe that dual polarity magnets (concentric, checkerboard, magnetic foil and other configurations) will not penetrate body tissue as deeply as single poled/positive magnets of the same gauss strength, because one polarity is offsetting the other to some extent. If this is true, it would be easier for the body to accommodate long-term use of alternating polarities. body must have sufficient vital forces (D.C. current) to do so. In the treatment of severe muscle spasm, for instance, Dr. Bonlie first uses the positive field for 10 minutes to stimulate the process; then, he uses the calming negative field for 15 minutes or longer until the muscle is completely relaxed Cinical evidence supports his theory that positive exposure stimulates the biofeedback response, increasing the pulsed D.C current to the area of injury.
pulsed D.C. and its accompanying magnetic field interact with the negative magnetic field when it is next applied. The interaction of these two enhanced fields increases magnet resonance tissue. The resulting increased orbital energy of the affected electrons causes enhanced chemical activity and diffusion of gases in the tissues, speeding recovery. The use of the positive field alone to increase the biofeedback response is not as effective or as fast as the use of the two fields in the above sequence, reports Dr.Bonlie Meeting the Challenge.
Much of our health and treatment philosophies are affected by magnetic energy forces that we really don't understand. We know more about how to build atomic bombs and get to Mars than we do about the basic mysteries of life. Many alternative therapies function largely from magnetic effect. Suppose this medicine does cure many diseases or at least arrests or relieves ailments and prevents the onslaught of disease through preventative therapy then we truly have found a marvel of light. For some, it has been that very thing.
Why don't we unravel the blindness of this centuries' old medicine and undertake whatever experimentation is necessary to open or close the doors? For the benefit of society and world unwillingness to percolate resources for and development of this alternative medicine must be overcome in a free society against the odds of all opposition. We must ask and answer these questions as to whether we are dealing with real science or something else. It seems that there is common interest here for government, the medical community, providers, and patient users to be willing to find answers. Since millions of people are already making use of magneto therapy, it is paramount that they be guided in the proper direction.