Ongoing Acusuit Journal: Thymus Regeneration 2023 To preserve immunological defense system that fights invasion from the outside and subversion from within. Exploration on Thymus Gland Activation and Regeneration through Magnetic Hydrogen, Silver colloid, Gold Colloid, Frequency. 600- 720Hz Golden Mean, Fibonacci Sequence, Tesla 369, White Blood Cell T-cell Activation.
Research on the immune defenses: That pinkish-gray two-lobed organ called the thymus gland. Mysteriously, the thymus begins its own decline when many organs are still growing. Possible life extension hides in the magical and mysterious thymus gland. How do we activate the thymus, how do we protect it? How do we preserve this organ?If we do are we capable of extreme life extension.
The early decline of the thymus leads to an inexorable chain of events that weakens the defenses of the aging human body. Basically, we don’t understand the thymus. We take it for granted as we do everything else. We don’t know how to care for the endocrine system. Is it a key event in aging itself? And, if so, might replacement of some of the gland's products slow the process? How can we regenerate the thymus naturally, in a non invasive way? Acusuit Extension Tech might lead the way to some crucial questions. The gland, located high in the chest, is an essential component of the immune system, but it reaches greatest size at sexual maturity, about the age of 14, and begins to lose bulk and diminish in function long before the body's overall immunological processes become noticeably weakened. Why does the thymus decline? Are we eating the right foods? Are we addressing the proper nourishment of the gland? Do we we even care?
The immune system
The immune system has many vital functions. One of its components generates the antibodies and other protectors that defend against infections. Another acts like a cellular sentry, challenging all comers to distinguish friend from foe. In the body's terms, anything the immune system recognizes as ''self'' is friend. Anything foreign or abnormal, such as a malarial parasite or a cancer cell, is likely to be recognized as foe. As a person ages, the defenses against infection become less vigorous and the immune system grows more and more likely to mistake friend for foe and attack the body's own cells and tissues. The body is like a computer. It has some vital principles of survival, but what are we dealing with when the body starts to attack itself. Uh! This is such a hard situation for everyone. Not only is the world fighting, not only are spouses and children fighting, but now we understand the body is fighting. What is it fighting for? I think the body is negative ion deprived and the other cells start to scavenge the other cells for negative ions. It could be that the cascade of destruction could be cured with an excess of negative ions. I’m putting the negative ions, magnets, silver coins, watch batteries and tape on my thymus in a triangle pattern. I’ve been working on pituitary, Thyroid, thymus, and adrenal glands. I put the mags on at night and I feel I am regulating the endocrine system. Now at 48 that hormone hell kicks in for women. But wait, as I’m putting the mags on at night and it seems to be working. Something is going on. Of course the cascade is something to be-wonder… A few minutes after I put the magnets on my thyroid, with silver coins I could taste a mild metallic element. But I also felt super horny. Like the thyroid decreased inflamation emediatly, extreting a buffet of hormones into the body and my body reacted. What does extreme care on glands look like? We don’t know, because we don’t understand how vital hormone are. These spark plugs of the body activate or they don’t. Can we activate all hormone by activating one gland? The answer is yes.
This mistaken attack on ''self''
What the body is attacking itself? How sad….can we stop this? Can we learn how to correct this? Uh! I thought the body would take care of me, of everyone, but alas the car is broken down car. If I’m correct in my assessment with all the work Ive done with negative ions and acupuncture points I have been able to reverse just about every disease known to man. With a few exceptions: I cannot cure people who want to drink, I can’t cure people who want to smoke, I cannot cure people who have a death wish. It’s hard to calculate peoples grief, denial and self harm. But I do work on myself and these things I know- I have reveresed autoimmune disease many times. Once when I was putting south side of the magnet on for 3 years. Almost killed myself. Then in times of high stress: Covid, school, relationships with narcisists, etc. Basically, dealing with assholes is stress enough. But everytime I cured myself. Silver Ions, Negative ions, Hydrogen ions, Oxygen ions, Gold ions, Acupuncture, Ozone, walking, good sleep, good water, good relationships, meditation, tai chi, good vitamins and minerals and were off supplying the body with what it needs. Getting rid of a family genetic disorder “dowagers hump” putting the mags on the back of the neck connecting to the spine. In a triangle shape these mags decrease inflammation of the muscle I can do it about three days. Then the bone is different it takes a few weeks for the bone to recombine to make a smore streamline back. This is not corrected by sleeping on a roll or back stretches or yoga. Dowagers hump is a deep pathology. Thyroid, calcitonin, osteoporosis, osteoblasts, osteoclasts have a lot to do with it. But it’s curing the deep with deep medicine. Magnetic negative ions non invasive surgery.
Autoimmune diseases
Curing autoimmune disease would be revolutionary. But are we ready to do it. So many assholes running the medical military, who knows. But maybe we can do it if we are ready to venture into our true inheritance. Medical AI is here and we are only falling behind the times if we don’t act now. We have to move into magnetism, it’s inevitable. But God I am so going to enjoy the pharm going down in flames. To bad it’s taken so long.
Rheumatoid arthritis is common, some specialists suspect autoimmune processes are important factors in much of heart disease. Weakening of the immune system's surv eillance against abnormal cells has been blamed for a rise in cancer risk with increasing age. That is we all know that autoimmune diseases attack just about every cell in the body including the heart. The thymus is a target of research for me because I can sense their is a hidden treasure here. The thymus is an important and complex function in the immune system. It processes a broad category of immunologically active white blood cells, called Tcells or T-lymphocytes because they pass through the thymus and are modified there before coming to maturity. The Tcells are in school learning how to be big adults that go into the world and kick ass. I think that if we unlock the secrets of the thymus we can unlock further exploration into life extension technology.
T cells serve in a complex array of roles - killing invaders, enhancing some immune functions while suppressing others, helping antibody-producing cells recognize antibody targets. The thymus also makes at least four different hormones that have been discovered and purified in recent years. Learning about the thymus in med school is cool. But it’s still dogmatic and difficult for me. I see the limitations of the knowledge. I see the ignorance, and it does piss me off I have to say. Grandpa used to say “Don’t fight with pigs, you get dirty and it annoys the pig.” So there it is, I have to just play nice and learn everything so I know how to counteract it. I did this with psychology. You have to learn the weapon of the enemy. The enemy being IGNORANCE. The established orthodox medical community says that the body does not regenerate. I feel like a heritic, these people are looking for a witch to burn. I’m like, yea…been there done that. By the age of 50, despite its importance to the immune defenses, only about 15 percent of the thymus remains. 15 percent? Jesus fucking christ… No wonder we die. But wait, with proper nourishment, with proper negative ions, with proper guidance it looks like that 15 percent can move back into 30, 40, 50 percent then back into a 100% Impossible! LOL~ No, just decalcifying the thymus is energy enough to fuel another 20 years.
Dr. Marc E. Weksler of Cornell University Medical College, research of many kinds shows that the shrunken thymus is greatly diminished in function. Duh! But what about regeneration? I think we underestimate the chi and the electromagnetic aspect of the body because we can’t see it. But what if the true blueprint is the electrodes of the acupuncture meridian lines. Are their hidden instructions for the bodies regeneration? The answer is yes. Just like someone can feel a limb even after it’s been removed. So can the guiding principle of the chi, electromagnetic blue print regrow tissue and regenerat the body. But we have no idea. We don’t undersannd the chi, we underestimate it. Big mistake. Supplements of thymic hormones to replace or reinforce at least some of the gland's important functions is important. With the support of the National Institute on Aging, Dr. Raymond Hiramoto of the University of Alabama medical school is giving the thymic hormones to animals to see what effect such s upplements might have. But no answers are yet available. Why? And what is really going on with killing a trillion mice and rats for medical purposes. Uh, I feel like I’m living in a world of zombies. I’m putting collogens, silver colloids, gold colloids, mineral and vitamin enforcements and magnetic negative ions on my thyroid. Guess what? It’s regenerating quite nicely, it’s easy. But ok…let’s kill another trillion mice. Dr. Roy L. Walford of the University of California at Los Angeles has championed for more than a decade the idea that immunology is a key to the aging process. He notes that there is ample evidence that the immune system does decline with age. His work and that of others shows possible links between immunology and other current theories to account for the seemingly inevitable process of growing old.
Wow. Accolades for Dr. Roy.
Gradual loss of the cells' ability to repair damage to DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid)
The master chemical of heredity. This DNA thing~ I love the caduceus yin yang theory. We don’t understand it yet, so were looking at the millions and trillions of cells. Amino acids in the DNA and on and on. We don’t understand we are electromagnetic in nature and so is our DNA. Another theory blames the process on a buildup of damaging chemicals called free radicals, produced during the body's continual use of oxygen. Free radicals are unpaired electrons. So ok, if we know this and we keep on this newtonian physics route doens’t this make us super stupid, super dumb or super evil? I think ultimate evil is ultimate ignorance. That is we just don’t know… But wait, what if it’s true. What if it’s that simple- regeneration through the eradication of free radicals. According to Dr. Walford, the genes governing DNA repair and the chemicals that act as scavengers to remove free radicals all prove to be linked with a gene group called the major histocompatibility complex. Yes, chemicals I understand. We need them in order to have a body. The chemical factory that the body is. But were just trying to get rid of free radicals.
The Thymus Thump
For years I practiced the thymus thump. It works, because it shakes up the thymus. Just like when you walk or run. It shakes up the body to activate healing, getting rid of the stagnation. But circulating the energy with negative ions…this is something I’m working on right now. I can say I wake up alittle groggy. A little spun…and then, I feel like my adrenal glands are better, my pituitary is better, my thymus is better…like the cortisol levels are dropping. It’s low cortisol levels I’m interested in. But the thymus activation is doing something way cool- It’s activating everything, while decreasing stress levels. Something there for sure.
In recent years some experts have estimated that the maximum human life span is roughly 85 years, give or take a few years. In fact, despite claims that people have lived to be 150 or more, the longest thoroughly authenticated human lifetime was that of a Japanese who lived to be 114, according to that country's public health records. In China the oldest man to live was 240 years old. A taoist, who lived in the forest and ate a strict vegetarian diet with 10% protein on top for flavor. He practiced a method of walking called “Turtle Walking” that was he was picking up what? Negative ions. A century later Dr. Walford suggested as one among several possibilities that the shrinking of the thymus gland might be a key to the aging process and I have to agree with him. But we don’t understand how to regenerate tissue let alone glands. We only have enough knowledge to make lungs and hearts out of nano-pigskin. GROSS. Leave it up to men to find a cure…. NO THANK YOU. Yet, not everyone is a practicing taoism, and not everyone is interested in eating well or reading or laying off the addictions. So many including drama addiction…that’s a cortisol waste of time. Dr. Schneider, associate director for biomedical research and clinical medicine of the National Institute on Aging, is not entirely convinced that humans have an immutable, finite life span. In fact, he said, it may be that the human life span is being increased now, through improvements in public health, nutrition, sanitation and some of the other beneficial attributes of modern society.
When we find out that most aging in the body is due to yang excess we will be shocked at our stupidity. These asians figured it out thousands of years ago. We are so arrogant it makes my head spin. Why can’t we believe the asian country man? Were prejudice that’s why…where arrogant…were white…were entitled.
I’m a white Mexican studying Asian arts. Go figure.
Some scientists today debate whether the weakening of the immune system is the main underlying cause of aging, or just one of many complex factors involved, or simply an important contributor to the diseases that often impair life for the aging person.
If we strenthen the immune system through the decalicfication of the thymus gland And liberate the Tcell factory to protect the body can we expect life extension?
I believe the answer is yes.
Immune System Decline It has been known for years that the lens of the eye loses water and becomes more rigid with age. For that reason many middle-aged and elderly people need corrective glasses. If we apply, these negative ions to soften the area around the eyes as I have done for many years bringing a wetting affect and correcting my eye sight then this wetting affect on the thymus gland can increases immune response as we age. Now it may take alot more than that in essence we have to look at all the medicine available to us.
But isn’t it interesting that the thymus can make or break us? As we are focused on organ transplants, meds and nutrition. I’m going to focus on softening the thymus gland and see what it does. I’m in the early stages of this and of course I’m not the only one. But it is interesting how a womans touch can shif the medical industry. That negative ion that gets rid of free radicals…
What will we find out? I for one am interested in this tech and will be writing mor about it. Stimulating the thymus for years? What would be the consequences? The benefits? immunological decline is only one among many related factors that make up the process of aging. Thorough understanding of the immune system we may make it possible to deal more effectively with the diseases that come in later years. The decline of the thymus can be linked with many of the deficiencies of the immune system that as a person ages. Many of the changes of aging are difficult to explain through immunology alone. Ear and nose size increase slightly because of increasing amounts of cartilage, but that height decreases at the rate of threesixteenths of an inch every five years in men during their 50's and 60's. We basically shrink. So we have to regulate the hormones in order to understand longevity. The organs play a part, nourishment, amino acids, vitamins, minerals, but so do the glands. All of this testifies to the complexity of the process of aging.
''I personally think that aging is not due to any single mechanism, with that said, the thymus could enhance biologica longevity through the enhancement of immune system alone. Thymus Tcell regulation just might be the secret key were all looking for.” MGW
Can’t sleepLast night I could not sleep. Uh! So awful, I usually sleep like a baby. I crave my sleep, I’m happy when I sleep. One of my anatomy classes are at night and it bugs me. I’m usually in bed by 8. I know I am so not a night owl. I love my mornings to much. So wondering what was going on I realized it may be the magent I’m putting on my thymus. I definitely feel better this morning like a rush of T-cells are doing their job. Feels great, but why did I have an onrush of energy. Well The thymus produces several hormones. Most notably, it produces thymosin which stimulates T cell production. When T cells mature within the thymus, they are not capable of fighting viruses, bacteria, and foreign antigens. After the T cells leave the thymus, thymosin ensures they undergo complete maturation. This makes them capable of performing their duties as part of the immune system and protecting the body from harm.
Thymosin and other thymic hormones inhibit aging. Some of these effects involve helping preserve learning and memory capacity as people age.The thymus also makes hormones that are similar to the hormones other glands in the body produce. They include: Melatonin, Insulin, Growth hormone and prolactin. So there you go… a sleep-regulating hormone that comes from the thymus? So I guess there is a price to pay for cleaning up your immune system. It’s called ENERGY… Go figure. Night, night.