Public Health Issue (MDS) Magnetic Deficiency Syndrome Phoenix Institute of Herbal Medicine & Acupuncture (PIHMA) HCR 460 Public Health and Prevention Spring 2024 Defining (MDS) Magnetic Deficiency Syndrome
Magnetic Deficiency Syndrome affects the elderly as well as children. It also affects all agesand sexes. Lack of magnetism does not differentiate between rich and poor. Everyone needsmore magnetism. Lack of magnetism may cause stress on the body. Also, increases mental disorders, headaches, arthritis, muscle pain, osteoporosis, and chronic fatigue. It’s interestinghow magnetism affects all human activity including allergies, insomnia, inflammation,circulatory problems, bowel disorders, and other degenerative problems.
With a long list ever increasing we are beginning to understand the importance of magnetism. Through the ages, lackof magnetism has taken a toll on vulnerable populations. Especially the elderly and even animals.As we age the natural bio field that surrounds humans declines because we do not supplementmagnetism accordingly. Getting healthcare can be addressed with any income or lack of. Many resources and organizations can assist. Equally, there are many resources to assist with anyhealth conditions. Our Modern world is full of resources and solutions. However, when it comesto magnetic technologies and magnetic acupuncture the art is still being developed.
One way of helping this vulnerable population is by educating them on the importance of MagneticDeficiency Syndrome. Leading them to Agencies that are starting to understand natural magneticand electrical fields. Help them find magnetic therapy. Through awareness of magnetism, we canstart to understand the Chi, Prana, and Electromagnetic fields.
Health Organizations for (MDS) Magnetic acupuncture on the meridian lines can be activated naturally without needles, somepeople are anxious and afraid of needles, but this therapy can help the patients andacupuncturists. Magnetic acupuncture can clear stagnation and magnets can be applied over long periods to further clear stagnation in organs like the liver. As acupuncturists learn to use magnetsas well as needles we will start to understand how to help vulnerable populations with Magnetic Deficiency Syndrome. Putting magnets and magnetic currents on acupuncture points canincrease health in all areas. Magnetic Deficiency Syndrome and Magnetic acupuncture are stillmaking their way into popular culture.
However, there are many companies online using magnetic technology such as (SOTA, 2024)Magnetic acupuncture is promising in assisting with Magnetic Deficiency Syndrome and couldbe the wave of the future as people become educated in the importance of magnetism. Magnetic field therapy uses different kinds of magnets on the body to help boost your overallhealth. Many patients can find relief from magnetic acupuncture. Magnetic ear acupuncture ispopular and increasing in popularity. Referring the patience will be easy however, education andexploration are still needed. Static magnetic field therapy is more popular and you can refer a patient to online sources, Company's like SOTA employ magnetic pulse technologies which arepopular in the alternative medicine arena. Patients can also wear a magnetic bracelet or othermagnetized jewelry. It could be a bandage with a magnet in it, or you may wear a magnet as a shoe insole. Patients could also sleep on a special mattress pad with a magnet in it. Electricallycharged magnetic therapy is also popular and easy to buy online.
The(electromagnetic therapy) uses the magnets with an electric charge. These mats come in all different shapes andsizes. The people of Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center (MSK) are united bya singular mission: ending cancer for life. They provide personalized, compassionate, expert careto patients of all ages. Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center is one of the world’s mostrespected comprehensive centers devoted exclusively to cancer. They have been recognized as one of the top two cancer hospitals in the country by U.S. News & World Report for morethan 30 years. They also work with Magnetism in curing diseases, as magnetism becomes morepopular. There are thousands of companies working with magnetism in many different forms, like SOTA.
Young children and pregnant women should not use magnetic field therapy because the safety ofthis therapy is not proven. People who have medical devices or implants with a magnetic field,such as a pacemaker, should not use magnet therapy, because it could interfere with thefunction of the implant. When we are working with Western Medicine there is a growing awareness and medicine that incorporates magnetism. If there is knowledge on the subject it isnot widespread. TCM incorporates magnetic seeds but Magnetic Deficiency Syndrome is still being studied as a healing modality, such as magnetic acupuncture.The difference betweenWestern medicine and TCM when dealing with Magnetism is that TCM tends to promote magnetic technologies.
Because magnetism works with TCM and the elderly, children, andanimals there is more demand for this healing modality. With that said there are some risks with magnet therapy. For example, some patients may experience dizziness, low energy,palpitation, nausea, and vomiting. Medication could already be exasperating the situation and magnets employed could open the meridians too fast. Side effects can include a decrease inblood pressure or local skin areas can become itchy, burning, and painful. When a release of stagnation occurs the patient can experience many sensations. However, magnetic acupunctureis safe and the side effects only happen in a very small percentage of the vulnerablepopulation.
Public Health Policies for (MDS) Because Electromagnetic Medicine is still controversial the WHO is involved as well as a fewother state-run organizations. There is much debate about whether magnetism is good or bad for humans. The orthodox medical community does not shed a good light on Electromagnetic energyand the Holistic community is not up to par with the establishment yet. However, breakthroughsare happening around the world including Harvard, Princeton, MIT, and other prestigiousinstitutions.
Concerns have been expressed about low-frequency (ELF) magnetic fields at power frequencies(50/60 Hz) that could lead to cancer in children. Radio frequency (RF) fields radio and TVtransmission, telecommunications, mobile telephones, and industry for heating and sealingmaterials all contribute to electromagnetic pollution. As we move into the future we willstart to understand the difference between harmful EMFs and (MFDS). For instance, tones andfrequencies that are part of the Fibonacci sequence can heal and can be healthy for humanity, children & animals. Calming and soothing to the mind, and in many cases can heal disease.EMF in their dangerous scientific perceptions is a state health issue, in some cases, it is anational health issue when it concerns large power plants and others. Exposure to large levels of high-frequency EMFs is known to damage human DNA and cells. But it's very unlikely thatyou'll be exposed to levels high enough to endanger your health in your daily life.
Introducing magnetism can be healthy in small doses just like all medicine, it requires a certain amount ofunderstanding. With more awareness, we can see that magnetism is being introduced into theschool systems properly. This will be a state and local issue. What we need to understand about EMF is that Low-frequency magnetic fields induce circulating currents within the human body.The strength of these currents depends on the intensity of the outside magnetic field. When we address Magnetic Field Deficiency Syndrome, we are addressing the fact that the humanbody needs magnetism. Nakagawa's classic study, Magnetic Deficiency Syndrome, he outlinedthat lack of magnetism may cause stress, mental disorders, headaches, arthritis, muscle pain, osteoporosis, chronic fatigue, allergies, insomnia, inflammation, circulatory problems, boweldisorders, and other degenerative problems afflicting people. So how can we and the public healthorganizations understand the beneficial and the harmful effects of magnetism? The answer ismore clinical studies in Universities and other establishments.
As we strengthen our body’snatural magnetic force and energy flow with meditation or yoga, a healthy diet, getting enough sleep, and exercising regularly, and finally with the use of magnetic therapy we can start tounderstand how magnetism fuels the body. Magnetic Deficiency Syndrome is still being studied.For this reason insurance may not cover magnetic therapy. However, there are more companies on their way to understanding the new science and there are health policies that do cover MDS like United Healthcare policy. Some insurance covers TMS Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Therapy for Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) and Treatment Resistant Depression(TRD). It’s important to note that insurance coverage for TMS Therapy can vary widely depending on the insurance plan and provider.When we are dealing with magnetism there is still much confusion about what kind of therapym there is available and what health insurance policy covers it. There are several factors we need toconsider to determine whether a magnetic treatment will be covered by an insurance carrier. These factors include treatment that fall within the covered treatments of the insuranceplan. Second, the treatment provider must be in-network. Thirdly , the treatment must be deemedmedically necessary.
Magnetic therapy has been used to treat different types of pain, such as arthritis or headaches, for hundreds of years. Magnetic therapy devices are marketed widely, and they are most commonlyused for pain, inflammatory conditions, and wound healing. There are some health sectors whereneodymium magnets are incorporated in medical devices for example in magnetic resonanceimaging devices to diagnose and treat chronic pain syndrome, arthritis, wound healing, insomnia, headache, and several other diseases due to their ability to generate a static magnetic field. Insurance coverage for MDS Therapy is still evolving. However there are some health policies that incorporate magnetic sciences. For instance, United Healthcare’s policy for Magnetic therapyis available.
I chose this health policy because United Healthcare (UHC) does indeed provide coverage for MDS therapy for individuals diagnosed with Major Depressive Disorder(MDD), including cases of Treatment Resistant Depression (TRD), when certain conditions aremet. Previously, patients had to have a history of four medication failures in two different classes and prior talk therapy to qualify for coverage. However, as of October 2022, United Healthcarenow only requires a history of two medications. As spoken before there are many new scientific magnetic modalities available. New technologies like TMS that address MDS (Magneticdeficiency syndrome.) The first step in any magnetic therapy treatment journey is consultation. When considering MDSMagnetic deficiency syndrome there are a lot of healing modalities.
The opportunity for patients to ask questions about the treatment and their insurance coverage is ever increasing. During theMDS consultation, a medical practitioner will gather information to perform an insurance benefits investigation. This process involves directly contacting the insurance carrier to reviewmental health benefits and other.
Most insurance plans require the submission of prior authorization to receive coverage for MDS treatment. Prior authorization is a detailed report thatsupports the treatment as medically necessary. For insurance companies to authorize coverage for MDS Therapy, they require proof of medical necessity. Medical necessity means that aspecific treatment is clinically necessary based on the patient’s diagnosis andsymptoms.Determining the cost of MDS therapy can be tricky and requires a case-by-casereview due to the wide variation in insurance plan terms and coverage. Even after receiving insurance approval, patients should expect some troubleshooting as these arefairly new healing modalities.
Resources for MDS There are many resources available however, most resources are self employed. For instancebuying magnets and taping them on the skin. The three main sources to produce a magnetic field are: Electromagnet, permanent magnet, current-carrying conductor. A core of ferromagnetic material like iron serves to increase the magnetic field created. Understanding Magnetic Field Deficiency Syndrome (MFDS) Pemf companies can be sought after as well. You can now go to your Doctor and have prescriptions for bio medical or magnetic cranium therapy. Further,National Center for Complementary and integrative Health says research suggests thatelectromagnetic field therapy can relieve pain. In general magnetism is known to improve conditions of various musculoskeletal pain conditions and osteoarthritis. Qmagnet company use the latest advancements in magnetic therapy, helping physiotherapists, acupuncturists andmassage therapists heal their patients.
Also, Bio-magnetic Adjustment Company uses bio-magnetics using proper magnetic fields toheal the body. Magnetism is employed by these companies so that cells can attain normal highenergy, helping with the body's functions. The North Pole creates a negative ion state or what is observed as a counter-clockwise electron spin. With new awareness in these magnetic sciences we come to understand that magnetism is not a pseudo-science and has been here for thousands of years. Resources are global, national and local.The resources for Magnetic field Deficiencyare growing. There are many companies creating products to bring the healing energy of magnets and magnetism to the forefront. I think these are good resources because you cango to your local Ace hardware store and buy magnets. You can also get magnets online, go to companies that have magnets in their products and get magnetic therapy at the Doctorsoffice.The human body is essentially a large electromagnetic field that operates under the influence of electrically charged ions. The nervoussystem is in part controlled by changing patterns of ions and of electromagnetic fields. Note for MFDS in homes for environmental purposes; Magnetic Field Deficiency Syndrome(MFDS, 2024) which indicated the decline of Earth’s magnetic field caused people to suffersymptoms such as fatigue, insomnia, generalized aches and pains, etc. An industry creatingmagnetic devices for homes is being explored.
Magnetic Deficiency Syndrome is not well understood and for this reason it is highlyunderestimated. Now they know that when the electromagnetic energy of a cell is gone the celldies. This is very important to understand. When integrating Magnetism in a therapy we can usemagnetic acupuncture which is slowly gaining popularity. The use of low-level magnets isgaining popularity as well. They work as an excellent at-home therapy to stimulate acupuncture points and can be left in place up several days and even weeks. In a clinical setting,high-level (10,000 gaus) magnets can be left in place for up to 45 minutes to replace the use ofneedles. Magnet therapy has been utilized in treating pain associated with arthritis. However, magnets also work with wound healing, insomnia, headaches and fibromyalgia. While magnetictherapy is safe, there are some side effects to magnet therapy which may include nausea anddizziness.
TCM Diagnoses for MDS A possible diagnosis of the EMD is that the public in general does not have proper magneticcenter for sustainable cell stimulation. Magnetic therapy with acupuncture would be a available in the TCM. This public health issue that is EMD would treat many disorders by putting magnetson acupuncture points for a long extended time. Further, needles can have toxic affects overtime, leaving micro deposits of tin and other metal lloyds over a 20 year period. Magnetictherapy does not pierce the skin there is no danger of being contaminated with blood born pathogens. Furthermore, magnetic acupuncture can be left for long periods of time without sideaffects.With this method, a magnet is placed in the same section of your body that anacupuncturist would focus on during an acupuncture session in an attempt to clear your energy pathways or channels. Acu-magnet therapy as stimulation of an acupuncture point with a staticmagnetic field generated by a permanent magnet. Electromagnetic therapy for musculoskeletalpain conditions reported that electromagnetic therapy reduces pain and improves function inpeople with different musculoskeletal diseases, including knee osteoarthritis. Shoulder impingement Scientists have specifically studied its use for Arthritis pain. Also, wound healingand insomnia. Bio-magnetic therapy is reported to lessen the discomfort arising from a variety ofdegenerative joint conditions. Osteoarthritis, joint and tendon injury and many chronic painsyndromes have been cured by Magnetic fields. That may have the ability to stimulate chondrocyte proliferation, increase the synthesis of proteoglycans and support magnetic therapywhen used for knees.
Conclusion MDS Magnetic Deficiency Syndrome is still being explored. Everyday we are understandinghow magnetism affects us. When understanding TCM and MDS we understand that magnetictherapy applied on acupuncture points static or not is therapeutic. However, bio magnetic therapyis now being researched for possible spinal and limb regeneration, even the regrowth oflimbs using stem cells and AI. Further, the western world does not understand magnetic diets but there is evidence that Taoist and Eastern countries ate real food such as an apple to increase thenorth and south pole electrons. It ispossible that “An apple a day keeps the doctor away” comes from deep theology in medicine.The energy in real live food outweighs the benefits of dead processed food. Possible injection ofpositive and negative ions that are in the bio-field of the live fruits.There are really no lifestyle modifications. Magnetic therapy is safe and increases health lifestyle modalities.
We arediscovering negative ions have some anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal, and anti-bacterialproperties. It’s possible that lifestyle modifications could include the increase of lifespanwith this form of hygiene.
Electromagnetic fields project (2005, MAY 23) World Health Organization